Wednesday, January 31, 2018

5 Star Review & Giveaway: Escape (Getaway Series #3) by Jay Crownover


New York Times and USA Today Bestselling Author Jay Crownover returns with the third standalone title in her Getaway series, ESCAPE. Check out the review below, and pick up your copy today!


Everything inside of him is screaming that he needs to run, he needs to go, he needs to escape.

Lane Warner is used to being overshadowed and overlooked.

After all, he’s the youngest brother and the most laid back one in the family. He’s the one known for going with the flow and not making waves, even when things seem to be at their worst.

Very few things in life have had the ability to rile Lane up and get under his skin. At the top of that list is his childhood friend Brynn Fox…no…Brynn Warner. The fact that they share a last name was the one thing that has the power to light him up and spin him out of control like no other. There was no calm, cool and collected when it comes to all the reasons why Brynn had to become part of his family.

It’s slowly killing him to keep wanting what he can’t have, so Lane sees only one way to stop himself from doing something they’ll both regret…he has to leave.

Everything inside of her is calling out to find him, to follow, to bring him home.

Brynn Warner is used to being stuck between a rock and a hard place.

After all, she’s the daughter of an unrepentant gold-digger who never once blinked at being the cause of her daughter’s pain and suffering.

Very few things in her life have ever brought happiness and a sense of security. At the very top of that list is Lane Warner. She has unwaveringly loved the youngest Warner since the first minute she laid eyes on him. He was everything Brynn ever wanted and everything she knew she could never have.

Sometimes the right choice is the one that hurts the most and Brynn’s had to make a few that felt like they might be the end of her.

When Lane takes off, one thing is clear, the only choice Brynn has is to go after him.

She’s going to bring her wayward cowboy home….whatever it takes.

Escape is a standalone novel, the third book in the Getaway series, which features the hardheaded and brokenhearted Warner brothers and the women who dare to love them. These boys are very good at putting the wild in wilderness.

 Order your copy today!

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For the first time in days, it felt like my world was set back to rights.
Everything was crooked and off center the minute Lane walked out of the house in Wyoming and disappeared. I couldn’t think straight. Every step I took was wobbly and unsteady. From the moment I opened my eyes, to the second I fell into a fitful sleep at night, it was like I saw things through a grainy black and white filter. There was no color in any of my days when Lane was gone. There was no joy or light. There was only a massive void where I knew I should be able to feel my heart hurting and my soul suffering, the way they always did when it came to the youngest Warner, but when he left there was nothing.
I thought I knew what it felt like to have everything inside of me freeze and shatter. When word came that Lane had been shot while trying to protect his niece from a madman hell-bent on destroying everything that was important to Sutton, I was sure I would never be able to breathe or feel again. That icy pain, that frigid fear had nothing on the numbness that followed when Lane walked out the door seconds after Jack dropped to his knee. At that moment, I knew I was supposed to focus on the man asking me to share his life with him, the one who wanted me for me, and not because he was driven by some chivalrous need to save me from my messed up family and tumultuous home life.
But I hadn’t been focused on Jack. All I could see was the resignation and regret flashing through Lane’s pale blue eyes. We were both reliving the moment another man had asked me to marry him. Only that time, Lane hadn’t been able to escape the outcome. He’d been reminded of it for years, every waking moment when I’d technically held the title of his stepmom. I was something neither one of us could get away from no matter how hard we tried. It was amazing how much one little yes could change everything.
Now that he was standing in front of me, looking much thinner and more haggard than he had even when he came home from the hospital, I finally felt like I could inhale again. Everything that was fuzzy and blurred around the edges pulled back into sharp focus. I could look at the sky behind his tousled head and see that it was the same stormy blue as his eyes. I could also focus on the lines of tension and stress radiating out of the corners of those eyes and the bruised, dark hollows underneath them. Without him, nothing felt like it mattered. There was no home. There was no peace of mind. There was no safety and security.
When he was close, the littlest things felt hugely important and essential. The twitch of his lips into a wry grin spread warmth that chased away the emptiness for the first time in what felt like forever. The heat radiating off of his long, lean body made my heart kick back to life. When his arms wrapped around me for a seriously overdue hug, I finally felt alive. Finally felt something other than the echoing loneliness and hollowness that consumed me the minute he turned his back on me. Even with Daye trapped between us, I still felt a tingle at every single spot where his body touched mine.
“It’s so good to see you.” I meant it with every fiber of my being. Looking at him, even as worn and as drawn as he appeared, settled something deep inside of me.

What I thought about Escape

Oh Lane!  I love this series and eagerly anticipated this last book in the series.  Lane has been lovesick from the very first book -- in love with his father's wife who happens to be the same age as Lane.  There's a sad story there, especially for Lane but also for Brynn.  Sometimes you just have to do what you must to protect yourself, and that's what Brynn did.  

Brynn has been in love with Lane from the start but circumstances and lack of communication between them have kept them apart.  When Brynn's boyfriend proposes to her, Lane just can't take anymore and leaves the ranch. He's got some things to work out in his own head, and he goes to visit his brother in California.  It isn't long before Brynn comes looking for him.

Things are tense for a while between them, but clarity starts setting in as they talk it through. Both Lane and Brynn realize what they have between them and they aren't going to squander their second chance.  Their happy moments are interrupted when they rescue a young boy on their trip back to Wyoming,  both Lane and Brynn feel the need to help.  One of the things I love about this series is the suspense and Escape does not disappoint.

I loved how Escape wrapped up the series, even though it does leave the reader with a bit of a cliff hanger for one of the secondary characters!  I hope that means there will be more stories coming from this world.

This is a great romantic suspense series. I loved every book in it and it is probably my second favorite Jay Crownover series.

An ARC was provided for review.  


And don’t miss the first two standalone novels in the Getaway series, RETREAT and SHELTER. 

RETREAT is on sale for just $.99! 

Grab your copy today!

 ✦ RETREAT on Amazon ➜ 

 ✦ RETREAT on Other Retailers


  ✦SHELTER on Amazon

  ✦SHELTER on Other Retailers

Jay Crownover’s ESCAPE Review Blitz:
January 29th
January 31st
February 1st

 About Jay Crownover:

Jay Crownover is the international and multiple New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of the Marked Men Series, The Saints of Denver Series, the Point Series, the Breaking Point Series, and the Getaway Series. Her books can be found translated in many different languages all around the world. She is a tattooed, crazy haired Colorado native who lives at the base of the Rockies with her awesome dogs. This is where she can frequently be found enjoying a cold beer and Taco Tuesdays. Jay is a self-declared music snob and outspoken book lover who is always looking for her next adventure, between the pages and on the road.

Website | Facebook | Twitter | Goodreads


Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Release Day Review:Zero Hour (Wired & Dangerous #1) by Megan Erickson

The Fast and the Furious meets Mr. Robot in USA Today bestselling author Megan Erickson’s sexy new romantic suspense series. 

Hacker extraordinaire Roarke Brennan lives each hour—each breath—to avenge his brother’s murder. His first move: put together a team of the best coders he knows. They’re all brilliant, specialized, and every one an epic pain in his ass. Only now Wren Lee wants in too, threatening to upset their delicate balance. The girl Roarke never allowed himself to want is all grown up with sexy confidence and a dark past … and she’s the wild card he can’t control.

Roarke might still think she’s a kid, but Wren’s been to hell and back. Nothing and nobody can stop her—especially the tatted-up, cocky-as-all-hell hacker. But when years of longing and chemistry collide, Wren and Roarke discover that revenge may be a dish best served blazing hot.

"Zero Hour was the Ocean’s Eleven/Mr. Robot mashup I didn’t know I needed in my life and I WANT MORE! Adrenaline-fueled, sexy and tender all at once, Zero Hour is the amazing start to an thrilling new series. Highly recommend!" -- Molly O’Keefe, USA Today Bestselling Author

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What I thought about Zero Hour

So... Zero Hour. I've been intrigued by this book when it was first announced mostly because of the hacker angle and how that would be portrayed. On that front, Megan Erickson does a great job of keeping it real, accurate and understandable, which I greatly appreciated in this story.

Roarke is out for revenge after his brother is murdered.  He's got a team of hackers that are helping him achieve his goal.  When his best friend's sister Wren wants in on the action, he takes the protective stance and tells her no.  What a mistake!  In spite of an attraction between Roarke and Wren that predates their current activities, Roarke doesn't really know Wren's abilities and she's a master at the game as much as he is. 

For most of this book I thought Roarke was basically a mess.  He's focused on revenge, he's got some serious anger issues, and he just doesn't seem to be able to hold his mud in most cases. He's a hard man to like.  Wren on the other hand is fiesty and doesn't take no for an answer and is usually mad at Roarke for something stupid he's said.  

I did have a bit of a tough time getting into this book. I had a hard time liking these characters, especially Roarke.  It started to click for me when Erick, Wren's brother and Roark's best friend divulges exactly why he wants revenge too.  That was a super touching scene and it pulled me into this book emotionally. It had me turning the pages until the end.

The final scenes of the book are full of action which I absolutely appreciated. I loved how the hacking team banded together and became more than just hackers behind a computer screen. There are some serious skills on this team and I'm eager to learn more.

So, overall, a good effort to start and I'm looking forward to more in this series. 

An ARC was provided for review. 


Megan Erickson is a USA Today bestselling author of romance that sizzles. Her books have a touch of nerd, a dash of humor, and always have a happily ever after. A former journalist, she switched to fiction when she decided she likes writing her own endings better.

She lives in Pennsylvania with her very own nerdy husband and two kids. Although rather fun-sized, she's been told she has a full-sized personality. When Megan isn't writing, she's either lounging with her two cats named after John Hughes characters or… thinking about writing.





Release Day Blitz, Excerpt, Review & Giveaway:Say You'll Remember Me by Katie McGarry


From critically acclaimed author Katie McGarry, comes SAY YOU’LL REMEMBER ME—a story of two people from different worlds pushing themselves, and each other, to get what they deserve! 

SAY YOU’LL REMEMBER ME is now available at all fine book retailers. Grab your copy today!


“Doesn’t matter who did it. Not anymore. I did the time. It’s over.”

When Drix was convicted of a crime–one he didn’t commit–he thought his life was over. But opportunity came with the Second Chance Program, the governor’s newest pet project to get delinquents off the streets, rehabilitated and back into society. Drix knows this is his chance to get his life back on track, even if it means being paraded in front of reporters for a while.

Elle knows she lives a life of privilege. As the governor’s daughter, she can open doors with her name alone. But the expectations and pressure to be someone she isn’t may be too much to handle. She wants to follow her own path, whatever that means.

When Drix and Elle meet, their connection is immediate, but so are their problems. Drix is not the type of boy Elle’s parents have in mind for her, and Elle is not the kind of girl who can understand Drix’s messy life.

But sometimes love can breach all barriers.

Fighting against a society that can’t imagine them together, Drix and Elle must push themselves–Drix to confront the truth of the robbery, and Elle to assert her independence–and each other to finally get what they deserve.

  Grab your copy of SAY YOU’LL REMEMBER ME here!

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Add it to your Goodreads Now!

Read my review!

“Everyone says you have a blank slate.” My brother Axle sits beside me on the ground, arms resting on his bent knees, and he stares at the bonfire I built with my own two hands with only flint and sticks. It’s one of the many tricks I learned over the last three months. That and how to survive on my own in the middle of nowhere.
Trees and bears I can handle. It’s not knowing who I can trust, now that I’m home, that’s the problem. Axle knows this. It’s why he’s next to me as our friends and family walk around the backyard for the impromptu “Welcome Home” party I told Axle I didn’t want.
Someone in this yard is the reason why I spent a year away from home for a crime I didn’t commit.
My neck tenses, and I roll it in an attempt to release the anger. It took me close to eight months to find some Zen, and it has taken less than thirty minutes for some of the old underlying rage that followed me around like a black thunderhead to return.
Across from us, two girls I used to go to school with are roasting marshmallows. They’re waiting for me to talk to them. That’s who I was before: the smooth talker, the guy who made girls laugh and caused them to light up with a few specially chosen words. The right smile dropped at the right time, and panties would be shed. But I don’t feel up for conversation and I don’t feel like manipulating anyone anymore.
Crazy—I used to thrive when surrounded by people. The more, the better. But after being in juvenile detention for seven months and spending three in the wilderness taking part in an Outward Bound program for troubled teens, I’m more at ease by myself in front of a fire.
“They’ve all confirmed you’re walking out of all this with sealed records,” Axle continues.
Hel’s leaving out the part of how those records only remain sealed if I uphold my end of the plea deal—the agreement I made with the district attorney after I was arrested. I agreed to plead guilty, and the DA didn’t charge me as an adult and send me to hard-core prison. Considering we had no money for a lawyer to help prove my innocence, the deal sounded like the better of two bad options.
“You’re getting a massive second chance,” Axle says.
It was rotten luck that got me into this mess, but it happened at the right time. Our governor was searching for screwed-up teens to use for his pilot program. Someone high up in the world thought I stood a chance at turning my life around, but that second chance comes with a price. A price my brother is currently breaking down for me.
“This is a good thing. A blank slate. Not many people get one of those.”
Blank slate. That’s what I’m scared of. I may not have liked parts of the person I was before I was arrested, but at least I knew who I was. This blank slate, this chance to create someone new, scares me. This is a new type of pressure. At least I had a good excuse for being a delinquent before. Now, if I mess up, it’s because I’m truly broke.
The fire crackles then pops, and embers rise into the late May night. My younger sister laughs at the other end of the narrow yard near the aging shotgun house, and the sound is like an eight-eight beat with a high hat cymbal. It’s welcomed, and it’s the first time this feels like home.
She’s sixteen now, grown up faster than I’d prefer, and she’s one of the four people I love more than my own life. She’s also the only reason I’m still out here instead of holed up in my room. According to Axle, it was Holiday’s idea to set up the party.
Old Christmas lights are strung from one towering oak tree to the next, zigzagging green, red and blue across the yard. Most people brought their own chairs and a dish to share. My first meal as a free man and it’s hamburgers, hot dogs and potato salad. I don’t have the heart to tell her I would have given my left ball for a slice of thick crust pizza.
“She missed you,” Axle says, catching my train of sight.
“I missed her, too.” Those are my first words since we pulled in the driveway. I used to be the life of the party, but that was before, and as I said, I don’t know who I am anymore, so for now, I’m quiet.
“I missed you,” he says in such a low tone I barely catch it. “We weren’t the same without you.”
I take a deep breath because I’m not sure any of us will be the same again.


Order your copy of SAY YOU'LL REMEMBER ME, register and you will receive AND THEY ALL LIVED HAPPILY EVER AFTER, a novella that features your favorite Pushing the Limits and Thunder Road characters! 


From the Pushing the Limits series, Noah, Beth, Isaiah, West and Logan are all grown up. Catch up with your favorite characters as one of them finally says, I do.


Pigpen, Eli and Addison from the Thunder Road series: Three separate personalities who still needed to find love...and still had someone important to meet.


This is a limited time offer! So hurry! Registration ends on February 3, 2018! You must register your order to receive AND THEY ALL LIVED HAPPILY EVER AFTER.




About Katie McGarry: Katie McGarry was a teenager during the age of grunge and boy bands and remembers those years as the best and worst of her life. She is a lover of music, happy endings, reality television, and is a secret University of Kentucky basketball fan. Katie is the author of full length YA novels, PUSHING THE LIMITS, DARE YOU TO, CRASH INTO YOU, TAKE ME ON, BREAKING THE RULES, and NOWHERE BUT HERE and the e-novellas, CROSSING THE LINE and RED AT NIGHT. Her debut YA novel, PUSHING THE LIMITS was a 2012 Goodreads Choice Finalist for YA Fiction, a RT Magazine's 2012 Reviewer's Choice Awards Nominee for Young Adult Contemporary Novel, a double Rita Finalist, and a 2013 YALSA Top Ten Teen Pick. DARE YOU TO was also a Goodreads Choice Finalist for YA Fiction and won RT Magazine’s Reviewer’s Choice Best Book Award for Young Adult Contemporary fiction in 2013.    

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Monday, January 29, 2018

Release Day Review & Giveaway:Look the Part by Jewel E. Ann


All-consuming, deep, seductive, so damn emotional—this book is everything I expect from Jewel E. Ann.”

Pam Godwin, New York Times bestselling author

Look the Part, an all-new “emotional and breathtaking” standalone from

Jewel E. Ann is LIVE! 

LookThePart Full.jpg

Look the Part by Jewel E. Ann
Publication Date: January 29th, 2018
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Cover Designer: Sarah Hansen, Okay Creations
Photographer: Regina Wamba


Flint Hopkins finds the perfect tenant to rent the space above his Minneapolis-based law office.
All the T’s are crossed and I’s dotted on Ellen’s application. Her references are good. And she’s easy on the eyes.

Until …

Flint discovers Ellen Rodgers, Board-Certified Music Therapist, plays music. Bongos, guitars, singing—not Beethoven administered through noise-cancelling headphones.

The cut-throat attorney serves up an eviction notice to the bubbly, constantly-humming redhead who's too sexy for her own good. But luck is on Ellen’s side when Flint’s autistic son, Harrison, takes an instant liking to her. A single dad can’t compete with guitars—and rats. Yes, she has pet rats.

This woman …

She’s annoyingly happy with a constant need to touch him—adjust his tie, button his shirt, invade his space, and mess with his mind.

Still …

She must go.

Their lust-hate relationship escalates into something beautiful and tragic. This sexy, romantic-comedy explores the things we want, the things we need, and the impossible decisions parents and children make to survive.

Download Now or Read Today Free in Kindle Unlimited! 

 What I thought about Look the Part

Flint Hopkins is not an easy man.  When Ellen Rodgers comes into his life, she threatens so many aspects of his life, he's all over the place. She awakens something in him and he's able to see something besides the guilt he carries like penance.

It's really hard to go into detail with this because I don't want to give up any spoilers.  This book will grab you in the early pages and keep you hooked until the very last.  I love the way this story is told. Jewel E. Ann knows exactly when to reveal all the little twists and turns of the plot and I've come to love her voice when she's telling the story.  I fell hard for Ellen and Flint, even though he's quite unlikable at the beginning.  It is his journey that dominates this tale, for good reason, but Ellen is by no means just a bystander in this story.  She's got some background that colors her world too. I loved Flint's awakening as he decides just how he wants to live his life. 

Look the Part is funny and romantic with just the right amount of dark. Ellen and Flint are so wonderful together, although their road to an HEA is not an easy one. Flint's son Harrison is also terrific, and I appreciated the subtle recognition of what parenting an autistic child entails.  Flint and Ellen's parents also contribute to the cast of secondary characters.

Most of all, Look the Part is a romantic tale that will leave you feeling hopeful about the power of love and the importance of forgiveness.  There's so much emotion in this story-- sometimes good and sometimes sad, but all very true to the heart.  I can't gush about this book enough.

An ARC was provided for review.

look the part teaser one.jpg

Enter the Giveaway!


About Jewel

Jewel is a free-spirited romance junkie with a quirky sense of humor. With 10 years of flossing lectures under her belt, she took early retirement from her dental hygiene career to stay home with her three awesome boys and manage the family business. 

After her best friend of nearly 30 years suggested a few books from the Contemporary Romance genre, Jewel was hooked. Devouring two and three books a week but still craving more, she decided to practice sustainable reading, AKA writing. 

When she’s not donning her cape and saving the planet one tree at a time, she enjoys yoga with friends, good food with family, rock climbing with her kids, watching How I Met Your Mother reruns, and of course…heart-wrenching, tear-jerking, panty-scorching novels.

Connect with Jewel:

Twitter: @JewelE_Ann
Stay up to date with Jewel by signing up for her newsletter:

Friday, January 26, 2018

Review & Excerpt: About that Kiss (Heartbreaker Bay #5) by Jill Shalvis

ABOUT ABOUT THAT KISS (a standalone Heartbreaker Bay novel)

When love drives you crazy . . .

When sexy Joe Malone never calls after their explosive kiss, Kylie shoves him out of her mind. Until she needs a favor, and it’s a doozy. Something precious to her has been stolen and there’s only one person with unique finder-and-fixer skills that can help—Joe. It means swallowing her pride and somehow trying to avoid the temptation to throttle him—or seduce him.

the best thing to do . . .

No, Joe didn’t call after the kiss. He’s the fun time guy, not the forever guy. And Kylie, after all she’s been through, deserves a good man who will stay. But everything about Kylie makes it damned hard to focus, and though his brain knows what he has to do, his heart isn’t getting the memo.

… is enjoy the ride.

As Kylie and Joe go on the scavenger hunt of their lives, they discover surprising things about each other. Now, the best way for them to get over “that kiss” might just be to replace it with a hundred more.

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Joe studied her. “I asked you once before, but now I’m going to ask you again. Is there something going on between you two?”
She tossed up her hands. “Why do you both keep asking me that about each other?”
His eyes narrowed. “I thought nothing was going on.”
“And before today, I could’ve passed a lie detector test on that,” she said.

“What happened today?”
She paused. Not because she had anything to be ashamed of, but because she wasn’t quite sure what had happened.
She sighed. “It’s nothing.”
“Try again,” Joe said and gave her the very male universal go on gesture.
She rolled her eyes. “Fine. He . . . finally made a move on me.”
Joe didn’t budge. Not a blink, not a muscle twitch, nothing, but she could’ve popped corn off the electric tension coming off him.
“Describe ‘made a move,’ ” he finally said.
She crossed her arms. “And again, how is this relevant to my case?”
He just gave her that careful stare again and she thought wow, those eyes of his should be registered as a lethal weapon, because she found herself opening her mouth and spilling her guts. “He kissed me.”
“He kissed you.”
“Yeah,” she said. “Do you know that you often repeat what I say?”
“What kind of a kiss?” he asked.
She was momentarily bewildered. “I don’t know. It was a kiss. A normal kiss. A nice kiss.” She cocked her head at him. “How many kinds of kisses are there?”
He just looked at her for a long moment before coming toward her. He backed her to the wall and pressed his big hands on either side of her head.
“There are many kinds of kisses,” he said.
Her breath had backed up in her throat, where her heart had lodged, pounding wildly. “S-s-such as?”
“Such as this one.” And then he leaned in and covered her mouth with his. 
At the touch of Joe’s mouth, Kylie’s brain stopped being capable of rational thought. His tongue gave a knee-weakening stroke against hers and she let out a shockingly needy moan as she clutched at him, fisting her hands in the material of his shirt at his chest. Only when he’d thoroughly plundered and pillaged and left her boneless did he lift his head and look into her eyes.
“Wow,” she whispered, fully aware she was still holding on to him like he was a lifeline, but the bones in her legs had liquefied. “I mean . . .” She shook her head. “Wow.”
He nodded. “Yeah. So to be clear, that wasn’t ‘a normal kiss’ or even ‘a nice kiss.’ It was a ‘wow’ kiss. Any questions?”
“Just one,” she said softly. “Can I have another?”
Joe didn’t have to be asked twice. His mouth immediately descended again, his fingers sliding into her hair to change the angle of the kiss to suit him. It was a controlled, alpha thing to do, but she had only one thought—nothing about the usually carefully, purposely leashed Joe was in control at the moment.
And she liked it.
She had no idea how long they went at it because she was in absolute heaven. Who knew that the man could use his preferred silent mode to communicate in a way that she finally approved of?
Only when she was completely breathless and about to strip him down to his birthday suit did she manage to pull back.
“Any more questions?” he asked, also a little bit breathless, which was more than slightly gratifying. Dumbly, she shook her head. His eyes softened and he gently he stroked his thumb over her bottom lip. “And FYI? Gib’s an idiot.”

What I thought about About that Kiss

After Kylie and Joe share a hot kiss one night, things between them are a bit awkward.  When he comes to her woodworker shop to purchase a birthday present for his sister, Joe ends up making a deal with Kylie to help her find a lost family heirloom in exchange for the gift.  This puts Joe and Kylie in close proximity and their passion (and friendship) builds to inferno size.  Joe is absolutely yummy, and I loved Kylie's "I can do it myself" attitude.  They are perfect for each other!

Only problem is that Joe's a "no relationship" kind of guy because of past situations that have left deep scars on his heart.  But Kylie sees and feels something else in him -- it's just that Joe is too afraid to admit what he's really feeling.  

I loved this story.  Joe and Kylie are so good together, and it's an interesting journey for Joe to realize what everyone else sees in how he feels about Kylie. It made for a super romantic story, and the missing heirloom story was a tight little mystery that kept things moving along at a great pace. I was at "the end" before I knew it as I devoured this book in a day. 

About that Kiss is a fantastic standalone addition to the series. I definitely recommend it. About that Kiss might be my favorite in the far!

An ARC was provided for review. 


New York Times bestselling author Jill Shalvis lives in a small town in the Sierras full of quirky characters. Any resemblance to the quirky characters in her books is, um, mostly coincidental. Look for Jill’s bestselling, award-winning books wherever romances are sold and visit her website,, for a complete book list and daily blog detailing her city-girl-living-in-the-mountains adventures.

Connect with Jill
Facebook: @JillShalvis
Twitter: @JillShalvis

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Review, Excerpt & Giveaway:Say You'll Remember Me by Katie McGarry

From critically acclaimed author Katie McGarry, comes SAY YOU’LL REMEMBER ME—a story of two people from different worlds pushing themselves, and each other, to get what they deserve! 
releases on January 30, 2018.

Pre-order your copy today!

  “Doesn’t matter who did it. Not anymore. I did the time. It’s over.”

When Drix was convicted of a crime–one he didn’t commit–he thought his life was over. But opportunity came with the Second Chance Program, the governor’s newest pet project to get delinquents off the streets, rehabilitated and back into society. Drix knows this is his chance to get his life back on track, even if it means being paraded in front of reporters for a while.

Elle knows she lives a life of privilege. As the governor’s daughter, she can open doors with her name alone. But the expectations and pressure to be someone she isn’t may be too much to handle. She wants to follow her own path, whatever that means.

When Drix and Elle meet, their connection is immediate, but so are their problems. Drix is not the type of boy Elle’s parents have in mind for her, and Elle is not the kind of girl who can understand Drix’s messy life.

But sometimes love can breach all barriers.

Fighting against a society that can’t imagine them together, Drix and Elle must push themselves–Drix to confront the truth of the robbery, and Elle to assert her independence–and each other to finally get what they deserve.




The two of us are different. Complete sliding scale different. The only thing we have in common, as far as I can tell, is that he appears about my age and that we are both wearing shoes. My sandals to his scuffed combat boots. His sagging jeans with rips and white T-shirt to my ironed khaki shorts and fitted blue top. My diamond earrings and gold bracelet with a heart charm to his black belt that has metal studs and silver chain that hangs from his belt loop to his wallet.
By looks, I should have more in common with the loser college boys, but it’s this guy I’m comfortable with. “What’s your name?” 

He throws the ball, and he’s right, he sucks at it. While he has unbelievable power, his aim’s completely off. The ball hits the back curtain with a loud thud, then drops to the floor. “Drix.”
“Drix?” I repeat to make sure I heard him correctly.
“Drix. It’s short for Hendrix. Like Jimi Hendrix.”
“That’s cool.” Because it is.
I wait for him to ask for my name, but he doesn’t. Instead he says, “Are you here alone?”
He throws the second ball, and this time he hits the top of the three bottles, sending that one to the ground.
“No. My parents are here. I’m supposed to meet them at the convention center. What about you? What happened to the people you were with? Or are you here alone now?”
“Yes, but no.” Drix pulls his arm back, releases the ball, and when the ball hits the bottom bottles, my heart lifts with the idea that he won, but only one of the bottles goes flying. The other stays completely untouched.
He turns in my direction, but his gaze roams over my shoulder, then flickers to the left. Drix then glances behind him, and when he returns his attention to me he raises his eyebrows. “They appear to be gone.”
That’s awesome news, but I’m still stuck on his answer of “yes but no.” Honestly, I’m stuck on him. He’s a million questions without a single answer, and he makes me incredibly curious.
“My parents weren’t thrilled about me hanging out alone at the midway, but I didn’t think it would be that big of a deal. It’s just Whack-A-Mole, you know?”
“And a ball toss.”
“And a ball toss. None of it should have been complicated.”
“Shouldn’t have been.”
“Elle!” Part of me is relieved to see Andrew craning his neck over the crowd. Another part of me is majorly disappointed. There aren’t many times in my life I’m left alone. Not many times I’m able to explore new places and people without someone hovering and not many opportunities when I would meet someone like Drix.
“Elle,” Andrew calls again. I wave at him, hoping it will buy me a few seconds, and he waves back in a way that tells me he needs me to walk in his direction. That works well for me.
“Is that a friend of yours?” Drix asks.
“Yes, but no.” I borrow his answer because it’s apropos. Andrew’s a few years older. More friend of our family than a personal friend of mine, and I don’t like the idea of explaining that my parents think I need a babysitter.
Drix’s mouth twitches at my words, and my lips also edge upwards. “I just made you smile a third time. Is this a Guinness Book of World Records thing?”
“I liked your answer.”
“I’m just creative like that.” 


What I thought about Say You'll Remember Me

When Drix is accepted into the governor's Second Chance program, he knows he will have to walk a straight and narrow path to take advantage of the opportunities the program gives him.  There isn't any other option for him.  Even though he was incarcerated for a crime he did not commit, he knows that's his past condemns him in society and his future success depends on conforming to the rules of the program. 

Elle wants to escape from her parent's rules and the shackles of being in the public eye for a little while by playing games on the carnival midway, and fate intervenes when Drix ends up saving her from two men verbally harassing her. He's immediately taken with her, and life gets interesting when he finds out she's the governor's daughter.

The relationship between Elle and Drix grows gradually as they find common ground. Both are shackled to some extent and when they end up traveling together, their friendship grows into something more and that causes all sorts of trouble for the campaigning governor and Drix.

I loved the political aspects of the story, as it is very timely with what is happening in the world today.  Elle walks a fine line between portraying the image her parents want and what she wants in her life.  Wanting to be with Drix doesn't exactly fall into her parent's rules, but she sees him anyway, and in the process secrets are revealed that can change Drix's life. 

There's a lot going on in Say You'll Remember Me beyond the political aspects.  There's also the value of strong family ties, and learning to put the past behind in order to move forward.  Drix struggles with quite a bit in this story, and he is just amazing.  He has a strength of character that made me totally fall for him, and the way he treats Elle is just impeccable.  

Elle was a little bit harder to get to know, but she was strong too, especially when she had to be. And when she was together with Drix, it was clear that she was happy.

Overall, I really liked this story of two young adults from different socioeconomic classes and how they meshed together in spite of their background.  If I had any complaint, it would be that I think this book just scratched the surface of these two characters. It left me wanting to know more about them.

Say You'll Remember Me is everything I've come to expect from Katie McGarry --terrific young characters finding their way and learning to make difficult decisions as they enter adulthood.  The main characters are always the heart of the story, and there's a sweetness to Drix and Elle that I just wanted to gobble up as I read this book, and that's why I'm rating this 5 stars.

An ARC was provided for review.


       Pre-order SAY YOU’LL REMEMBER ME, register and you will receive AND THEY ALL LIVED HAPPILY EVER AFTER, a novella that features your favorite Pushing the Limits and Thunder Road characters!

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Pigpen, Eli and Addison from the Thunder Road series: Three separate personalities who still needed to find love…and still had someone important to meet.

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Katie McGarry’s SAY YOU’LL REMEMBER ME – Tour Schedule:

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About the Author

Katie McGarry was a teenager during the age of grunge and boy bands and remembers those years as the best and worst of her life. She is a lover of music, happy endings, reality television, and is a secret University of Kentucky basketball fan. Katie is the author of full length YA novels, PUSHING THE LIMITS, DARE YOU TO, CRASH INTO YOU, TAKE ME ON, BREAKING THE RULES, and NOWHERE BUT HERE and the e-novellas, CROSSING THE LINE and RED AT NIGHT.

 Her debut YA novel, PUSHING THE LIMITS was a 2012 Goodreads Choice Finalist for YA Fiction, a RT Magazine’s 2012 Reviewer’s Choice Awards Nominee for Young Adult Contemporary Novel, a double Rita Finalist, and a 2013 YALSA Top Ten Teen Pick. DARE YOU TO was also a Goodreads Choice Finalist for YA Fiction and won RT Magazine’s Reviewer’s Choice Best Book Award for Young Adult Contemporary fiction in 2013.    

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