Sunday, September 25, 2022

Review: 5 stars for One More Chance (Carson Brothers #1) By Stina Lindenblatt


Cover by: Stina Lindenblatt
Photo by: Lindee Robinson


Ten years ago, he was my brother’s best friend.
The man I sent letters to while they were deployed.
The man I fell in love with.

But then my world crashed around me.
I stopped sending him letters.
A secret flickered to life.
My brother died from PTSD.
And I stayed away from my hometown, too broken to return.
Until a hit and run has me rushing back.

Now, Lucas needs my help.
He needs me to be his wife.
He’s gotten himself into trouble, and someone wants to take him down.
I might be the only person who can save him.
Or I might be the one person who tears him apart…

One More Chance is the first novel in the Carson Brothers series. This dual point-of-view, small-town story is a standalone romance that deals with sensitive topics (including mental illness and loss of child) that may be triggering for some readers.

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Read the first chapter


What I thought about One More Chance

 Wow!  Talk about getting hooked on a story right away!  I love it when that happens.  Lucas Carson is a veteran and physical therapist who is planning to start a special place for veterans until his world crashes around him.  He's accused of dealing drugs which puts his job and future livelihood in jeopardy.

Simone Hensley is Lucas's former lover and sister to his best friend Aiden, who recently passed due to PTSD. They were in love, but circumstances and a war in Afghanistan separated them, and neither is aware of what happened to the other  during this time.  There's still feelings for sure between them.  When she's called home to Maple Ridge to take cae of her grandmother, she's wary of Lucas from the start.

 When it turns out that Lucas might be able to save the much wanted land=deal if one of the brothers was married, he asks Simone to help him out. If they get married, Simone can help him land the deal, and she needs him for her new business.  It's a win-win, right?  Well there is still the matter of who set Lucas up.  And they will both have to reconcile their past if they want to have a future together. 

 I thought this was a great start to the series.  The story immediately had me hooked between the angsty love story between Lucas and Simone and the mystery of who set up him for the crime.   They both go through a lot to get to a point where their HEA is in sight.

There's a nice cast of supporting characters as well, with Simone having some long-time girlfriends and of course, Lucas has his brothers and his former military colleagues.  

One More Chance is a great start to this new series, with this second chance romance with really likeable characters and a nice little mystery to provide some suspense.  Definitely hooked me from the start.

About the Author

Born in Brighton England, USA Today bestselling author Stina Lindenblatt has lived in a number of countries, including England, the US, Finland, and Canada. 

This would explain her mixed up accent. 

She has a kinesiology degree and a MSc in sports biological sciences. 

In addition to writing fiction, she loves photography, and currently lives in Calgary, Canada, with her husband and three kids. 

Connect with Stina Lindenblatt

Monday, September 19, 2022

Blog Tour Review: 5 Stars for The Viper (Black Dagger Brotherhood:Prison Camp #3) by J. R. Ward


 In this newest Prison Camp installment, #1 New York Times bestselling author J. R. Ward pens a heart-wrenching tale of love and betrayal in the Black Dagger Brotherhood world…

Framed for the grisly murder of his shellan, Kane is condemned to the notorious prison camp—unaware of the dark truth behind his arranged mating. Centuries later, when he is horribly burned while attempting to save others, he prays he’ll finally be reunited in the Fade with his mate…not knowing what revelations await him.

Nadya is a self-taught nurse who does what she can to ease the suffering of the prisoners. When Kane comes under her care, she cannot help but empathize with his condition for very personal reasons—and as the guards take him away one last time, she fears he is facing a terrible death.
After a daring rescue, Kane is offered a treatment that will change his very nature. Choosing life, for the time being, he goes back for the female who took such good care of him—but his duty to Nadya sets him on a collision course with his own past. When long-buried secrets are exposed, his self-destruction is inevitable…unless true love can save his soul.






What I thought about The Viper

 Kanemille, son of Ulysses the elder was sent to prison camp years ago for the murder of his shellan.  He doesn't remember much about it, but he knows he didn't do it.  While incarcerated, he is taken care of by the prison camp nurse, Nadya.  It's Nadya that keeps Kane going in the hardest of times. 

When Kane is liberated from the latest prison camp location, he's on death's door.  The wolven who helped with the escape take him to their Grey Wolf, a mystical leader of their people. He's given a choice -- to stay alive to liberate Nadya, or go to his shellan in the Fade. 

Of course there's a price to be paid for life and Kane pays it, not realizing what was happening to him, although others around him do. He immediately wants to go back to get Nadya from the prison, but he's not quite the same vampire he was.

This book was non-stop action from the opening pages and I loved it. Even when the action slowed enough for this reader to catch her breath, things were happening.  It made for a super-engaging thrill ride as Kane and Nadya reunite.

They have help from other vampires and wolven and the relationship between Callum, one of the wolven and Apex, a vampire is especially interesting.  I hope we'll get to find out what happens to them.

For as much as this book is non-stop action, there's a beautiful love story going on between Kane and Nadya.  Both have been burned by the glymera traditions in the worst way.  It's gratifying to see true-love win the day in this book.  There's a connection between Kane and Nadya that is undeniable.

I absolutely loved this story.  It's a love story full of yearning and sacrifice. It's wrapped around an exciting story of liberation that links to the King and the Black Dagger Brotherhood.  There are some brief scenes with Vishous and Payne which were entertaining and provided some relief from the constant struggles of the former prison inmates. There were also some nice moments of Kane getting used to new technologies, like driving, which also provided a little relief from the dire straits they always seemed to be in.  Everything was balanced perfectly for this reader.

I really love what JR Ward is doing with the wolven and The Viper sealed the deal for me on that issue.  Kane's transformation is at first unsettling, then horrific until Kane is able to take his revenge on the head of the prison camp in a very satisfying scene of carnage.

The Viper works well as a standalone and you don't have to read any of the other books in the Prison Camp series to enjoy this one. Kane and Nadya's love story is soulful and sexy and I loved them both together. And there were plenty of unanswered questions that left me salivating for more.  And that's a five star read for me.  Definitely recommended for fans of BDB and newcomers as well.

Many thanks to the publisher for this advanced review copy.

About the Author


J.R. Ward is the author of over thirty novels, including those in her #1 New York Times and USA Today bestselling series, The Black Dagger Brotherhood. There are more than 15 million copies of Ward’s novels in print worldwide and they have been published in 25 different countries around the world.

After graduating from law school, Ward began working in healthcare in Boston and spent many years as Chief of Staff of one of the premier academic medical centers in the nation. She lives in the south with her incredibly supportive husband and her beloved golden retriever. Writing has always been her passion and her idea of heaven is a whole day of nothing but her computer, her dog and her coffee pot.

Visit the JRWard Facebook Page for more on the Brotherhood or email her at

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Thursday, September 15, 2022

Blog Tour Review & Excerpt: The Revenge (The Insiders Trilogy #3) by Tijan


The enemy is closing in and everything is on the line.

THE REVENGE, the must-read finale to
The Insiders Trilogy from New York Times bestselling author Tijan is out now!

The Revenge is the taut, edgy, sexy, explosive conclusion to The Insiders trilogy by New York Times and USA Today bestseller Tijan!

Bailey and Kash were used to living in the shadows. Now they are thrust into the public eye. Together, they can do anything, but undeniable danger and seemingly insurmountable challenges threaten the love and passion that binds them.

1. Bailey is reeling from the greatest loss she has ever suffered.

2. Enemies are closing in.

3. Even bigger secrets and twists are coming to light.

Win or lose, for Bailey and Kash, everything is on the line.

Read the explosive conclusion today!


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Keep reading for a look inside The Revenge!

I didn’t recognize the night guard, but he straightened from the wall where he was positioned when I stepped into the hallway.

“Where is he?” I asked, before he could say anything.

His hands came together in front of him and he stood even taller. He nodded forward. “In the basement gym, ma’am.”


I grinned at that, literally hearing Chrissy chuckling next to me. “You’re just like me now, girly. Ma’am. What a hoot.”

Yeah. A hoot.

I padded past him and headed for the elevator that went past the main section of the house. Going inside, I hit the basement floor, and there were two guards waiting for me.

I paused, seeing Josh as he was eyeing me. “Don’t you ever sleep?”

He grinned. “I sleep when your man sleeps.”

I narrowed my eyes.

His grin deepened. “So that’s rarely, ma’am.”

I bared my teeth. “Don’t you start with that ‘ma’am’ shit.”

He just laughed. “Would never entertain the thought, ma—”

I growled.

He amended, still chuckling, “Bailey.”

I scoffed, “Better.”

If anyone had asked me where the gym was on the Chesapeake estates, I wouldn’t have had a clue. I would’ve rolled my eyes and said something sarcastic like, “Of course there’s a gym; it’s alongside the Olympic-sized pool,” but now I knew exactly where it was, and it was right next to an Olympic-sized pool, though the pool was only two lanes wide. It wasn’t built for playing and horsing around, not like the pool outside, which had a complete slide with it.

Heading farther toward the gym, I was shocked to not hear sounds of grunting and punching from inside. Instead, the door to the pool was open.

“He had some extra energy to work off.”

I glanced sideways, not having heard Josh walking beside me.

“I honestly don’t think he’s human.”

Josh’s mouth twitched. “You might be on to something, Bailey.”

We came to the door and he stepped forward, checking the room before nodding for me to go ahead. I stepped inside, feeling the humidity and breathing in the chlorine before I noticed Josh shutting the door. A second later, I met his gaze through the door’s window, and he gave me another polite smile before pressing a button. The window frosted over.

Looking to the corner, I saw the camera’s light switch from green to red. Josh was giving us complete privacy, and only when that was all done did I seek out where Kash was. He was at the far end, turning, flipping, and coming up a few paces away, heading my way. I went to the edge and sat down, putting my feet in the water.

I didn’t have long to wait, enjoying the view as Kash’s arms were cutting through the water, his shoulders and biceps bulging from the motion.

I forgot how he was a fish in water.

His head was perfectly in alignment with his shoulders, and every fourth arm swing he raised his mouth up for air and went back down. He went past me. I thought he was going to keep going, but at the last second, his hand snaked out. He latched on to my ankle and tugged me into the water.

I shrieked before I was eating chlorine. “Agh!”

He grinned, the water pulsating between us, and he maneuvered me back until I was against the pool wall. “What are you doing down here?” His eyes were alert, taking me in as he placed both hands on either side of me, trapping me.

The buoyancy kept me floating, but then Kash was moving his legs under me and I was completely resting over him. My legs straddled his, and he hooked one ankle around the other, tugging me to open even wider for him.

Heat flared in me, boiling my blood, but when I thought Kash would bend his head, finding my throat, he didn’t. He moved his head back, sinking so he was on the same eye level as me, and he tugged at his sweatshirt. “Nice shirt.”

I grinned, feeling a laziness intertwining with the warmth in me. “It was this or a robe. This was closer.”


I nodded, enjoying the teasing look in his eyes. It was dark, but it was there. “Really.” My voice hitched on a soft sigh with that one. He grew sober, his head moving back so he could take me in more fully. “You look good.” His eyebrows dipped down. “You look like you again.” His hand moved, and he touched a wet finger beside my eye. “I see you again.”

My throat swelled up, my chest filled with an ache that was bittersweet.

“Woke up.”

“I can see that.” His head cocked to the side, but he didn’t say anything further. He was still holding me in place, and as he settled back, I knew he was waiting for me. He was waiting for whatever I was going to say or do, for whatever path I was going to put us on because that’s what I felt in that moment.

I was awake.

I said, “I know you’ve been waiting for me.”

That somber expression settled back on him and his hand went back to the pool wall, trapping me in again.

“I’ll never forget what they did to her, what he did to her, but I wasn’t myself. You gave me that time. You knew I would come back to me and I did. I’m here. Me. And I’m ready for the next chapter.”

Hunger licked my insides, lighting that fire again.

It grew, jumping up, and it was engulfing me.

I sunk down on Kash’s legs, and the higher that blaze built in me, the more I wanted him. But I wanted more.

I wanted blood.

What I thought about The Revenge 

The Revenge is the suspenseful conclusion to the Insiders trilogy and it deals with the rich and famous and just what they will do to get what they want.

Bailey is grieving. Kash is consumed with finding out who betrayed them, along with taking care of his girlfriend who really does need him. The first part of this book gives a good overview of what happened to get to this point and the second half of the book is focused on the fun part -- The Revenge!!

There's plenty of action, suspense and tension as things unfold. Plenty of twists and turns too. The second half is very exciting in this respect. There's also plenty of moments between Kash and Bailey, which has really been the attraction for me with this series. While there is more suspense than romance in the last bit of this story, it's only because Kash and Bailey are an established couple at this point, dealing with all the nastiness around them.

I really liked this series. It kept things moving along quite nicely and the romance was very satisfying. There are some surprises too, which I always love in a romance.

Overall, a great ending to the series. 


About Tijan

Tijan is a New York Times Bestselling author that writes suspenseful and unpredictable novels. Her characters are strong, intense, and gut-wrenchingly real with a little bit of sass on the side. Tijan began writing later in life and once she started, she was hooked. She’s written multi-bestsellers including the Carter Reed Series, the Fallen Crest Series, and the Broken and Screwed Series among others. She is currently writing a new series from north Minnesota where she lives with an English Cocker she adores.

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Tuesday, September 13, 2022

Release Day Blitz: The Revenge (The Insiders Trilogy #3) by Tijan

There’s no turning back. 

THE REVENGE, the sizzling and thrilling conclusion to the Insiders trilogy from New York Times bestselling author Tijan is available now !

The Revenge is the taut, edgy, sexy, explosive conclusion to The Insiders trilogy by New York Times and USA Today bestseller Tijan!

Bailey and Kash were used to living in the shadows. Now they are thrust into the public eye. Together, they can do anything, but undeniable danger and seemingly insurmountable challenges threaten the love and passion that binds them.

1. Bailey is reeling from the greatest loss she has ever suffered.

2. Enemies are closing in.

3. Even bigger secrets and twists are coming to light.

Win or lose, for Bailey and Kash, everything is on the line.

Finish the page-turning adventure today!


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Start the series now for only
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About Tijan

Tijan is a New York Times Bestselling author that writes suspenseful and unpredictable novels. Her characters are strong, intense, and gut-wrenchingly real with a little bit of sass on the side. Tijan began writing later in life and once she started, she was hooked. She’s written multi-bestsellers including the Carter Reed Series, the Fallen Crest Series, and the Broken and Screwed Series among others. She is currently writing a new series from north Minnesota where she lives with an English Cocker she adores.

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Saturday, September 10, 2022

5 Stars for 50 Ways to Win Back Your Lover (Bower Boys #1) by Kelly Siskind

From Kelly Siskind comes a slow-burn romantic comedy about one man’s creative attempt to win back his high school sweetheart after a change in fortune gives them a second chance at love.

Growing up, I had it all—my art, close friends, a gorgeous girlfriend who owned my heart—but then my life exploded.

Turns out my father was laundering money, and my whole family got shoved into witness protection. No notice. No chance to explain. I was ripped away from beautiful, blue-eyed Delilah Moon, shattering both our worlds.

A decade later, fate has given us a second chance.

The cartel my father worked for has been wiped out. I’ve returned to my hometown, determined to win back the love of my life. But Delilah is engaged.

Or . . . is she?

I’m almost positive she’s lying about her fiancé to protect her heart. Which means I need to up my game.

I’ve made a list of fifty ways to prove we’re meant to be. Except Delilah’s barely looking at me, never mind swooning. I have a feeling my disappearance scarred her more than she’s admitting, and no one in town will tell me what happened . . .
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What I thought about 50 Ways to Win Back Your Lover
Wow!  I was totally blown away by this book. I wasn't expecting it.  I haven't read this author before, but this amazing cover kept coming up in my timelines and I just couldn't resist it.  That smile. That face. I just couldn't resist. I was expecting a rom-com, but this book is so much more than that. 
Edgar Bower, otherwise known to family and friends as "E" is yanked from his home and put into witness protection with the rest of his family, leaving behind his best friend and girl friend Delilah. Ten years later, he sees her at the airport and even though he shouldn't talk to her, he does, opening up all sorts of emotions for E. She runs from him.

He makes the decision to return to his hometown to pursue Delilah, coming up with a list of things he would do to win her back.  Only there are many things he doesn't know about Delilah's last ten years either, including an engagement and a different career than they had talked about before he left.  Oh, and the people in the town seem to hate him for what he did to Delilah.  He's got a lot of work to do.

I was expecting a cute rom-com, and there were some very cute moments, especially Candy Cane, which was such a lovely way to bring E and Delilah together.   What I hadn't expected, but absolutely loved about this story is E's soulful examination into his own motivations and actions and how they impact others. His yearning for Delilah is masterfully written, and I felt it all when I was reading this book.  The story is told from E's point of view and I thought that worked very well in understanding the toll paid by the Bower family for their years in witness protection.

The ending is heart-wrenching in an ultimately good way, although there are tears to be shed before things can be resolved.  I just loved this story from page one until the end. 

I'm totally hooked on this series now after reading this story and I can't wait for Desmond's story up next, which is set up quite nicely in this book.  It's always wonderful to find a new author in this manner and I'm really excited to read more from Kelly Siskind. 


About the Author

Author of romantic comedies and contemporary romance, Kelly moved from the city to enjoy the charm of northern Ontario. When she’s not out hiking or home devouring books, you can find her, notepad in hand, scribbling down one of the many plot bunnies bouncing around in her head.

Her novels have been published internationally.




Friday, September 9, 2022

Available Now: Kiss & Tell Anthology benefiting St. Jude's Children's Research Hospital

Available NOW! 

 Kiss & Tell  

A collection of  25 New Adult Novellas

Grab  your copy now for 99 cents! 

Proceeds benefiting
St. Jude's Children's Research Hospital!

KISS & TELL is a LIMITED RUN anthology and all net proceeds benefit St. Jude's Children's Research Hospital.

KISS & TELL is a collection of over 25 brand new NA college good girl/bad boy novellas!

Spotlight: Unsolicited by Karen Stivali

Karen Stivali's contribution, UNSOLICITED, is a queer M/F ex-BFF-to-lovers, forced proximity, Christmas novella.

Rose has one goal for Christmas break: find the hottest possible date for the annual New Year's Eve gala. With no boyfriend and little time, she creates a profile on a dating app, hoping a sexy photo will snag her a night with Mr. Right. But when she accidentally sends her sexed up selfie to an old friend, things get....complicated.

When Griffin's holiday plans fall through, he's desperate for a place to stay. He texts his ex best friend, prepared for a rejection, not for an unsolicited chick pic. Griffin hasn't spoken to Rose since their childhood friendship crashed and burned three and a half years ago, but time hasn't dulled his feelings for her.

Two old friends. Two long held secret crushes. One week alone together. What could go wrong?

Grab the whole collection for only 99 cents!
Order now

The Stadium Tour - Melanson, Mandy
Love & Letters - Brazeau, A.D.
Blinded Me With Science - September, Tara
Bully Crush - Mannon, Michele
Right Now - Smith, Rachel A.
Zander - Shelley, Amanda
More Than Words - Collier, C.L.
The Science Club - King, C.A.
I Dare You - Jacks, Danielle
Reckless Legend - Drake, Zoey
Study Games - Aves, Sofia
Study Games - Seysener, Jo
Unsolicited - Stivali, Karen
It's Not Chemistry - Reese, Lorelei
What I Love About You - Shuey, Kari
In Session - Blake, Kay
Rescuing Griffin - Kennedy, Kaye
Guys my Age - Davis, Leanne
Collision Theory - Stevens, Lynn
Caught Between The Stacks - Dillon, Maci
Hate Games - Jameson, M
Making the Grade - Cunningham, Kira
Revved Up - Grant, Sienna
Ropin' Her In - Mann, T.B.
Shameless - Sucevic, Jennifer

Thursday, September 8, 2022

Release Day Review: 5 Stars for Wildfire (In Vino Veritas #1) by Garrett Leigh

Release Date: September 8, 2022
Cover Design: Christine Coffey

About the Book:

A gorgeous new sexual awakening romance with sizzling first times, snarky British banter, and off-the-charts chemistry. 

Life doesn’t always pan out as you expect. When it explodes in my face, literally, an old friend offers me a place to heal and a job renovating the kitchen of Burlington’s coolest wine bar.

V&V is a chill fest. Living above it should be a blast. But I’m not built to be a social butterfly. Not anymore. I’m a damaged man. 

And I’m not its target clientele.

At least, I think I’m not until I come face to face with the most beautiful human I’ve ever seen. Joss is the new chef and my roommate. He has hair like spun gold and it’s as pretty as the rest of him. Crystal blue eyes. Megawatt smile.

I can’t stop staring. Or thinking about him. He chases my nightmares away. And when he spots my crush a mile off, his solution to our chemical attraction blows my mind.

An experiment of sorts. Science. Is this sexual exploration or sex education?

Either way, Joss is only here for the summer. He’s leaving.

I can’t fall in love with him.

I can’t.

Shame my foolish heart never got the memo.

WILDFIRE is a heartfelt MM friends-to-lovers, hurt/comfort romance in the True North world, with a brooding lumbersexual, a wild-hearted chef, sweet angst and all the Vermont food. Content warning: contains mentions of depression, ADHD, suicidal ideation, and PTSD recovery.

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What I thought about Wildfire

I was so excited to see that Garrett Leigh wrote another book for this wonderful series set in a Vermont bookstore/bar. In Wildfire, Kai Fletcher is living above the bar, having been taken under his wing by the manager, Tanner, after a devastating accident that leaves Kai with PTSD. It's so lovely how everyone rallies around Kai to help take care of him.

When Tanner is given the directive to expand the menu, he hires Kai to renovate the kitchen for the new chef who happens to be a friend of Tanner's boyfriend, Jax. Joss is an excellent chef, but he also doesn't stick around for long. To give him a place to stay, Tanner asks that Kai let him share his apartment. 

Joss and Kai immediately grabbed my attention in this story and it's really all about their love story. As their friendship grows, Kai has the opportunity to experiment with Joss and when he can't forget their kiss, they take things a step further, then another step, and another. They learn to understand each other's neurodiversity. It's just beautiful. 

There's just one problem they must face with their burgeoning relationship --Joss doesn't stay in one place long and he might have a job offer back across the pond. Will he leave Kai? He'll have to decide what's important to him, with a little help from the rest of the Vino & Veritas group and an incident that reveals what is really important to him.  

I just loved this. Started it and didn't put it down until the final pages. It's emotional and grabbed my heart in all the right places. Definitely recommended. (and really, how can you resist that cover!) 

About Garrett Leigh

Garrett Leigh is an award-winning British writer and book designer.

Garrett's debut novel, Slide, won Best Bisexual Debut at the 2014 Rainbow Book Awards, and her polyamorous novel, Misfits was a finalist in the 2016 LAMBDA awards.

When not writing, Garrett can generally be found procrastinating on Twitter, cooking up a storm, or sitting on her behind doing as little as possible, all the while shouting at her menagerie of children and animals and attempting to tame her unruly and wonderful FOX.

Garrett is also an award winning cover artist, taking the silver medal at the Benjamin Franklin Book Awards in 2016. She designs for various publishing houses and independent authors at, and co-owns the specialist stock site with photographer Dan Burgess

 Connect with Garrett Leigh






Release Week Review & Excerpt: Only One Survives By Hannah Mary McKinnon

  Only One Survives Hannah Mary McKinnon On Sale Date: July 16, 2024 9780778305477 Trade Paperback $18.99 USD 400 pages   ABOUT THE BOOK...