Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Release Blitz & Exclusive Excerpt: Hunter's Hope (Vampire Motorcycle Club #2) by Alyssa Day


HUNTER’S HOPE by Alyssa Day
is out now from Entangled Publishing!
Check it out and be sure to get your copy today!

Title: Hunter’s Hope

Author: Alyssa Day

Genre: Paranormal Romance

About Hunter’s Hope:

Hunter Evans risked his life again and again as a firefighter until the night he died saving a child…only to be reborn as a vampire. Now the man who lived his life as the quintessential “nice guy” must find a way to conquer the deadly urges that threaten to turn him feral. When his own actions put a beautiful woman in danger, he vows to protect her…even from himself.

Alice Darlington has a secret of her own: she sees ghosts. She thought she’d done a good job of keeping it under wraps—until now. A terrible threat from her past is hunting her down in order to use her power for dark purposes. Now she’s on the run and doesn’t know who to trust or where to go.

When Hunter and Alice team up to battle the dangers coming at them from all sides, they’re forced to rely on each other. But Hunter doesn’t know how long he can keep the beast inside him away from the woman it craves…

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Exclusive Excerpt:

When Alice rounded the back of the van, it was to discover that Marigold was no longer in her crate.

Or even in the van.

Instead, she was being held in the muscular arms of the man—ghost—from the hotel.

And the normally good-natured raccoon was hissing.

Alice froze and then forced herself forward. “What are you doing? Give her to me.”

He flashed a wickedly sensual smile that caused a ripple of sensation to wash through her, carrying an unexpected heat to every nerve ending in her body. She suddenly felt too hot, too breathless, too…alive.

“She clearly would prefer to be held by you,” he said easily. “I can’t say that I blame her.”

His blue eyes gleamed, glowing in the reflected brightness of the lantern lights affixed on either side of her front door. When he stepped toward her, she automatically took a step back. This man—this ghost—most definitely didn’t belong in her yard, holding her raccoon. He was… too much.

Too tall, too big, too intense, too gorgeous.

Her breath gave a funny little hitch in her throat.

He was beautiful.

Maybe her age? Late twenties? Or early thirties? Tall; he was easily six feet, maybe a couple of inches more. Broad shoulders angled down to a slim waist with no softness showing anywhere. And he had amazing bone structure. She suddenly wanted to dig out the paints she’d tried out a few times when she was enjoying her new freedom and try to capture the strength in his jaw, the sharpness of his high cheekbones, and the glow in his eyes. His face held a slight beard, as though he hadn’t shaved in the days before he’d died, and those long, dark lashes shaded not just his incredible eyes but the shadows beneath them. His dark hair was swept back from his forehead, as if he’d impatiently shoved it out of his way with one of the large, capable hands that currently held an armful of unhappy raccoon.

Marigold hissed again, snapping Alice out of her trance, and she edged forward, took the angry creature, and stumbled back and away from her unexpected visitor. She swallowed, hard, and tried to regain control of the situation.

The only way to deal with ghosts was to take the reins at the very beginning of each encounter. She thought she’d done this at the hotel, but she’d been caught off guard by the man’s—the ghost’s—aliveness. She’d encountered ghosts who could manipulate objects before, of course, but nothing like this.

“Listen. I—” The amusement in his gaze threw her off, and she forgot what she’d been about to say. So, she asked a basic question to give herself time to regroup. “What is your name? I can’t keep thinking of you as ‘that man’ or ‘that ghost.’”

His devilish smile flashed again. “I like that you keep thinking of me.”

About the Author:

 Alyssa Day (aka Alesia Holliday) is the New York Times and USA Today best-selling author of the Warriors of Poseidon and Vampire Motorcycle Club paranormal romance series and the Tiger’s Eye Mysteries paranormal mystery series, with more than a million books sold. A recovering trial lawyer, Alyssa has won many awards for her books, has had her books translated into many languages (but is holding out for Klingon!), and loves all things spooky—and she's always rescuing dogs. For more info: www.alyssaday.com.  

Connect with the Author:

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Monday, November 29, 2021

Blog Tour Review: Hunter's Hope (Vampire Motorcycle Club #2) by Alyssa Day


HUNTER’S HOPE by Alyssa Day is out now from Entangled Publishing!
Check it out and be sure to get your copy today!

Title: Hunter’s Hope

Author: Alyssa Day

Genre: Paranormal Romance

About Hunter’s Hope:

Hunter Evans risked his life again and again as a firefighter until the night he died saving a child…only to be reborn as a vampire. Now the man who lived his life as the quintessential “nice guy” must find a way to conquer the deadly urges that threaten to turn him feral. When his own actions put a beautiful woman in danger, he vows to protect her…even from himself.

Alice Darlington has a secret of her own: she sees ghosts. She thought she’d done a good job of keeping it under wraps—until now. A terrible threat from her past is hunting her down in order to use her power for dark purposes. Now she’s on the run and doesn’t know who to trust or where to go.

When Hunter and Alice team up to battle the dangers coming at them from all sides, they’re forced to rely on each other. But Hunter doesn’t know how long he can keep the beast inside him away from the woman it craves…

Get Your Copy!

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What I thought about Hunter's Hope

New vampire Hunter have a problem -- he can't control his blood lust urges, but he's met the most beautiful woman. His new vampire brain scream "mine" but he has to keep it together because he's so afraid of hurting the woman he wants to claim for his own.

Alice Darlington is immediately drawn to the blue-eyed Hunter, even though she knows he's a vampire.  She's not quite like other humans -- she can speak to and see ghosts and communicate with animals.  She's special in many ways, and Bane and his band of vamps is very interested in Alice and so are other, more villainous groups.

When it turns out Alice is a target. Hunter must help keep Alice safe from old enemies. There's plenty of action as Alice and Hunter deal with all manner of supernatural beings out there.

But what I really enjoyed about this story is the relationship between Hunter and Alice.  It's just so sweet and Hunter is so very protective. I just really loved these two together.  And Charlie is a lot of fun too, but I'll keep that little spoiler to myself.  And did I mention there are werewolves too?  How about a hilarious paranormal volleyball match?  All good fun.

I really like this series.  It combines a paranormal world with the motorcycle club theme nicely. It's romantic and a lot of fun.  And has two of the hottest covers I've seen this year. 

A complementary copy was provided by the publisher for review.

About the Author:

 Alyssa Day (aka Alesia Holliday) is the New York Times and USA Today best-selling author of the Warriors of Poseidon and Vampire Motorcycle Club paranormal romance series and the Tiger’s Eye Mysteries paranormal mystery series, with more than a million books sold. A recovering trial lawyer, Alyssa has won many awards for her books, has had her books translated into many languages (but is holding out for Klingon!), and loves all things spooky—and she's always rescuing dogs. For more info: www.alyssaday.com.  

Connect with the Author:

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Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Review: The Christmas Project by Christi Barth

 Can they forgive the past and pull off a Christmas miracle?

Mariana Vasquez has always adored the historic waterfront Brampton Mansion, but the beloved building has succumbed to years of neglect. When Baltimore City inherits it, there's only one chance to keep it from being demolished. Mariana plans to earn the mansion a second chance and the money to pay for its upkeep with a designer Christmas showcase.

A mix-up on Scott Ashford’s last renovation job has shaken his confidence and harmed his business. He needs a fresh project and great publicity to caulk over his disgrace. Donating his expertise to save a historic property sounds perfect…except the opportunity is dangled by an old friend. Well, ex-friend, since he abandoned her ten years ago…

Mariana has too much pride to ask Scott to return to Baltimore for her, but she’s desperate enough to ask him to come back to save the mansion. There’s barely time to finish all the restorations, so Mariana’s sure she won’t have any time to fall for Scott again. But maybe the mansion isn’t the only thing that deserves a second chance this Christmas…

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What I thought about The Christmas Project

It's always a treat to catch up with some holiday romance during November and December -- especially when the stories have a little holiday magic.  In The Christmas Project, Mariana Vasquez is in trouble with the historical renovation she's managing.  It could mean dire consequences if she doesn't get the project completed on time. The one person she can think of to help finish the project is probably the last person she'd want to see under normal circumstances.

Scott Ashford is established as a highly sought-after historical renovation expert in New York City.  Ten years ago, he left Mariana unexpectedly, dashing her hopes that they would be partners in work, and maybe in love, too.  But after the way he left her, she's not eager to open herself up to that sort of heartache again -- but she'd love to know why he left when he did.  

With Scott's expertise on board, Mariana has more time to examine just what happened between them ten years ago in between handling the usual catastrophes of electrical and missing materials.  The Christmas Project is a sweet second chance romance holiday story that I found entertaining and interesting.

I really liked the fact that Scott and Mariana were serious about their chosen professions and some of the decisions they made were based on what was best for their career rather than what was in their hearts.  I suspect that many career-minded reader can relate to this situation -- I know I did and it was what kept me reading.  

It takes most of this novella for Scott and Mariana to put aside pride and guilt and really talk to each other about their feelings, but when it happens it's just so doggone wonderful.  Scott is terrific.  I really liked his easy-going attitude.  Mariana has a bit more to work through, namely a ten year old broken heart, so it takes some time for her to see that she's got another chance at happiness.

Things do happen very quickly at the end and I wished for a little more build-up to the big moment, but it didn't diminish my overall enjoyment of the story.

So if you are looking for a second chance holiday romance between two career minded professionals, The Christmas Project might be just right for you, too.

A complementary copy was received from the publisher. This is my honest review.


About the Author


 Christi Barth spent years performing in musicals, singing about love and giving people a happy ending in every performance. Then as a wedding planner she spent every day immersed in romance. Now - she writes it!

It is exciting to be able to share her love of the theatre with the world through her writing. Plus, her parents are thrilled that - in some fashion - she's still getting use out of her master's in music. She lives in Maryland with the absolutely best husband in the world (sorry ladies, it's true!).



Monday, November 22, 2021

Exclusive Excerpt: Hunter's Hope (Vampire Motorcycle Club #2) By Alyssa Day

HUNTER’S HOPE by Alyssa Day is coming from Entangled Publishing November 30th!

Check it out and be sure to pre-order today!

Title: Hunter’s Hope
Alyssa Day
Genre: Paranormal Romance
Release Date: November 30th

About Hunter’s Hope:

Hunter Evans risked his life again and again as a firefighter until the night he died saving a child…only to be reborn as a vampire. Now the man who lived his life as the quintessential “nice guy” must find a way to conquer the deadly urges that threaten to turn him feral. When his own actions put a beautiful woman in danger, he vows to protect her…even from himself.

Alice Darlington has a secret of her own: she sees ghosts. She thought she’d done a good job of keeping it under wraps—until now. A terrible threat from her past is hunting her down in order to use her power for dark purposes. Now she’s on the run and doesn’t know who to trust or where to go.

When Hunter and Alice team up to battle the dangers coming at them from all sides, they’re forced to rely on each other. But Hunter doesn’t know how long he can keep the beast inside him away from the woman it craves…

Pre-Order Your Copy!

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Exclusive Excerpt:

As Hunter started to step out of the elevator, an odd-looking dog raced in front of him and darted inside.

“Marigold!” a woman’s voice called. “Marigold! Stop!”

Hunter looked up to see a flurry of color as a woman rushed down the hallway toward him. Or, presumably, toward the dog.

“She’s inside. She’s not going anywhere,” he said, moving to block the entry to keep the animal in, surprised to find himself amused for the second time in ten minutes. For only the third or fourth time in the weeks since he’d died.

“She might push the button for a floor, and then where would I be? Chasing her all over the hotel all night?” The woman, a colorful whirlwind of purple silk, wild red curls, and flashing green eyes, ducked past him and bent down. “You naughty thing! Hotels are dangerous! What if somebody tried to eat you?”

“This may not be a five-star hotel, but I doubt they’ve resorted to eating dogs,” Hunter drawled.

She lifted the animal into her arms and stood, turning to face him but still looking at the animal in her arms. “Marigold is a raccoon, as you can see. And this is the South. They eat raccoons in the South, or haven’t you read Nathaniel Porter’s Field Guide to Local Fauna?”

“I…can’t say that I have,” he said slowly, because his brain cells seemed to be melting.

It was a raccoon.

In a hotel.

And the raccoon rescuer was the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen.

She was nearly as tall as he was, so maybe five-ten. She had cheekbones that could cut glass, and her smile, directed at the raccoon, was wide and lit up her face. Her eyes were the brilliant green of a spring apple, and her mass of red curls reached nearly to her waist. The purple dress she wore was a complicated thing made of scarves or loose flutters of fabric, and the entire picture gave him the impression of a forest nymph or fortune-teller.

“A raccoon,” he finally said, simply because the situation seemed to call for him to speak, but he had no idea what the hell to say.

“Yes. As I said. If you’d move out of the way?” She finally glanced up at him. Her eyes narrowed, and her glossy red lips tightened. “Oh. I should have known it would be that kind of night.”

He knew she was talking, but he couldn’t quite make out the words or the meaning, because every single molecule of his body was suddenly, painfully focused on one thing and one thing only.

The pulse beating in her throat.

About the Author:


Alyssa Day (aka Alesia Holliday) is the New York Times and USA Today best-selling author of the Warriors of Poseidon and Vampire Motorcycle Club paranormal romance series and the Tiger’s Eye Mysteries paranormal mystery series, with more than a million books sold. A recovering trial lawyer, Alyssa has won many awards for her books, has had her books translated into many languages (but is holding out for Klingon!), and loves all things spooky—and she's always rescuing dogs. For more info: www.alyssaday.com.  

Connect with the Author:

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Release Week Review & Excerpt: Only One Survives By Hannah Mary McKinnon

  Only One Survives Hannah Mary McKinnon On Sale Date: July 16, 2024 9780778305477 Trade Paperback $18.99 USD 400 pages   ABOUT THE BOOK...