About This Blog

Red Hot + Blue Reads is a blog devoted to sharing our honest opinions about the books we are reading. 

We read a wide variety of books ranging from Young Adult to Erotic titles, but mostly romance or paranormal romance titles. 

Rating system:

5 stars / 5 flames

This is a book I can’t put down. I'd stay up all night reading, even if its a workday and may even read on my lunch break. I have to know how its going to end.

I'll probably want to re-read it immediately and I find it difficult to move on to another book.

This is also a book that I'd put on my "go-to" list...those books that make me feel good. I'll reread when I'm not in the mood for starting something new, or if I'm having a bad day.

These are books that let me fall right into the story, and I finish wanting to read everything by this author.

4 stars/ 4 flames

Much the same as five, but probably doesn't merit a re-read. Might have some bothersome bit of writing, plotting or characterization.

These are books that were good, but could have been a little bit better

3 stars / 3 flames

An entertaining read. I didn’t feel like I wasted my time, but it's probably not a book I’ll read again.

2 stars / 2 flames

Something in a 2 star book annoyed me enough to give it a two star rating. A flaw that cannot be overlooked. for example, multiple typos or grammar issues or bad characterizations, unrealistic situations, or poorly managed point of view.

1 star / 1 flame

Not usually given to book that I finish, this is a rare rating. Probably Did Not Finish.

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