Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Release Day Review: 5 Stars for Tough Justice (K-9 Special Ops #1) by Tee O'Fallon

 TOUGH JUSTICE by Tee O’Fallon is out now! 

Check it out and be sure to grab your copy today!

Title: Tough Justice

Author: Tee O'Fallon

Genre: Romantic Suspense

It should have been a routine investigation. Instead, DEA K-9 agent Adam "Deck" Decker watches in horror as one Denver hospital seems to be Ground Zero for overdoses of a new drug. Now Deck can only hope a certain icy, green-eyed ER doctor will help him and his canine partner track down the deadly source. 

Dr. Tori Sampson has her reasons for not trusting federal agents, especially ones working for the DEA. But the rash of overdoses—including a heartbreaking case involving a teen—is alarmingly high. And the new opioid is not only extremely dangerous, it defies all the usual medical treatments. So Tori has a choice: work with the big, brawny, and annoyingly hot DEA agent...or watch more innocent people die.

Tori's the only person who can help Deck break the case, and they'll need to trust each other, no matter how high the tension and attraction sizzling between them runs. But with every question answered, they realize there's something more behind these typical teen overdoses. There's a pattern here, and a pattern can only suggest one thing. There's a killer on the loose.

Get your copy now!

Amazon | Paperback | B&N | AppleBooks | Kobo | GooglePlay | BAM | Walmart | Target

What I thought about Tough Justice

In Tough Justice, the first in a new series from Tee O'Fallon, DEA K-9 agent Adam "Deck" Decker is focused on bringing down the dealers that are contributing to the opioid crisis.  When one of his colleagues is exposed to "gray death" a type of manufactured opioid similar to heroin and ends up in dire condition in the hospital, Deck meets Dr. Tori Sampson, an ER physician that saves Deck's colleague's life.

It's a tenuous relationship at first because Tori does not like the DEA based on a past incident, and Deck isn't fond of physicians either.  But when Deck reaches out to Tori for help with the opioid epidemic, she decides to help him.  Their relationship goes from professional to friendship to something more.  I absolutely adored the slow build of their relationship from friends to lovers in Tough Justice

There's plenty of action in this story which I also loved. It kept everything moving along just right and the ending is pure suspense and action and all those good things that make for an exciting story.  This is my second book by this author and I'm totally hooked on the storytelling here. 

And I would totally be remiss if I didn't mention Thor.  Deck's K9 partner is just awesome, amazing, wonderful -- I'm not sure I can even adequately describe how much I loved Thor in this story.  Everything just worked for me in this story and I just had to keep reading.

Overall, a really terrific romance wrapped around a suspenseful crime drama. I'm looking forward to more in this series.


About the Author:


Tee O'Fallon is the author of the Federal K-9 Series and the NYPD Blue & Gold Series. Tee has been a federal agent for twenty-three years and is now a police investigator, giving her hands-on experience in the field of law enforcement that she combines with her love of romantic suspense. When not writing, Tee enjoys cooking, gardening, chocolate, lychee martinis, and spending time with her Belgian Sheepdogs, Loki and Kyrie. Tee loves hearing from readers and can be contacted via her website https://teeofallon.com where you can also sign up for Tee’s newsletters.  

Connect with the Author:

Website | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | Amazon | Goodreads | Bookbub


Friday, March 25, 2022

Exclusive Excerpt: Tough Justice (K-9 Special Ops, #1) by Tee O'Fallon

is coming in one week! 

Check it out and be sure to pre-order
your copy today!

Title: Tough Justice

Author: Tee OFallon

Genre: Romantic Suspense

Release Date: March 29th

About Tough Justice:

It should have been a routine investigation. Instead, DEA K-9 agent Adam "Deck" Decker watches in horror as one Denver hospital seems to be Ground Zero for overdoses of a new drug. Now Deck can only hope a certain icy, green-eyed ER doctor will help him and his canine partner track down the deadly source. 

Dr. Tori Sampson has her reasons for not trusting federal agents, especially ones working for the DEA. But the rash of overdoses—including a heartbreaking case involving a teen—is alarmingly high. And the new opioid is not only extremely dangerous, it defies all the usual medical treatments. So Tori has a choice: work with the big, brawny, and annoyingly hot DEA agent...or watch more innocent people die.

Tori's the only person who can help Deck break the case, and they'll need to trust each other, no matter how high the tension and attraction sizzling between them runs. But with every question answered, they realize there's something more behind these typical teen overdoses. There's a pattern here, and a pattern can only suggest one thing. There's a killer on the loose.

Pre-Order Your Copy!

Amazon | Paperback | B&N | AppleBooks | Kobo | GooglePlay | BAM | Walmart | Target


Exclusive Excerpt:

When he turned and locked gazes with her, her mouth went just a teensy, weensy bit dry.

In the examining room, she’d been concentrating on her patient, then she’d been so annoyed with Agent Decker that she hadn’t really seen him. There was no denying he brought out the fifty shades of animosity, but one thing was for certain: with his chiseled jawline, slightly cleft chin, and sexy as all-get-out five o’clock shadow, the man was about as handsome as it got. Hard not to admire his muscular physique, either. He must spend all his free time in a gym, lifting barbells and dumbbells and whatever other bells made a man’s body that way.

He closed his eyes, as if reciting a mental prayer. “Thanks, Doc.”

The last thing she wanted was gratitude from the DEA. The short-lived attempt to rein in her internal bitch flew out the window as the past came roaring back in a rush of emotion. Especially the distraught look on her dad’s face that fateful day.

“Don’t thank me,” she bit out. “I’m just doing my job. Maybe if the great and powerful DEA did its job, drugs wouldn’t be sold on every street corner in Denver, and Colorado’s opioid crisis wouldn’t be spiraling out of control.

Your friend is the third opioid overdose I’ve treated today, and the tenth this week. Three of those patients died. And that’s just on my shifts. I can’t speak to what happens when I’m not here or how many are dying before they even get to the hospital.” She blew out a breath and grappled for a calm she didn’t feel. “Whatever just hit the streets could be the beginning of something really scary, and there’s nothing I can do to stop it. But you can.”

He opened his mouth to say something, but she cut him off. “And another thing.” She jabbed a finger at him. “This is my castle, not the DEA’s. If you ever come into my ER again, I’ll have you thrown out on your muscled ass.”

About the Author: 

 Tee O'Fallon is the author of the Federal K-9 Series and the NYPD Blue & Gold Series. Tee has been a federal agent for twenty-three years and is now a police investigator, giving her hands-on experience in the field of law enforcement that she combines with her love of romantic suspense. When not writing, Tee enjoys cooking, gardening, chocolate, lychee martinis, and spending time with her Belgian Sheepdogs, Loki and Kyrie. Tee loves hearing from readers and can be contacted via her website https://teeofallon.com where you can also sign up for Tee’s newsletters.  

Connect with the Author:

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Thursday, March 24, 2022

Release Day Review: 5 Stars for What Lovers Do by Jewel E. Ann


What Lovers Do by Jewel E. Ann is now live!

From bestselling author, Jewel E. Ann, comes a hilarious secret lovers story that redefines the meaning of friendship.

Shep’s found the female version of himself … and he thinks she’s perfect—perfectly unavailable.

Everyone loves Shep, the charismatic employee at Scottsdale’s newest pet store. He has shared custody of his two dogs with his annoying ex-wife and a smile that can disarm most women.

Except … Dr. Sophie Ryan.

What starts out as a disastrous first meeting, involving a coffee catastrophe and mistaken flirting, turns into an unconventional friendship.

Fake phone sex.

Dog park dates.

And eighteen holes of golf.

The problem? Sophie’s taken herself out of the dating pool for a mysterious reason, imprisoning Shep in the friend zone for eternity.

As their competitive personalities hit a boiling point, the gloves come off and so do their clothes. When Sophie’s “real” life threatens their relationship, can Shep let go of his past to chase the one that might get away?

Download today or read for FREE with Kindle Unlimited

Amazon: https://amzn.to/3gQvd6O

Amazon Worldwide: mybook.to/WLoversDo

Goodreads: https://bit.ly/3B6bh9k

What I thought about What Lovers Do
I'm just going to start out by saying that once I started this book, I was unable to put it down until that final page.  The author has crafted a well-paced friend-to-lovers romance that is unique and fresh and I just absolutely loved it.  

Good-hearted Sophie meets Shep at the wrong time. She's in no position to have a romantic relationship and yet she's really drawn to Shep. So she creates her own little "Shep World" -- where they only talk about positive things and have fun.  Their conversations are just lovely, rich with humor and all sorts of good feelings. It's impossible not to fall for both of these characters.  Shep and Sophie just fit -- but there are lots of obstacles in their way, some of their own making.

The events unfold with just enough drama to take the reader up and down the emotional roller coaster and I just adored that about this book.  It's what I've come to expect from this author and she only gets better at it.  What Lovers Do is a unique contemporary romance that has it all -- deliciously witty banter, tense situations, a very likeable couple, all wrapped up in a beautifully told story. Definitely recommended for contemporary romance readers.


Meet Jewel E. Ann

Jewel is a Wall Street Journal & USA Today bestselling author with a quirky sense of humor. When she's not saving the planet one tree at a time, you can find her role modeling questionable behavior to her three boys, binge-watching Netflix with her husband, and writing mind-bending romance.

Connect with Jewel

Website: https://www.jeweleann.com

Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/7505427.Jewel_E_Ann

Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Jewel-E-Ann/e/B00IJYHDIG/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/authorjeweleann

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Twitter: https://twitter.com/JewelE_Ann

Bookbub: https://www.bookbub.com/profile/jewel-e-ann

Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/jeweleannauthor/

Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@jeweleannauthor

Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Cover Reveal: Fall of the Stars (In Love and War #2) by Monica James

 Fall of the Stars

Book 2: In Love and War

Monica James

Fall of the Stars
Monica James @authormonicajames
In Love and War Book 2
Genre: Viking Historical Romance
Cover Model: Christopher Jensen @christopher88jensen
Photographer: Michelle Lancaster @lanefotograf
Cover Designer: Sommer Stein—Perfect Pear Creative Covers

 Release date: April 11th 2022


England is bleeding.

And there isn’t a thing I can do about it.

I am once again a prisoner to Wessex, captured by King Egbert because holding me hostage will bring them to him—my two Vikings who will risk heaven and earth to save me.

But I don’t need saving.

I am Princess Emeline, and I was taught by the best, and his name…Skarth the Godless.

The man whom I love more than anything in this world.

But things begin to blur when Ulf the Bloody reminds me of the promise I made, and that promise is that I belong to him.

We must work together to overthrow King Egbert, but the war I fight within my heart is far more dangerous than anything I will ever face on the battlefield.

The choice is not simple because we all must make sacrifices. But I soon realize that all is not fair in love and war.

Lives will be lost.

Hearts will be broken.

And come dawn, life as we know it will be changed forevermore.


Kindle: https://tinyurl.com/2p96j9yx

Nook: https://tinyurl.com/323p5exh

Kobo: https://tinyurl.com/z3eakezx

Apple: https://tinyurl.com/4dk7cb62

Goodreads: https://tinyurl.com/4k52f25v

BookBub: https://tinyurl.com/3vh5kevv


Kindle: https://tinyurl.com/p8cnkfa3


North of the Stars Playlist: https://tinyurl.com/an26e3kh



About Monica James

Monica James spent her youth devouring the works of Anne Rice, William Shakespeare, and Emily Dickinson.

When she is not writing, Monica is busy running her own business, but she always finds a balance between the two. She enjoys writing honest, heartfelt, and turbulent stories, hoping to leave an imprint on her readers. She draws her inspiration from life.

She is a bestselling author in the U.S.A., Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Israel, and the U.K.

Monica James resides in Melbourne, Australia, with her wonderful family, and menagerie of animals. She is slightly obsessed with cats, chucks, and lip gloss, and secretly wishes she was a ninja on the weekends.


Stalk Me

Website: authormonicajames.com

Facebook: facebook.com/authormonicajames

Twitter: twitter.com/monicajames81

Goodreads: goodreads.com/MonicaJames

Instagram: instagram.com/authormonicajames

Pinterest: .pinterest.com/monicajames81

BookBub: http://bit.ly/2E3eCIw

Amazon: https://amzn.to/2EWZSyS

Reader Group: http://bit.ly/2nUaRyi

Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Release Blitz & Review: Wicked as Seduction: Trees & Laila Part 1 (Wicked & Devoted #5) by Shayla Black


Wicked as Seduction by Shayla Black is now live!

He'll protect her...even if he has to take her captive to save her.

Tech wiz and former elite soldier Forest "Trees" Scott had one mission: Rescue the woman being hunted by a vicious cartel and get her to safety. It should have been simple...but the minute he sees the wary beauty with haunted eyes, his desire for her complicates everything. So does her stubborn refusal to trust him. When Trees is forced to abduct her, she vows to hate him--even as he finds himself falling in love...

For six years, Laila Torres has known nothing but brutality at the hands of men, so when the massive stranger with the forbidding mien kidnaps her, she's frightened--and furious. But the giant's protective care shocks her. With every word, he proves steadfast. With every forbidden touch, he awakens the woman in her. Soon, she's facing the terrifying realization that he's also dangerously close to capturing her heart.

But their ruthless enemies are closing in, threatening everything Laila holds dear. When she's forced to make an unthinkable sacrifice, will she trust Trees and their love to save her?


Download today on 

Amazon  | Apple Books  | Audible | 

Barnes & Noble | Google Play  | Kobo!

Audible: Coming Soon!

 Goodreads: https://bit.ly/3qWohec


 What I thought about Wicked as Seduction

It's been a while since I've read Shayla Black's Wicked books, but there are just some characters you never forget. I was immediately hooked by the mention of Hunter and Logan, two of my favorite unforgettable characters.   And Kimber too!  I really liked that this story connected with these characters.

Trees is tasked with taking care of Laila, one of two sisters the security firm is hired to protect.  Except there is a mole in the organization, and suspicion is on Trees and his best friend's girlfriend.

And in the middle of all of that is Laila.  She's tough as nails because she had to be, and she really doesn't trust anyone but herself and her sister. But when the people chasing her down get too close, she has no other choice than to stick with Trees.

Trees quickly goes from frustration to lust and back to frustration as he and Laila get closer. At first I was a bit perplexed as to why Trees was basically lusting after Laila  (not really professional) but it was also a bit cute (he doesn't do anything inappropriate) -- he just falls and falls hard. 

I liked the relationship between Trees and Laila, especially how he tempers his dominant side due to Laila's past.  Things still get plenty steamy and there's a few twists that I didn't see coming. Overall, I liked this and I'm looking forward to seeing how things turn out between Trees and Laila and the rest of the gang.


Meet Shayla

Shayla Black is the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of more than eighty contemporary, erotic, paranormal, and historical romances. Her books have sold millions of copies and been published in a dozen languages.

As an only child, Shayla occupied herself by daydreaming, much to the chagrin of her teachers. In college, she found her love for reading and started pursuing a publishing career. Though she graduated with a degree in Marketing/Advertising and embarked on a stint in corporate America, her heart was with her stories and characters, so she left her pantyhose and power suits behind.

Shayla currently lives in North Texas with her wonderfully supportive husband, her daughter, and two spoiled tabbies. In her "free" time, she enjoys reality TV, gaming, and listening to an eclectic blend of music.

Connect with Shayla

Website: https://www.shaylablack.com

Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/20983.Shayla_Black

Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Shayla-Black/e/B001IOFJQM/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ShaylaBlackAuthor

Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/ShaylaBlacksBookBeauties

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ShaylaBlack/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/ShaylaBlackAuth

TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@shayla_black

Bookbub: https://www.bookbub.com/authors/shayla-black

Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/shaylablacksb/

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/ShaylaBlack/featured

Verve: https://ververomance.com/app/shaylablack

Text Shayla to 24587

Happy Release Day: Shenanigans (Brooklyn #6; Brooklyn Bruisers #9) by Sarina Bowen


What I meant to do in Vegas: Let my hair down for once and celebrate winning a medal at my first women’s hockey all-stars competition.

What I actually did: Got senior prom drunk and woke up married to Brooklyn’s star winger, the great Neil Drake. 

He’s the heir to a billion dollars, and I barely survived my childhood. Our friendship is based strictly only on hockey, takeout food, and smack talk. 

And now holy matrimony. Although we both know it can’t last, especially once his evil family gets wind of our Vegas shenanigans… 

Contains: Meddling teammates, meddling parents, ugly jewelry, and a pretend-kiss that nearly sets the world on fire.








 What I thought about Shenanigans

Charli (from the Brooklyn women's team) and Neil (from the Brooklyn men's team) wake up after a drunken night in Las Vegas to find themselves hungover, in compromising positions ... and married.  Then they miss the plane home. Good thing Neil is from a very wealthy family and happens to have a plane at this disposal.

They leave Vegas without an annulment and that's their first mistake. But when Neil realizes that he could make some changes at the family business if he has a spouse, he convinces Charli to help carry on their fake relationship for some time. Of course they catch feelings for each other and then things get oh so complicated.

There aren't any surprises in this story. it's a good, fun, old fashioned fake-marriage-to-real-feelings story. I liked that fact that Neil had an attraction to Charli before the fake marriage and the care he takes with her throughout is just swoon worthy.  He's just a good guy for the most part -- even though he uses the fake marriage for his own reasons (although they are good reasons) -- he does ask Charli to go along with it.

Overall, a quick read and sweet romance that I devoured in a day.


Release Week Review & Excerpt: Only One Survives By Hannah Mary McKinnon

  Only One Survives Hannah Mary McKinnon On Sale Date: July 16, 2024 9780778305477 Trade Paperback $18.99 USD 400 pages   ABOUT THE BOOK...