Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Giveaway & Dual Cover Reveal : Alyssa Rose Ivy

We are thrilled to participate in this Dual Cover Reveal for Alyssa Rose Ivy's THE HAZARDS OF SEX ON THE BEACH and ON THE ROCKS!!!

THE HAZARDS OF SEX ON THE BEACH is a New Adult Contemporary Romance novel and is the 3rd book in the Hazards Series. THE HAZARDS OF SEX ON THE BEACH is set to be released on July 21st, 2014.

ON THE ROCKS is a Contemporary Romance, and it is the 2nd book in the Mixology Series. ON THE ROCKS is due to be released on May 29th, 2014.

 These covers were created by Once Upon A Time Covers.

ABOUT THE HAZARDS OF SEX ON THE BEACH (Hazards #3): One broken heart, one drink too many, one steamy night in the sand...  

The Hazards of Sex on the Beach Cover

 ABOUT ON THE ROCKS (Mixology #2): Love is best served on the rocks. My roommates look really good naked. At least one of them does. I’m sure the other one does too, but I haven’t seen him without his pants on. Living with two guys wasn't something I’d ever considered, but the opportunity fell in my lap, and I’d have been crazy to turn it down. College went by in a great big blur leaving me with less of a direction than I had going in. Add in a family that wanted nothing to do with me, and my post-college plans were less than clear. What’s a girl to do when she has nowhere else to turn? She moves to the Outer Banks and learns to bartend. After all, it was my horrible bartending skills that led me to my roommate’s bed and into his heart.

   Alyssa Rose Ivy- Author Photo 

ABOUT ALYSSA ROSE IVY:  Alyssa Rose Ivy is a New Adult and Young Adult author who loves to weave stories with romance and a southern setting. Although raised in the New York area, she fell in love with the South after moving to New Orleans for college. After years as a perpetual student, she turned back to her creative side and decided to write. She lives in North Carolina with her husband and two young children, and she can usually be found with a cup of coffee in her hand.

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FAKE IT by Jennifer Chance


Jennifer Chance and Loveswept are thrilled to share the hot cover and first-look teaser of FAKE IT, the second book in the Rule Breakers series published by Loveswept!

From Jenn: “This cover is perfect for Jake--right down to the biker-inspired smoky blue flame background behind the title. It really shows that Jake and Anna's adventure will be quite a ride!”

Read on for more about FAKE IT and a super sexy teaser!

Jennifer Chance
Published by Loveswept
July 1, 2014
ISBN: 978-0-553-39228-9


As her sizzling new series continues, Jennifer Chance sparks some serious combustion between a sexy biker and a corporate go-getter who’s ready to let her hair down.

New grad Anna Richardson works hard—so hard that she’s given up having a romantic life. Anna has even convinced her friends that she’s dating an amazing guy—who they’ve simply never met. But now Anna has a wedding to attend and needs to produce the hottie she’s been lying about for the past six months. Enter Jake Flynn, her infuriating, motorcycle-riding, jaw-droppingly gorgeous neighbor, who’s more than willing to fake it for a weekend. In fact, Jake won’t be satisfied until things get real.

Though Jake is only playing the role of adoring boyfriend, he’s starting to feel the heat, and judging by Anna’s sweet blush, so is she. Letting chemistry this intense go to waste would be a real shame. Soon, though, the thin line between fantasy and reality fades. Jake may not be what every buttoned-up fast-tracker wants, but he’s sure as hell what Anna needs. And if she takes a ride with him, their adventure never has to end.


“Jake, the wedding would completely suck for you,” Anna protested. “My ex is a nightmare and you would hate all of my friends. You would think the whole thing is ridiculous—because it is.” He just watched her, maddeningly, his smile curving as she tried to sputter out her refusals. “You don’t want to do this. Trust me.”
“I just said I did.”
“But . . . you can’t . . . you wouldn’t . . .” Anna stopped, flustered. What was happening here? Was she actually turning down a viable date? “There’s so much you would have to memorize about Dave. There’s no way you’re going to want to do that.”
Jake just lifted his brows. “You know, for someone who’s just met me, you seem to know a lot about what I would and wouldn’t want to do.”
“I don’t! I mean, I can guess. But I just . . . can’t.” Anna swallowed. “Look, I appreciate it. If I strike out tonight, I’ll call you. How about that?”
“That sounds good.” Jake signaled to the bartender. “So I guess I should make sure you have my number, then.”
“Oh, well yes. I guess. Or, you know, I could just—” Before Anna could complete the sentence, Jake had a pen in his fingers. They were both leaning on the bar, their faces inches apart. He tipped the pen to its side, sliding its base alongside her jaw. The cool metal on her flushed skin startled her, and Anna’s gaze jumped to his. The challenge in his eyes was unmistakable.
“Hold out your hand, Anna,” he said, as if they weren’t in the middle of a crowded bar, in front of everyone.
“That’s not necessary,” she said quickly. “I have other people’s cards—you can just use—just write on one of those.”
His gaze grew hotter, more intense. “That’s no good,” he said. “You might lose it.”
Anna hesitated, then something was triggered deep inside her, and she felt a dangerous flicker of pleasure. She knew that flicker, remembered it from somewhere, even as life and work and responsibility had taught her to keep it doused, out of commission. It had been a long time since she’d let that fire burn.
But now Jake Flynn was positioned in front of her with gasoline and a blowtorch.
Someone cleared his throat beside them, and a disgruntled voice rang out. “Excuse me, I’m Gary, and your friend Lacey—”
“Take off, Gary,” Jake said without turning around. His gaze held hers. “Anna?”
Anna held out her hand, and Jake held her arm steady, cradling it with his fingers. Sensation rocketed through her at the intimate touch, intensifying sharply as she felt the smooth slide of ink on her skin. He wrote slowly, sensually, the pen tracing wickedly silken lines on the hypersensitive skin on the inside of her wrist, all the way down until he reached her palm. By the time he was finished, Anna was amazed she was still conscious. Then he glanced at her.
“Think it’s dry? Or should I blow on it?”

 Want more of the Rule Breakers? ROCK IT, the first book in the series, is on sale now!


Jennifer Chance is the award-winning author of the New Adult series Rule Breakers. A lover of books, romance, and happily-ever-afters, she lives and writes in Ohio. Visit her website and find her on Twitter.

Connect with Jennifer Chance

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Tuesday, April 29, 2014

The Witch with No Name by Kim Harrison

On-sale 9/9/2014 | ISBN:  9780061957956

The triumphant conclusion to Kim Harrison’s #1 New York Times bestselling Hollows series!

Rachel Morgan’s come a long way from the clutzy runner of Dead Witch Walking. She’s faced vampires and werewolves, banshees, witchs, and soul-eating demons. She’s crossed worlds, channeled gods, and accepted her place as a day-walking demon. She’s lost friends and lovers and family, and an old enemy has become something much more.

But power demands responsibility, and world-changers must always pay a price. That time is now.

To save Ivy’s soul and the rest of the living vampires, to keep the demonic ever after and our own world from destruction, Rachel Morgan will risk everything.

New York Times bestselling author Kim Harrison was born and raised in the upper Midwest. Her bestselling Hollows novels include Dead Witch Walking, The Good, The Bad, and The Undead, Every Which Way But Dead, A Fistful of Charms, For a Few Demons More, The Outlaw Demon Wails, White Witch, Black Curse, Black Magic Sanction, Pale Demon, A Perfect Blood, Ever After, The Undead Pool, plus the short story collection Into the Woods and The Hollows Insider. She also writes the bestselling Madison Avery YA series.

Pre-Order Links:

 Barnes & Noble


Sunday, April 27, 2014

Better When He's Bad by Jay Crownover

So you’ve met Rule, Jet, Rome, and soon Nash! But there’s a new boy in town, along with a new series, by Jay Crownover. Better When He’s Bad (Welcome to the Point #1) is a new adult novel scheduled for publication on June 17, 2014, by William Morrow, an imprint of HarperCollins Publishing.

 This is how Jay describes her new novel/series:

“It’s dark and dangerous and set in a fictitious underworld/bad part of town. The men in all of the books are way more along the line of being anti-heros than true leading men. I guess the easiest way to sum them up is by saying the books are all about the choices these characters have to make and the outcomes and results of those decisions. Bax’s book is all about having to make the hard choices and what becomes of him and his lady in doing so. They are super fun, very atmospheric and I think really what writing a bad boy should be like if you’re going to do it :)”

Look in the back of Nash’s book to find the first chapter of “Better When He’s Bad.”  


Welcome to the Point

There’s a difference between a bad boy and a boy who’s bad . . . meet Shane Baxter.

 Sexy, dark, and dangerous, Bax isn’t just from the wrong side of the tracks, he is the wrong side of the tracks. A criminal, a thug, and a brawler, he’s the master of bad choices, until one such choice landed him in prison for five years. Now Bax is out and looking for answers, and he doesn’t care what he has to do or who he has to hurt to get them. But there’s a new player in the game, and she’s much too innocent, much too soft…and standing directly in his way.

 Dovie Pryce knows all about living a hard life and the tough choices that come with it. She’s always tried to be good, tried to help others, and tried not to let the darkness pull her down. But the streets are fighting back, things have gone from bad to worse, and the only person who can help her is the scariest, sexiest, most complicated ex-con The Point has ever produced.

 Bax terrifies her, but it doesn’t take Dovie long to realize that some boys are just better when they’re bad.

About the Author

 I’m supposed to share interesting details about myself so that my readers get to know me so here we go in no particular order: I’m an natural redhead even though I haven’t seen my real hair color in years, I’m a big fan of tattoos and have a half sleeve on either arm and various other pieces all over the place, I’ve been in the bar industry since I was in college and it has always offered interesting insight into how men and women interact with each other, I have 3 dogs that are all crazy, I live in Colorado and love the snow, I love music and in all reality wish I could be a rock star not a writer or a bartender but I have zero talent so there is that. I love to write, love to read and all I’m interested in is a good story with interesting characters that make the reader feel something.

Connect with Jay: Facebook | Twitter | Website | Goodreads

4 stars for Nova and Quinton: No Regrets (Nova, #3) by Jessica Sorensen


Today is the first day of Quinton Carter's new life. The toxic guilt of his past left him in pieces-but one girl unexpectedly put him back together. Thanks to Nova Reed, Quinton can finally see the world with clear eyes. She's the reason his heart is still kicking behind the jagged scar on his chest. And he would love to have her in his arms every minute of the day . . . but he's not ready yet.

Playing drums in a band and living with her best friends are just some of the highlights of Nova's life. But the best new development? Talking to Quinton on the phone each night. She wishes she could touch him, kiss him, though she knows he needs time to heal. Yet shocking news is on the way-a reminder of life's dark side-and Nova will need Quinton like he once needed her. Is he strong enough to take the final leap out of his broken past . . . and into Nova's heart?

Buy Links:   Amazon    |    Barnes & Noble

What I thought about Nova and Quinton: No Regrets

So I've read some reviews for this book that complain there's no romance, there's not much page time where Quinton and Nova are together, there's no grand happily-ever-after that warms their heart and makes all of the depressing and difficult stuff in this series have some sort of payoff.

Well, that's all true. But what we get here with this series and with this third installment, is a more accurate depiction of real life in the face of drug addiction, which has always been the draw to this series for me.

Quinton is home in Seattle now, living with his father at least until his dad makes a decision that has potential to derail his recovery. Quinton struggles with it all, just like he did before, but now he works at getting better with the help of others. Nova continues to be a big motivating part of his recovery, even if its just over the phone. I liked that he didn't immediately run to her, but wanted to stand on his own before he could be with her. I thought his struggles were depicted very well, along with his reluctance to move out of his comfort zone of guilt.

As for Nova, she really seemed to be the one who needed help, as far I was concerned. Her incessant need to help and the guilt she takes on when things go south for others seemed to be very misplaced at times and I'm not sure she's in any better place than Tristan or Quinton. Just a different one. I think there is potential for more story about her, because some her her behaviors just didn't seem healthy to me. I did love that she followed her film-making dream and found a creative outlet for her need to help.

Tristan continues to be an interesting character to me. I do think that Nova could have handled him better and the fine line she rode with Tristan had major conflict potential for most of the book. I thought his struggle was also well-written and portrayed and I'm eager to read more about him in his upcoming book.

So overall, while this book doesn't have the intensity of the first two books in the series, it was still a very satisfying ending. I did feel it left some doors open for more books about Nova and Quinton.

Saturday, April 26, 2014

4 Stars for All Fired Up by Vivian Arend and Elle Kennedy

All Fired Up (DreamMakers #1)

By: Vivian Arend & Elle Kennedy

Welcome to the DreamMakers trilogy. A new collaboration from New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Vivian Arend and Elle Kennedy, author of the bestselling Out of Uniform and Killer Instincts series.

What are three ex-military best friends supposed to do when they’re back on US soil permanently? Parker Wilson, Jack Hunter and Dean Colter considered establishing the typical security company, but a glut on the market forced a change of plans.

After listening to a friend bemoan not knowing what to do for his girlfriend’s birthday, they realized their set of job skills left them uniquely positioned to assist the confused male masses. Any idiot can plan a perfect date if he knows his woman well enough. And anyone with recon skills can fill in the missing gaps.


Got an event coming up with that special someone? Looking to make a first impression guaranteed to move you to the top of her dating list? Or…god forbid…did you forget her birthday and need to make up some serious cred? Let us help you.

As guys, we understand how difficult it can be to figure out what a woman wants. We offer reasonable rates for fantasy dates coordinated for you and your partner. Can be pre-arranged up to three months in advance, or a minimum of one hour (emergency services–check for availability, extra charges apply.) 


A fun thrill ride of hot sex and sweet emotion. Vivian Arend and Elle Kennedy held me spellbound with the escapades of these three exciting alpha males who know their way around a woman’s body—and her heart. I can’t wait to read more! ~ Jaci Burton, New York Times Bestselling Author


He’s ready to lead the way

Parker Wilson never thought he’d go from battle-hardened soldier to romance expert, but after his stint in the Rangers, that’s exactly what happened. As the owner of DreamMakers Inc., he helps other men win in the love department, using every resource available to plan the perfect date. When a routine recon turns into an unexpected night of passion, Parker’s mission becomes more personal—and he won’t give up until Lynn Davidson is all his.

She’s more than willing to follow

Lynn is a goner from the moment she lays eyes on the delectable Parker. She’s just ditched her boring almost-boyfriend and is tired of sticking to the straight and narrow. It’s time to walk on the wild side, and what better way than in the arms of the most irresistible man she’s ever met? But when their red-hot affair is threatened, it’ll take a team effort to make their dreams come true.

Available: April 22nd, 2014

Buy Links:

Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Kobo | iTunes | All Romance eBooks

What I thought about All Fired Up

A solid four stars. Sometimes you just want something a little bit lighter, where characters act like adults and conflicts are resolved quickly. All Fired Up was that for me, and I really enjoyed this. 

There's a charming and fresh premise here with three buddies from the military getting together to run a date-planning service for men using their exceptional military skills to plan the perfect date for their clients.  And they know how to use their reconnaissance skills well.  All Fired Up focused on Parker, but I felt like I got a good look at Dean and Jack, too. These guys working together to do what they do just worked for me in a more light-hearted way that kept me reading.

When they get a contract that brings them to stalking, oops I mean learning about Lynn to craft a perfect date for her at the request of Phil, her creepy boyfriend, Parker falls  hard and fast for Lynn.  

I really liked these two together. There was just the right amount of drama to keep things interesting and lots of hot romance.  When I got to the end, I wanted the next story in this series, and that's why I'm giving this a four-star rating.

About the Authors:

Vivian Arend in one word: Adventurous. In a sentence: Willing to try just about anything once. That wide-eyed attitude has taken her around North America, through parts of Europe, and into Central and South America, often with no running water.

Her optimistic outlook also meant that when challenged to write a book, she gave it a shot, and discovered creating worlds to play in was nearly as addictive as traveling the real one. Now a New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of both contemporary and paranormal stories, Vivian continues to explore, write and otherwise keep herself well entertained.





A RITA-award nominated author, Elle Kennedy grew up in the suburbs of Toronto, Ontario, and holds a B.A. in English from York University. From an early age, she knew she wanted to be a writer, and actively began pursuing that dream when she was a teenager.

Elle currently publishes with Signet Eclipse, Harlequin Romantic Suspense, and Samhain Publishing. She loves strong heroines and sexy alpha heroes, and just enough heat and danger to keep things interesting!





Friday, April 25, 2014

5 Star Review and Giveaway: Nash by Jay Crownover

Crownover Tour Nash photo banner_zps67cacf88.jpg
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Title: Nash (Marked Men #4)
Author: Jay Crownover
Genre: New Adult/ Coming of Age
Publication Date: April 29, 2014
Publisher: William Morrow Paperbacks, an imprint of HarperCollins
Event Organized By: Literati Author Services, Inc.


Will their past determine their future?
Saint Ford has worked hard to achieve her childhood dream of becoming of nurse. Focused on her work and devoted to her patients, there’s no room for love. She doesn’t need a guy making waves in her calm, serene life—especially when he’s the unforgettable hottie who nearly destroyed her in high school. Dark, brooding Nash Donovan might not remember her or the terrible pain he caused. But he turned her world upside down . . . and now he’s trying to do it again.

Saint has no idea that Nash isn’t the cocky player he once was. Uncovering a devastating family secret has rocked his world, and now he’s struggling to figure out his future. He can’t be distracted by the pretty nurse he seems to meet everywhere. Still, he can’t ignore the sparks that fly between them —or how she seems so desperate to get away from him. But the funny, sweet, and drop-dead gorgeous Saint is far too amazing to give up on—especially since she’s the only thing in his life that seems to make sense.

When Nash discovers the truth about their past, he realizes he may have lost her heart before he could even fight for it. Now, Saint has to decide: is Nash worth risking herself for all over again?

What I thought about Nash

Oh my, Nash. This book just did me in. I loved it. It's in my top five books read so far this year. There is just so much to gush about, so many scenes I want to go back and read, and I’ve already read this three times, because it just stayed with me for days. And I even have to say of all the Marked Men, Nash has taken over the #1 spot in my heart (sorry Rule).

Nash and Saint have some really awesome chemistry and every scene between them jumps off the page. Their first “real” time in Nash’s point of view is pages and pages of hotness and as far as the romance in this story goes, everything hit the right note for me.

The backdrop to this love story, Nash’s situation with Phil, and Saint’s reluctance to give herself totally to Nash were both interesting storylines, and Jay Crownover does an incredible job with some very tough scenes toward the end of the book and captures both the heartbreak and sadness, with the "specialness" of those moments perfectly.

And there are some really nice scenes with the other Marked Men too. I love this series, especially the concept of these characters and their women being family, which is weaved thoughout this book in particular. Each installment just gets better and better.

About the Author
Crownover photo JayCrownoverAuthorPiccopy2_zps37a4d3cd.jpg

 I'm supposed to share interesting details about myself so that my readers get to know me so here we go in no particular order: I'm an natural redhead even though I haven't seen my real hair color in years, I'm a big fan of tattoos and have a half sleeve on either arm and various other pieces all over the place, I've been in the bar industry since I was in college and it has always offered interesting insight into how men and women interact with each other, I have 3 dogs that are all crazy, I live in Colorado and love the snow, I love music and in all reality wish I could be a rock star not a writer or a bartender but I have zero talent so there is that. I love to write, love to read and all I'm interested in is a good story with interesting characters that make the reader feel something. Thanks for taking the time to check my stuff out...

Connect with Jay: Facebook | Twitter | Website | Goodreads
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Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Giveaway + Cover Reveal: Finding Haven by T.A. Foster

FindingHaven Amazon Smashwords Goodreads-1 



Releasing May 15th, 2014

New Adult Contemporary Romance

Book Blurb:

Power. Money. Control. Love.
He has all but one.
When movie star, Evan Carlson, discovers his girlfriend’s picture with another man splashed on the cover of gossip magazines, he decides he’s had enough of his fishbowl life and attempts to outrun the media frenzy his relationships have become. Driving until the road stops, he ends up on the remote and quaint Perry Island, where a heartthrob can blend in like the locals and be a beach bum as long as he wants. All that changes when Evan meets Haven Owen, aspiring songwriter and the girl he just can’t get enough of. A summer romance turns into something much deeper and Evan gets tangled in his own web of lies to keep Haven in his life. But when his ex tracks him down, Evan learns there are some things you just can’t outrun.

Is the cost of love, losing all control? 


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T.A. Foster once spent a monthlong spring break on South Padre Island, where she soaked in the Texas sun, beach, and learned what real Texas country music is. Sometimes fiction does spring from reality. She grew up catching rays and chasing waves along the North Carolina Outer Banks and now resides in the state with her adventurous pilot husband, two children, and two canine kiddos. T.A. has an undergraduate degree in Journalism and Mass Communication from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and a graduate degree in Educational Psychology from Texas A&M University. When she’s not chasing her two-legged and four-legged children or trying to escape for date night, you can find her reading, writing, or planning her next beach trip.

Author Links:

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Sunday, April 20, 2014

4 Stars for Beyond Repair by Charlotte Stein

When Alice Evans finds a bona fide movie star on the floor of her living room, she has no idea what to do. Ordinary men are frightening enough, never mind someone as famous and frankly gorgeous as Holden Stark.

However, once she realizes that Holden is suffering behind that famous facade, she knows she has to help. He needs someone like her to give him a taste of sweetness and desire and love. He needs normality. The only problem is—Alice is hiding a secret that is far from normal. In fact, her name isn’t even Alice at all.

And once Holden finds out, the intense connection they are just beginning to build may well be torn apart.

What I thought about Beyond Repair

It's no secret that I like Charlotte Stein's writing. Her characters and voice are pleasantly unique and I'm always eager to see what twisty and emotional story she is going to put in front of me. Beyond Repair might just be my current favorite.

We get to know Alice up close and personal, and it isn't very long before its clear she has some major secrets and hangups she is dealing with.  But Holden is broken himself, and something just clicks between them as she nurses him back to health.  They manage to say just the right thing to each other. I loved how Charlotte showed their developing feelings for each other with their conversations, and they really were the best parts of the first half of this book.  I really felt the love and it just made the last third of the book all that more gut-wrenching. 

After Holden returns to his life, the romance moves into some incredibly sweet and at times, sad territory. Holden does a really awesome job of wooing Alice into really giving them a shot, and when she finally lets her defenses down, they may just have a chance. Maybe.  Even though the story is told in Alice's voice, I thought the second half of the book belonged to Holden. 

The last half of the story moved along quite nicely. For the most part, there is a good balance of Alice's thoughts with conversations between her and Holden, and overall,  I loved this characters and story, and I would definitely recommend this to my friends. 

This was a sweet Cinderella-sorta story for me. A twenty-first century fairy-tale. :) 

ebook provided by Charlotte Stein for review.

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Review: How to Say Goodbye by Amber Lin

Amy has a secret: no one’s ever held her hand. She doesn’t even know how to hug. Everyone thinks she’s smart, but straight A's are way easier than making friends. Then she meets Dane, a golden-haired surfer whose easy charm and hot touch teach her what she longs to know.

Dane lives for the salty breeze and a sweet wave, because that’s all he has. He’s been on the streets since he was fourteen. A drifter. Homeless. Then he meets Amy. Smart and accomplished, she’s everything he’s not. He wants to be the sort of man who deserves her.

Except that means facing down his past—and that past might very well swallow them both.

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What I thought about How to Say Goodbye

Amy has lived a sheltered life, focusing on school and not much else. She's not even sure what she's missing, because she's never had that personal touch. Until she meets Dane on the beach. He invites her to work on his sand castle and so the romance begins.

Dane works very hard to keep Amy from knowing that he's homeless and has some things in his past and present that he doesn't want her to know. He has a strong sense of honor, which I really liked about this character. As things get more serious with Amy, he has to overcome his reluctance to trust her.

What I liked most about How To Say Goodbye were the characters. Amy and Dane both seemed fresh to me. They couldn't have been more different but they really clicked. Even though you know that the relationship is short term from the start, you just want them to find some way to stay together.

When Dane makes changes to be the kind of man he wants to be for Amy, he's presented with a difficult choice, and the right choice will end up in heartbreak for both of them.

Overall, I thought the book moved along with a nice brisk pace, although it seemed to drag somewhat at the end. Good characters, lots of emotion. A sweet tale of first love under some difficult circumstances.

This was my first read from this author and I'm interested in checking out more of her work.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Cover Reveal and Giveaway: Mortal Enchantment by Stacey O'Neale

Today, Stacey O'Neale and Phoenix Reign Publishing are revealing the cover for
MORTAL ENCHANTMENT, releasing on May 20, 2014!
Check out the awesome cover and enter to win a $50 Amazon or Barnes & Noble Gift Card!!!
On to the reveal!
Mortal Enchantment

“Mortal Enchantment spins a unique twist on elemental mythology. This series is not to be missed.” Jennifer L. Armentrout, #1 New York Times Bestselling Author

In Kalin Matthew's world, elementals control the forces of nature. They are divided into four courts: air, woodland, fire, and water. At sixteen she will leave the life she's built with her mortal mother. Kalin will move to Avalon to rule with her father—the elemental king of the air court. Along the way, she's attacked by a fire court assassin and saved by Rowan, a swoon-worthy elemental with a questionable past.

Worst of all, she learns her father is missing.

To rescue him, Kalin will have to work with a judgmental council and a system of courts too busy accusing each other of deceit to actually be able to help her. But, they aren’t her biggest challenge. With the Midwinter’s Ball only five days away, Kalin must take over her father’s duties, which includes shifting control of the elements—power Kalin has yet to realize.

As Rowan attempts to train her, a war looms between the four courts. If Kalin fails, her father will die and the courts will fall, but the betrayal she’s about to uncover may cost her even more...

Add to your Goodreads TBR!!!

If you haven't read THE SHADOW PRINCE, you can download if NOW for FREE from Amazon and Barnes & Noble!!!

Every sacrifice has consequenc
es. Sixteen-year-old Rowan has spent most of his life living among the mortals—learning to control the element of fire, impatiently awaiting the day his vengeful mother, Queen Prisma, will abdicate her throne. When he finally returns to Avalon for his coronation, his mother insists he must first prove his loyalty to the court by completing a secret mission: Kill Kalin, the half-human, half-elemental daughter of the air court king. Willing to do anything to remove his mother from power, he agrees to sacrifice the halfling. He returns to the mortal world with his best friend, Marcus, determined to kill the princess. But as he devises a plan, he starts to question whether or not he's capable of completing such a heinous task. And what price he will pay if he refuses?
Available for FREE on Goodreads | Amazon | Barnes & Noble
Also available in PRINT from Amazon | Barnes & Noble
Stacey O'Neale lives in Annapolis, Maryland. When she's not writing, she spends her time fangirling over books, blogging, watching fantasy television shows, cheering for the Baltimore Ravens, and hanging out with her husband and daughter. Her career in publishing started as a blogger-turned-publicist for two successful small publishers. Stacey writes young adult paranormal romance and adult science fiction romance. Her books always include swoon-worthy heroes, snarky heroines, and lots of kissing. Stacey loves hearing from readers. Follow her on Twitter @StaceyONeale, look for her on Facebook, Pinterest, and GoodReads. You can also visit her blog at
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Monday, April 14, 2014

Giveaway & Review: Fix You by Christine Bell Blog Tour

"Fresh, sexy, and addicting--you won't want to put it down!"—New York Times Bestselling Author Jen McLaughlin

FIX YOU is part one in the new adult McDaniels Brothers serials from USA TODAY Bestselling Author, Christine Bell. Fans of Monica Murphy, Jen McLaughlin, and H.M. Ward will be seduced by Bash and Olivia's story and will look forward to a new installment in this ongoing family saga every month!

Want to learn more about FIX YOU?

Be sure to check out this exclusive interview with Christine Bell!

Follow the tour and win some awesome prizes!


A $50 e-giftcard to Amazon or Barnes & Noble (winner’s choice, open internationally) and an opportunity to have a character named after the winner in serial #3 of The McDaniels Brothers series! Scroll down past the review for the rafflecopter!

About FIX YOU, Bash and Olivia Book One (The McDaniels Brothers, #1)

Olivia Beckett’s once-charmed life is falling apart. Her family is about to lose everything, and she has almost no chance of continuing her college education. She can't even seek solace from her high school sweetheart. He's changed. She doesn't recognize the boy she used to know— his violent behavior is escalating and it scares the hell out of her. Her whole world is crumbling, and she has no one to turn to……

Sebastian “Bash” McDaniels is an up and comer in the boxing world working nights at the local college bar until he can land the fight of his dreams that will get him the hell out of Boston and away from his family's tragic past. He’s weeks from his goal when Olivia Beckett comes tumbling into his life in a flash of silky dark hair and haunted eyes. When he saves her from a potentially brutal beating, they begin to grow close, but Olivia's ex isn’t ready to let her go so easily.

Bash can't bring himself to walk away, but fixing Olivia just might leave him broken… On Sale: March 31, 2014

Add FIX YOU to your TBR pile on Goodreads!

What I thought about Fix You 

5 huge shining stars for Part 1 of FIX YOU, Bash and Olivia Book One (The McDaniels Brothers, #1).  One of my indicators for a 5 star read is getting to the end and pawing at my kindle for there to be more, and I was surely doing that with Fix You.  

After Bash saves Olivia from her abusive boyfriend, they can't deny the feelings between them. Both know its bad timing for a relationship, but there's such a pull to each other that there's nothing else to do but give into their feelings.  

The story is told with alternating chapters of Olivia's and Bash's point of view and even though the plot isn't all that unique it is one of the best boxing themed New Adult stories I've read so far. What really sings here are the characters and the writing.  There's some really hot smexy times too.   It's all good, and it left me wanting much more of this story, if only to see Andy get his due. But really, I want to know if Bash and Olivia are going to make it. 

Looking forward to the second part of this story! 

About Christine Bell
Christine Bell is the USA Today bestselling author of contemporary romances, and one half of the happiest couple in the world. She doesn't like clowns or bugs (except ladybugs, on account of their cute outfits), but loves movies, football, and playing Texas Hold 'Em. Writing is her passion, but if she had to pick another occupation, she’d be a wizard. She loves writing fun, sexy romance and deep, emotional new adult novels, but also hopes to one day publish something her dad can read without wanting to dig his eyes out with rusty spoons.
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