by T.A. Foster
November 2014
by T.A. Foster
November 2014
I was getting ready to spend the single most important holiday of the year alone. Completely and utterly alone.
That meant he wouldn't be there Christmas Eve. No making Christmas cookies, or listening to my dad sing off-key while my mom bustled around wrapping last-minute gifts. No decorating the tree. No midnight Christmas kiss. No waking up in Grey's arms. We were actually going to spend our very first Christmas in different states.
That was until Grey gave me the most unexpected gift of my life.
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What I thought about A Very Grey Christmas
I'm a big fan of this series and I was very excited to read this Christmas novella. Eden returns home to North Carolina to spend the holidays with her parents. Unable to convince him to come with her, Grey stays behind in Texas, leaving Eden upset and sad.
But with a little help from the holiday spirit and some help from her parents, Eden gets a Christmas present that doesn't disappoint. I really liked how T.A. Foster reveals this -- with the reader seeing it coming before Eden figures it out. It made that moment all the more romantic to me. Grey definitely won my heart for good with that move.
And there's more surprises to come by the end of the novella, too!
Although Eden whines a lot at the beginning of this and it got on my nerves a bit, I really enjoyed this holiday story. Eden's parents were great, and I loved how they handled having their adult daughter home for the holiday.
Fans of this series should not miss this, and if you haven't read this series, it's a sweet love story between these two, so start at the beginning and read all three.
ARC provided for review.
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Previous books in the series.
Purchase KISSING EDEN from...
Amazon: http://amzn.to/1hCXkkv
B&N: http://bit.ly/NKhAGi
Smashworks: http://bit.ly/1dcvQB5
iTunes: http://bit.ly/Y9509p
Purchase LOVING EDEN from...
Amazon Link: http://amzn.to/1rn2neO
B&N Link: http://bit.ly/1spvrF2
Smashwords: http://bit.ly/1un5YvK
iTunes: http://bit.ly/Ye46rB
Amazon Link: http://amzn.to/1rn2neO
B&N Link: http://bit.ly/1spvrF2
Smashwords: http://bit.ly/1un5YvK
iTunes: http://bit.ly/Ye46rB
Author Information
T.A. has an undergraduate degree in Journalism and Mass Communication from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and a graduate degree in Educational Psychology from Texas A&M University. When she’s not chasing her two-legged and four-legged children or trying to escape for date night, you can find her reading, writing, or planning her next beach trip.
Author Links:
Author Goodreads: http://www.goodreads.com/author/show/7164289.T_A_Foster
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