Saturday, March 30, 2019

5 star Review & Excerpt: Downfall by Jay Crownover

From New York Times bestselling author Jay Crownover comes DOWNFALL, a sexy, standalone contemporary romance! DOWNFALL is now available!  

Grab your copy today
or read in Amazon KU!


Solomon Sanders doesn’t have time to fall in love. Until a stunning, skittish, single mother forces him to pause and recognize just how empty and hollow his busy life has become.

From the start, it’s been ingrained in Solo’s DNA to fight.

Fight for what he believes is right.

Fight for the people he loves.

Fight for the traces of good in a place which tends to be filled with a variety of bad.

Fight for survival, so at some point, his life will quiet down and find a normal pace.

He wasn’t ready for the impact his secretive, shy, obviously out of place new neighbor was going to have on him. And never in a million years was he prepared to fall head over heels for her and her young daughter.

Now, he’s facing the most important, and the hardest fight he’s ever fought… the battle to win
Orley’s damaged heart.

Orley Vincent’s heart is full of fear, leaving no space for love. Until a big, brash, brawler of a man forces his way in and makes her realize facing her fears is the only way she can ever be free.

From the start, Orley was groomed to believe she wasn’t good enough.

She wasn’t the perfect daughter. Or student. Or girlfriend.

But, she has always been the best mother she could be to her daughter, Noble.

Keeping Noble safe has always been the one thing she was determined to do, which ironically, is how she ended up on the wrong side of the tracks, living next door to an unlikely hero. Orley’s a woman on the run. She had no idea her frantic sprint was going to land her in the tattooed arms of a man ready to teach her how to fight for herself… and for love.

DOWNFALL is now available in KU! Amazon Live Alert

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Amazon Paperback: Coming soon


“I’m not anyone’s savior, Orley. Don’t get that confused.”
She sighed again and pushed herself up off the floor. “I’m not confused. I’m incredibly lucky.” She sounded like she felt anything but lucky. “I want to do something nice for you. I have limited options, but if you want to come next door for dinner one night, Noble and I would love to have you.” She waved a hand around my kitchen, “I may have noticed you don’t keep much of anything edible on hand when I was looking for the coffee.”
Guiltily, I glanced at the abandoned bag of tater tots on the couch. “I’m on the go a lot. I usually just grab something I can eat on the run. Plus, I can’t cook.” My mom was a great cook, though, or she had been at one point. I couldn’t remember the last time I’d had a home-cooked meal. “Do you cook?” She was so young, it was hard to picture her slaving over a hot stove on the regular.
Orley nodded. “Sure. I mostly throw stuff together geared to the palate of a toddler, but I’m sure I can figure out something adult appropriate for one night. I really owe you more than I can ever repay. Being a good neighbor is the least I can do.”
I did a mental rundown of my week trying to find a hole where I could fit her in. Not for the first time a wave of exhaustion washed over me when I realized how every hour of my days were packed. It shouldn’t be nearly impossible to eke out a night for something as easy as dinner. Finally deciding I was just going to have to skip a training session or get up even earlier to work on school work, I told Orley I would be over on Wednesday night.
She nodded at me and took a step forward. I went to move out of the way so she could get out of the small space without feeling crowded, but she caught me completely off guard when she walked right up to me and wrapped her arms around my waist. I felt her soft breath against the base of my throat and her soft hair brush against the bottom of my chin. I reflexively put an arm around her shoulders and returned her embrace. If she tilted her head back just a little, there wasn’t enough self-control in the world for me to keep my mouth off of hers. I would kiss the shit out of her, even though I knew it was the last thing she needed.
“I’ve never had anyone like you in my life, Solo. You terrify me.” She hugged me hard enough I had to bite my tongue to keep the yelp of pain from my jacked-up ribs at bay.
“That street goes both ways, Orley. I’ve never met anyone like you either.” I never thought I would to be honest.
She let me go and took a deep breath. She was halfway across the room when I realized something. “Hey, what about you. You never told me your last name.”
She stopped by the door, her back to me. For a minute I thought she didn’t hear me, but then she pulled the door open and called softly, “I’ll see you on Wednesday night.”
She slipped out the door without another word, leaving me with one more piece of a puzzle I was determined to put together. Figuring out my pretty neighbor was going to have to wait. I still needed to shower and drive out to see my mom. My obligations were never-ending and usually I liked being busy enough I didn’t have to think about much of anything. Lately, I found myself resenting every minute that took my attention away from the mysterious redhead I couldn’t stop thinking about.

What I thought about Downfall

Oh, how I loved this!

Orley and her daughter Noble are stuck in a bad situation in the bad part of town and more danger is heading their way. It's a good thing that Solo is there to help Orley deal with her new life on the run.

Solo works as a car mechanic as well as fighter-for-hire and lives next door to Orley. If you have read any of the Welcome to the Point/The Breaking Point series from Jay Crownover, you might recognize some of the characters in Downfall. While the author doesn't use their names, fans of the series will recognize The Boss and The Devil and Boy Genius. I really liked what Jay Crownover did there since you can still enjoy Downfall -- it works well as a standalone.

Anyway, Solo is drawn toward Orley and Noble and he helps her out of a few serious situations, and things keep heating up. He's setup for a disaster of a fight by someone who's after Orley and Noble and Solo has to rely on his less than legitimate contacts to help both of them out of the jam they are in.

I really loved everything about this. The pacing is terrific and kept me interested until the final pages. I think I devoured this book in just a day or two because I just had to know what was going to happen next. Solo is quintessential bad-boy with a heart of gold, and there are both tender and scorching hot scenes between Solo and Orley that had me swooning over their happy ever after. A very enjoyable reading experience if you like your romance on the more gritty side.

An ARC was provided for review.


About Jay Crownover

Jay Crownover is the international and multiple New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of the Marked Men series, the Saints of Denver series, the Point series, the Breaking Point series, the Getaway series, and the Loveless, Texas series. Her books can be found translated in many different languages all around the world. She is a tattooed, crazy haired Colorado native who lives at the base of the Rockies with her awesome dogs. This is where she can frequently be found enjoying a cold beer and Taco Tuesdays. Jay is a self-declared music snob and outspoken book lover who is always looking for her next adventure, between the pages and on the road.For more on Jay and her books, visit    

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Thursday, March 28, 2019

Happy Release Day! Downfall by Jay Crownover

From New York Times bestselling author Jay Crownover comes DOWNFALL, a sexy, standalone contemporary romance! DOWNFALL is now available!  

Grab your copy today
or read in Amazon KU!


Solomon Sanders doesn’t have time to fall in love. Until a stunning, skittish, single mother forces him to pause and recognize just how empty and hollow his busy life has become.

From the start, it’s been ingrained in Solo’s DNA to fight.

Fight for what he believes is right.

Fight for the people he loves.

Fight for the traces of good in a place which tends to be filled with a variety of bad.

Fight for survival, so at some point, his life will quiet down and find a normal pace.

He wasn’t ready for the impact his secretive, shy, obviously out of place new neighbor was going to have on him. And never in a million years was he prepared to fall head over heels for her and her young daughter.

Now, he’s facing the most important, and the hardest fight he’s ever fought… the battle to win
Orley’s damaged heart.

Orley Vincent’s heart is full of fear, leaving no space for love. Until a big, brash, brawler of a man forces his way in and makes her realize facing her fears is the only way she can ever be free.

From the start, Orley was groomed to believe she wasn’t good enough.

She wasn’t the perfect daughter. Or student. Or girlfriend.

But, she has always been the best mother she could be to her daughter, Noble.

Keeping Noble safe has always been the one thing she was determined to do, which ironically, is how she ended up on the wrong side of the tracks, living next door to an unlikely hero. Orley’s a woman on the run. She had no idea her frantic sprint was going to land her in the tattooed arms of a man ready to teach her how to fight for herself… and for love.

DOWNFALL is now available in KU! Amazon Live Alert

Buy Links

Amazon US:
Amazon CA:
Amazon UK:
Amazon AU:
Amazon FR:
Amazon Paperback: Coming soon


Noble was making sure not to step on any cracks in the sidewalk. There were so many, it proved to be a daunting task which had her skipping around like a deranged bunny. I was so focused on her antics that I didn’t notice the huge figure coming around the corner at a rapid pace. Noble was directly in his path. His long legs ate up the distance at a steady job, and he had to jump to the side to avoid plowing Noble over. She fell backward onto her butt as the tatted-up man leapt to avoid her.

He had on the same hat he had been wearing the night before, and a pair of mirrored, aviator sunglasses covered his eyes. I could see my shocked reflection staring back at me as he paused, putting his hands on his knees so he could catch his breath. I wasn’t sure if he was winded from his run, or from the near-miss with the wide-eyed three-year-old at his feet. He wasn’t wearing a shirt, so I could see he was inked from his collarbone all the way down to the waistband of the black, nylon shorts he was wearing. Even his legs had random images and swirls of color decorating the strong lines. A light sheen of sweat covered every inch of his taut, artistic skin, highlighting his well-defined muscles and the lines of strength that made up his impressive build. He wasn’t my type. Not at all. In another life, I wouldn’t have thought to look twice at a guy who looked like him. Tattoos weren’t common in the circles where I used to travel. Now, caught unwillingly in this new life, I was having a hard time looking away.

I helped Noble to her feet, and noticed my daughter was also stunned into a rare silence in the presence of this imposing, impressive man.

He popped out one of his earbuds and pushed to his full height. I wished he weren’t wearing the mirrored glasses so I could see the color of his eyes. It was an odd reaction, so I cleared my throat and wiped my free hand nervously down the front of my jeans.

“Uh… Sorry. She’s been inside all day and has excess energy to burn.” He lifted his chin in acknowledgment and I tried not to swallow my tongue as a single drop of moisture slid down the strong line of his throat. I cleared my throat and squeezed Noble’s hand so tightly she squealed and gave me a questioning look. “Ummm… thank you for the rescue last night. I should have said something before taking off, but yesterday was quite possibly the second worst day of my life and I wasn’t thinking clearly. That guy was very scary; I don’t know what I would have done if you hadn’t intervened.”

About Jay Crownover

Jay Crownover is the international and multiple New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of the Marked Men series, the Saints of Denver series, the Point series, the Breaking Point series, the Getaway series, and the Loveless, Texas series. Her books can be found translated in many different languages all around the world. She is a tattooed, crazy haired Colorado native who lives at the base of the Rockies with her awesome dogs. This is where she can frequently be found enjoying a cold beer and Taco Tuesdays. Jay is a self-declared music snob and outspoken book lover who is always looking for her next adventure, between the pages and on the road.For more on Jay and her books, visit    

Website | Facebook | Twitter | Goodreads

Tuesday, March 26, 2019

New Cover! Review & Excerpt: Can't Hold Back by Serena Bell



Can’t Hold Back (Returning Home, Book Two)

A love triangle gone wrong. The power to heal his pain. And a second chance for both of them.

Nate Riordan came home from war hurting—everywhere.

Alia Drake can touch him and make it all better.

Nate craves her touch, and not just the professional, physical therapist version. But he needs to keep his eyes on the prize and his feet firmly on the path he’s chosen: His buddy, J.J., died, and Nate lived, which means he has promises to keep. Plus, Alia hurt him once, and he’s afraid she’ll do it again.

Alia knows she has to ignore her feelings for Nate. Her job is to take care of him professionally, so she has to keep her hands on the parts of him she has a right to touch. Besides, when she lied to him two years ago, she forfeited any claim she could ever have to his heart.

Now she just has to find some way to stick to her guns, leave him alone, and do her job. Even—or especially—when he’s shirtless on the table in her office…

 What Readers Are Saying

 “When the book keeps you up until after two in the morning then you know it’s damn good. I’ve waited so long for this book but it was worth it!” —Lisa at Fic Talk

“I inhaled this book on a wet Sunday afternoon, and it was time well spent! Serena Bell writes some seriously smart, funny and sexy stories. 5/5 stars.” —Onni at I Love Romantic Fiction 

“Can’t Hold Back is a wonderful example of great writing, careful weaving of emotions and reality into a special situation, and—of course—great, passionate and sexy romance. Grab this second chance romance today. 4.5 stars.” —Eleanor, The Book Hammock

“Sweet and Sexy, Can’t Hold Back is a military romance with heart and soul.” —Beth at Tome Tender

“By the end of the book you love not only Nate, but also Alia. Serena Bell did a fabulous job with this novel.”—Sam’s Ramblings

“This sweet story is full of physical and emotional healing.” —Publishers Weekly

Can’t Hold Back Excerpt

Copyright © 2019 Serena Bell
All rights reserved.

“Is this seat taken?”

From her perspective in the grass, he was a giant, with broad shoulders and a luminous smile. She’d always thought it was exaggeration when women said they lost their breath in a man’s presence, but she just had.

She got a grip and shook her head. “Pull up some turf.” She patted the lawn beside her, and he sat.

He was vivid, like a soldier in a movie: ripped, swaggering, grinning, golden-haired. He’d smiled in her direction earlier, and for a split second she’d thought, Who me? before she remembered that she was standing next to Becca. Her sister was a man magnet. All the two of them had to do was idle in a patch of sunlight admiring the garden, and sexy six-foot-plus men in butt-hugging jeans and black T-shirts materialized from nowhere—

Abracadabra! Hot guy for Becca.

In the car on the way over here, she’d told Becca that Jake’s picnics boasted not just amazing food, but other earthly delights. “We’ll get you back on your feet,” Alia had promised, sneaking a glance at her sister, slumped in the passenger seat. Ever since Becca’s boyfriend had dumped her recently, just as they were getting serious, she rarely smiled.

Becca had been super excited about the guy, and Alia was almost as disappointed as Becca was. She wanted her sister to be happy. Settled. Cared for.

Hot Guy for Becca set his plate on the grass. He sat cross-legged, and his thighs and calves, which looked like they’d been hewn from wood, were generously decked with curly golden hair.

“My sister just went to get some food,” she told him, pointing.

He cast a glance at Becca, standing by the salad table, loading her plate with potato chips. Tall, beautiful, blond, and glowing with vitality.

“You guys don’t look anything alike.”

“We don’t.” She forced a smile. It wasn’t only blindingly obvious differences, like Becca’s blond and Alia’s dark hair, but everything else, too—Becca was slim, with hourglass curves, while Alia was “athletic”; Becca had porcelain skin and Alia was generously freckled; Becca’s features were classic and even, and Alia was—well, she’d be kind to hers
elf and say “cute.”

She sighed.

“Nate Riordan.” The man beside her reached out his hand for a shake.

“Alia Drake.”

Big hands. Warm. A moment ago, the world had smelled like summer. Like grass gone somewhere to seed, roses in bloom, and the mingled marvels of mesquite smoke and grilling meat.

Now her head was filled with a different scent entirely—soap, shampoo, the faintest whiff of some spicy male deodorant or cologne.

He was going to have no difficulty making Becca forget her romantic troubles. He could probably make any woman blank on her own name.

She retrieved her hand before she could reflect any more on that. He was Becca’s hot guy.

What I thought about Can't Hold Back

Nate Riordan returns from his tour of duty a broken man. Not only did he suffer a devastating injury, he lost friends too. His sense of honor has him promising himself to take care of those he left behind, and to do that, he's got to learn how to handle the physical pain that wracks his body. But while his physical therapist helps him deal with the pain, she also has some history with Nate that he is struggling to get over.

Alia was immediately attracted to Nate when she met him before he left for war, but instead of letting their mutual attraction grow, she sets her sister up with him. That was a big what-the-feck moment in this book, but I got it, too. I like that these characters aren't one dimensional and that their motivations aren't always clear, even to themselves.

The attraction between Nate and Alia never died, though, and when she becomes his physical therapist there are some very heated moments, which I loved in this book. These two are hot for each other but it takes a while for them to figure out what they really want in their lives, which only makes the conclusion that much more satisfying.

Serena Bell's smooth writing and the emotional content of this book put Can't Hold Back high on my list of favorite military themed romances.

ARC provided for review.

About the Author
Photo credit Susan Young

USA Today bestselling author Serena Bell writes contemporary romance with heat, heart, and humor. A former journalist, Serena has always believed that everyone has an amazing story to tell if you listen carefully, and you can often find her scribbling in her tiny garret office, mainlining chocolate and bringing to life the tales in her head.
Serena’s books have earned many honors, including an RT Reviewers’ Choice Award, Apple Books Best Book of the Month, and Amazon Best Book of the Year for Romance. 

When not writing, Serena loves to spend time with her college-sweetheart husband and two hilarious kiddos—all of whom are incredibly tolerant not just of Serena’s imaginary friends but also of how often she changes her hobbies and how passionately she embraces the new ones. These days, it’s stand-up paddle boarding, board-gaming, meditation, and long walks with good friends. 

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Monday, March 25, 2019

Cover Reveal: The Defender (Sons of Texas #4) by Donna Grant

We are so excited to share the cover reveal for THE DEFENDER by Donna Grant with you today! THE DEFENDER is the fourth book in Donna's Sons of Texas series and it releases on June 11th.

Links to pre-order your copy can be found below.


THE DEFENDER by Donna Grant

Sons of Texas #4 | June 11, 2019


Pre-order your copy of THE DEFENDER today!

Amazon | Nook | GooglePlay

**Apple, Kobo, and print will be available soon!


Their love knows no borders.
A loner who exudes danger, Lev Ivanski has spent his life in service to one man, someone he loves and respects. But things are changing. Rapidly. Lev and his boss have allies and friends and a new mission more important their than business, all because of the Saints. This clandestine organization needs to be taken down, and Lev has the skills to help. What he doesn’t expect is to be at the mercy of a woman who makes him crave more than he ever thought possible.
Determined and dedicated, Reyna Harris is used to danger and living on the edge. An ex-CIA operative, she’s been embedded with the Saints for years, trying to take them down from the inside. When her cover is blown, she is forced to trust a man she just met, fighting their way out of one battle after another. But there’s something about Lev that Reyna knows she can trust. And love. She needs Lev – and not just to take a swipe at the Saints. Together they’re an unstoppable force. And with their friends, they just might succeed in their mission.


Pre-order your copy of THE DEFENDER today!

Amazon | Nook | GooglePlay

**Apple, Kobo, and print will be available soon!



New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Donna Grant has been praised for her "totally addictive" and "unique and sensual" stories. Her latest acclaimed series, Dark Kings, features a thrilling combination of dragons, Fae, and immortal Highlanders who are dark, dangerous, and irresistible. She lives with her two children and an assortment of animals in Texas. Connect with her: Website / Facebook / Instagram / Goodreads

Saturday, March 23, 2019

Review: The One I Love to Hate (the Romano Sisters #1) by Amanda Weaver

Don’t hate the player…

Achieve lifelong dream of becoming a reporter? Check.

Land dream job working with her idol at the Brooklyn Daily Post? Check.

Navigate working across the street from her college nemesis?

Okay, yes, hate the player.

But Jessica Romano doesn’t have time to be bothered by the likes of Alex Drake. She’s struck up a fiery online flirtation with a mystery man and—thanks to Alex’s family’s gossip website, competitor Click News—she also has a newspaper to save.

But she is bothered by Alex. She’s bothered by the fact that Click News keeps scooping the Daily Post’s stories. And by how Alex always gets what he wants.

And she’s really bothered by how she can’t seem to stop staring at his stupid, sexy face.

Or how their competitive banter is starting to sound like familiar foreplay.

Suddenly Jess isn’t just bothered by Alex; she’s hot and bothered. Hot sex and swoony romance are almost enough to make her forget the vast divide between old media and new…and the Romanos from Brooklyn and the Drakes of Manhattan.

Book One of The Romano Sisters

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 What I thought about The One I Love to Hate

Oh, this was a book I couldn't wait to get home from work to read all this week!  It's a tale of two young professionals who have some unresolved feelings from their college days.  Jessica had a huge crush on Alex back then, and circumstances almost had them hooking up, but it just didn't happen.

When they run into each other a few years later, it's clear from the start that Alex has feelings for Jessica but they still have many hurdles to cross -- especially Jessica's fiery irritation with Alex that masks her true feelings. There are definite sparks flying between these two in the first half of the book and I really loved these pages for their growing sexual tension between Jessica and Alex.

It takes a little while for Alex and Jessica to get on the same page, but when they do, it's sweet and romantic. The book is written mostly from Jessica's point of view, with occasional glimpses into Alex's head which were like little nuggets of gold throughout the book. And I really liked the contrast between Jessica's extended middle class family and Alex's wealthy father.  Dan Drake was a very interesting character and the way he loved his son was a refreshing aspect of this story.

This was a book I read whenever I had a free moment at work and I couldn't wait to dig back into it when I got home.  It had a good pace, and I liked the issues that lurked beneath the surface like the difference in the main characters economic status and their search for what they truly wanted in their lives. 

The One I Love to Hate is a sweet and romantic tale of fated frenemies that kept me interested until the final page.  It's a lighter story that had me smiling and left me feeling good.  Definitely recommended.

 An ARC was provided for review.

Amanda has loved romance since she read that very first Kathleen E. Woodiwiss novel at fifteen. After a long detour into a career as a costume designer in theatre, she’s found her way back to romance, this time as a writer.
A native Floridian, Amanda transplanted to New York City many years ago and now considers Brooklyn home, along with her husband, daughter, two cats, and nowhere near enough space.

Friday, March 22, 2019

Teaser: Downfall by Jay Crownover


From New York Times bestselling author Jay Crownover comes DOWNFALL, a sexy, standalone contemporary romance releasing March 27th! Check out the sexy teaser below!

About DOWNFALL (Coming 3/27/19):

Solomon Sanders doesn’t have time to fall in love. Until a stunning, skittish, single mother forces him to pause and recognize just how empty and hollow his busy life has become.

From the start, it’s been ingrained in Solo’s DNA to fight.

Fight for what he believes is right.

Fight for the people he loves.

Fight for the traces of good in a place which tends to be filled with a variety of bad.

Fight for survival, so at some point, his life will quiet down and find a normal pace.

He wasn’t ready for the impact his secretive, shy, obviously out of place new neighbor was going to have on him. And never in a million years was he prepared to fall head over heels for her and her young daughter.

Now, he’s facing the most important, and the hardest fight he’s ever fought… the battle to win Orley’s damaged heart.

Orley Vincent’s heart is full of fear, leaving no space for love. Until a big, brash, brawler of a man forces his way in and makes her realize facing her fears is the only way she can ever be free.

From the start, Orley was groomed to believe she wasn’t good enough.

She wasn’t the perfect daughter. Or student. Or girlfriend.

But, she has always been the best mother she could be to her daughter, Noble.

Keeping Noble safe has always been the one thing she was determined to do, which ironically, is how she ended up on the wrong side of the tracks, living next door to an unlikely hero. Orley’s a woman on the run. She had no idea her frantic sprint was going to land her in the tattooed arms of a man ready to teach her how to fight for herself… and for love.

Amazon Live Alert
Get DOWNFALL before the 28th
when it goes into KU!

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About Jay Crownover:

Jay Crownover is the international and multiple New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of the Marked Men series, the Saints of Denver series, the Point series, the Breaking Point series, the Getaway series, and the Loveless, Texas series. Her books can be found translated in many different languages all around the world. She is a tattooed, crazy haired Colorado native who lives at the base of the Rockies with her awesome dogs. This is where she can frequently be found enjoying a cold beer and Taco Tuesdays. Jay is a self-declared music snob and outspoken book lover who is always looking for her next adventure, between the pages and on the road.For more on Jay and her books, visit


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Release Week Review & Excerpt: Only One Survives By Hannah Mary McKinnon

  Only One Survives Hannah Mary McKinnon On Sale Date: July 16, 2024 9780778305477 Trade Paperback $18.99 USD 400 pages   ABOUT THE BOOK...