Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Cover Reveal: The Devil's Crown Part 2 by Monica James

 The Devil’s Crown-Part Two
Series: All the Pretty Things Trilogy Spin-Off
Genre: Dark Romance
Cover Model: Frankie
Photographer: Ren Saliba @rensaliba
Cover Designer: Sommer Stein—Perfect Pear Creative Covers
 Release date: September21st



Monica James

With the enemy dead, my throne awaits my return. But the reason I’m still standing is being held captive by another foe.

I’ll move heaven and hell to find her, but when I do, everything changes forever.

Ella is broken, broken because of me.

The only way to save her is to return to the ruthless leader I once was.

A war has been waged, and to win, I need to kill every last traitor and rebuild my kingdom to make her feel safe once more.

However, this war is like no other. And my enemy won’t stop until one of us is dead. But he doesn’t stand a chance. None of them do.

I’m a bad man. And I’m okay with that.

This is my world.

My rules.

I’m the goddamn king, and it’s time to adjust my crown.

Pre-order your copy NOW:

Monica James spent her youth devouring the works of Anne Rice, William Shakespeare, and Emily Dickinson.

When she is not writing, Monica is busy running her own business, but she always finds a balance between the two. She enjoys writing honest, heartfelt, and turbulent stories, hoping to leave an imprint on her readers. She draws her inspiration from life. 

She is a bestselling author in the U.S.A., Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Israel, and the U.K.

Monica James resides in Melbourne, Australia, with her wonderful family, and menagerie of animals. She is slightly obsessed with cats, chucks, and lip gloss, and secretly wishes she was a ninja on the weekends.

Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Review: Tempting the Prince (The Sexy Misadventures of Royals #3) by Christi Barth

Author: Christi Barth Series: The Sexy Misadventures of Royals, Book 3 Genres: Contemporary Romance, Romantic Comedy

What happens when you mix an average American woman with a decidedly not average future King?

I can tell you from experience—a whole lot of complications.

You see, four months ago, my all-American sister, Kelsey, found out that she’s not actually my sister—she’s a princess of a country we’d never heard of. She begged me to come along when she was whisked off to her new palace, so here I am. An outsider who doesn’t fit in anywhere.

Now that she’s settled, I should go back to my exciting new career in New York. I absolutely should not stay in a country where I got shot (long story), where I suck so badly at the national sport that I accidentally murdered the symbol of the monarchy in front of half the country, and—oh yeah—where I can’t stop ogling Kelsey’s actual brother.

The Crown Prince.

The man who has to marry a very important princess. (not me)

The man who must create the next heir to the throne. (without me)

The man I absolutely can never be with. (remember that long story?)

The man who just gave me the best sex of my life…

Did I mention that it’s complicated?

 What I thought about Tempting the Prince

When Mallory decides to stay behind as her sister's lady in waiting, she's not sure she made the right choice.  Desperate to get out of the castle for a while, she escapes to a night club that caters to the royal family, and ends up in a very compromising and satisfying position with the delectable Crown Prince. 

She knows she can't be everything he needs his spouse to be. She's not a royal, and even if they got around that, Mallory does have other legitimate reasons to be wary of falling in love with Christian. 

But these two can't keep their hands off each other.

This is such a cute story.  While predictable, it's an entertaining journey into the world of the royal family.  This is the kind of book you want to read when you need a major escape from the pressures of real life.

Lots of fun and easy-reading if you are looking for something like that.

An ARC was provided for review.

About the Author


 Christi Barth spent years performing in musicals, singing about love and giving people a happy ending in every performance. Then as a wedding planner she spent every day immersed in romance. Now - she writes it!

It is exciting to be able to share her love of the theatre with the world through her writing. Plus, her parents are thrilled that - in some fashion - she's still getting use out of her master's in music. She lives in Maryland with the absolutely best husband in the world (sorry ladies, it's true!).

Monday, August 24, 2020

5 Stars for THE REALITY OF EVERYTHING (Flight & Glory #5) by Rebecca Yarros

by Rebecca Yarros

Release Date: August 24th

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   Available Now! 


Two years after the man she loved was killed in Afghanistan, Morgan Bartley is trying to put the pieces of her life back together. The reno on her dilapidated beach house in the Outer Banks might be just the distraction she needs to keep her debilitating anxiety attacks at bay and begin to heal her heart...if she can ignore the ridiculously handsome guy next door.

At twenty-eight, single-dad Jackson Montgomery’s life revolves around his five-year-old daughter and his job as a search-and-rescue pilot for the coast guard. He’s no stranger to saving a damsel in distress, and though his gorgeous new neighbor is clearly in distress, she’s no damsel. She’s stubborn as hell with walls a mile thick, and the dog tags hanging from her rearview mirror give him a pretty good clue as to why.

It doesn’t matter that their attraction is undeniable—she swore she’d never fall for another pilot, let alone a military man. There are some wounds time can’t heal, and some fears too consuming to conquer.

She’s a barely breathing heartbreak on the edge of recovery.

He’s a crash waiting to happen.

Together they could have it all...if they can endure the coming storm.


What I thought about The Reality of Everything

Morgan Bartley lost the love of her life two years ago when he was killed in action in Afghanistan.  The loss has done some serious damage to her mental health and she decides to move to the Outer Banks to try and get her life together.

With help from her friend Sam, her next door neighbor Jackson, and his daughter Finley, Morgan starts to unravel the deep grief she's carrying around after losing Will.  But as the story unfolds, there are details about his deployment that contribute to the anxiety attacks.  There are also some unspoken and unresolved conflicts between Morgan and her friends Paisley and Ember. The scene where Morgan finally confronts Paisley and Ember was one of my favorites in the book.  

And then there's Jackson. Morgan can't help but fall for him, but she questions if she is ready for a relationship.  And when she finds out the details of his personal life, there's a good chance it will never work. Ever. There are some great parallels in this story that challenge Morgan in a major way.

But Morgan is also reminded she still has so much life to live. There's real heat between Morgan and Jackson and it was easy to want their relationship to work out.  But Jackson is different in one major way from Will and it just takes some time (and a little help from Paisley) for Morgan to see it clearly.

I loved this story. I didn't want to put it down and basically devoured it in less than twenty four hours. It was easy to read, and wove a compelling story that made me want to know how Morgan was going to find her way back to herself.

The ending was fabulous with a great action scene that shows Morgan and others just what she is capable of.  It was terrific.  Finley is absolutely the sweetest little girl. Loved this big ending. 

Back in 2014 when I read the first book in this series, a debut title from a new author named Rebecca Yarros, I knew I was reading something special. Here I am six years later, this last book in the series every bit as enjoyable as the four that came before it. As a reader of this series, I'm so thrilled we got some closure for all the couples and especially for Morgan. I adored the way this book closed up some loose ends, and even better, gave Morgan someone who really loved her. I

So I'm giving this one 5 big stars.  I loved Morgan and Jackson and it was the perfect finale to this series. 

An ARC was provided. This is my honest review. 

About the Author:
Rebecca is a Wall Street Journal and USA Today bestselling author of over fifteen novels, and is always ready to bring on the emotions. She's also the recipient of the Colorado Romance Writer’s Award of Excellence for Eyes Turned Skyward from her Flight and Glory series.

She loves military heroes and has been blissfully married to hers for eighteen years. She’s the mother of six children, ranging from kindergarten to law school, and is currently surviving the teenage years with two of her four hockey-playing sons. When she’s not writing, you can find her at the hockey rink or sneaking in some guitar time. She lives in Colorado with her family, their stubborn English bulldog, and a feisty chinchilla. Having fostered then adopted their youngest daughter, Rebecca is passionate about helping children in the foster system through her nonprofit, One October. 

Release Week Review & Excerpt: Only One Survives By Hannah Mary McKinnon

  Only One Survives Hannah Mary McKinnon On Sale Date: July 16, 2024 9780778305477 Trade Paperback $18.99 USD 400 pages   ABOUT THE BOOK...