Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Review: Origin by Jennifer L. Armentrout

Daemon will do anything to get Katy back.

After the successful but disastrous raid on Mount Weather, he’s facing the impossible. Katy is gone. Taken. Everything becomes about finding her. Taking out anyone who stands in his way? Done. Burning down the whole world to save her? Gladly. Exposing his alien race to the world? With pleasure.

All Katy can do is survive.

Surrounded by enemies, the only way she can come out of this is to adapt. After all, there are sides of Daedalus that don’t seem entirely crazy, but the group’s goals are frightening and the truths they speak even more disturbing. Who are the real bad guys? Daedalus? Mankind? Or the Luxen?

Together, they can face anything. But the most dangerous foe has been there all along, and when the truths are exposed and the lies come crumbling down, which side will Daemon and Katy be standing on? And will they even be together?

What I thought about Origin:

Now that I can breathe again after another incredible closing scene, I've got to say this was an awesome read that I started and couldn't put down until I was at the end.

The first half of the book is a bit sad and scary and I was glad that J. Armentrout didn't drag that part out, but there wasn't a lack of hope as Katy and Daemon learn more about the Daedelus project, other aliens and their agendas. Even though Katy goes through some pretty nasty stuff, it is tempered by the fact that Daemon is with her.

The second half of the book is just as intense with a roller coaster ride of action, action and more action and a very sweet and special interlude leading up to another unexpected final scene. The ending of Origin had about the same impact on me as the ending of Opal. 

I gotta say that Daemon has some incredible one liners in Origin. There's a reason we love his snarky humor and its out in full force in Origin along with some very swoonworthy tender moments.

Archer was a super secondary character and it was great to learn more about Luc. There's even an appearance by Hunter. It was also nice to get reacquainted with Dee, Dawson and Beth.

Daemon and especially Katy have come a long way in this series, and I'm really looking forward to seeing how it all turns out for them in the final book.

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Thursday, August 15, 2013

Trust in Me Cover Reveal & Giveaway

It’s Wait for You as you’ve never seen it. Trust in Me lets you in on Cam’s side of the #1 New York Times Bestselling story.

Cameron Hamilton is used to getting what he wants, especially when it comes to women. But when Avery Morgansten comes crashing into his life – literally – he finally meets the one person who can resist his soulful baby blues. But Cam’s not ready to give up. He can’t get the feisty and intriguing girl out of his head.

Avery has secrets, secrets that keep her from admitting the feelings Cam knows she has for him. Will persistence (and some delicious homemade cookies) help him break down her barriers and gain her trust? Or will he be shut out of Avery's life, losing his first real shot at the kind of love that lasts forever?

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Saturday, August 10, 2013

In anticipation of Kit Rocha's next book in the Beyond Series, Beyond Pain, I decided to reread Beyond Control. I first read this book in March of 2013, but clearly couldn't put coherent sentences together to write a review at the time. So much happened in this one. 


Alexa Parrino escaped a life of servitude and survived danger on the streets to become one of the most trusted, influential people in Sector Four, where the O’Kanes rule with a hedonistic but iron fist. Lex has been at the top for years, and there’s almost nothing she wouldn’t do for the gang…and for its leader. Lie, steal, kill—but she bows to no one, not even Dallas O’Kane.

He’ll settle for nothing less.

Dallas fought long and hard to carve a slice of order out of the chaos of the sectors. Dangers both large and small threaten his people, but it’s nothing he can’t handle. His liquor business is flourishing, and new opportunities fuel his ambition. Lex could help him expand his empire, something he wants almost as much as he wants her. And no one says no to the king of Sector Four.

Falling into bed is easy, but their sexual games are anything but casual. Attraction quickly turns to obsession, and their careful dance of heady dominance and sweet submission uncovers a need so deep, so strong, it could crush them both.


Beyond Control is way more intense than Beyond Shame and that's a good thing. As much as I loved Book 1, which was a great intro to this world, I was glad the authors ratcheted everything up a notch. Or five.

We get more of everything here. We learn more about the politics of the various sectors and we get inside the heads of the leaders of Sector Four.

The tension between Dallas and Lex is palpable. They've been 'together' for years. Lex is the undisputed female leader of the O'Kane gang, but Dallas has never done anything to make it formal. He wants to, more than anything, but worries about the target she has on her back already. If he were to truly make her his Queen, that target would only get bigger. And we saw what happened when she got shot in Book 1. He nearly lost his mind.

Add to that the thought of her being with anyone else drives him absolutely insane. But he has never stopped her and has no plans to. He thinks taking that away from her, demanding it of her, is something Lex would never agree to. A little too late does he realize that Lex would give anything if Dallas would take the control she so badly wants to give him. Even if only for a little while. At the same time though, she wants to be seen as his equal in all things.

They both know that things need to change between them but they are both too proud and stubborn to come out and tell each other what that change should be.


Stubborn. So Stubborn. He wants to collar her, claim her so no one can ever have her again. She wants to be collared. To be his and only his. But neither will admit it to each other or anyone else. Although I'm pretty sure the whole damn tribe knows how they feel and what they truly want and need. 

When Lex does something in a moment of anger and complete frustration at the stalemate that has become their relationship, Dallas retaliates the only way he can. He collars her. In front of everyone.

Not that he didn't want this. He's been waiting for this moment, wanting it, for years. Now that they have what they want, will they be able to keep it and each other without getting stabby?

This book was freakin' fabulous. Lex and Dallas are so smart, so clever. They are so good together. They know who they are and know they each have a part to play in the running of their sector and politically as its' leaders. I loved getting inside their heads to watch them slip on their masks.

And while I loved the story of Dallas and Lex, I cannot wait for Ace, Cruz and Rachel. We get a Cruz POV that makes me wonder what his darkness is all about and if Rachel is really safe with him. Does he want her because he wants her or because Ace wants her? Or is there something else at play here... I'll just say there is a cage fight at the end of this book that will leave you wondering many things.

Also, when Rachel was getting her tatoo I was in tears. The same with Six' chapter. Two very different women who are trying desperately to keep it together. There was so much emotion in their two short chapters. It says a lot about the writing of these books that we get so many well-rounded characters who we are dying to know more about. 

Well done Kit Rocha!

Just because I didn't mention the smexy times in my review doesn't mean they didn't happen. 
Definitely the hottest book I've read in a LONG time.

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Beneath the Burn Review and Author Interview

Book Description:

They meet by chance. The timing is wrong.

Three years later, she finds him again, but their separation was poisoned with narcotics and bloodied by enslavement.

Her freedom gambled away, Charlee Grosky escapes the international businessman who held her captive. But his power reaches beyond her protective barriers and threatens everyone she has come to love.

Jay Mayard wears his tortured secrets under his rock god facade. Drugs are his release, even as he seeks to be the man forged of the steel only she can see.

In a celebrity world filled with paparazzi, groupies, and drugs, Jay and Charlee must face their worst fears. When the battle is over, what will be left...Beneath The Burn.

Genre: Romantic/Erotic Thriller

Content warning: Includes graphic rape, sex, anal, bondage, and violence. Age 18+ only.


My Review:

Beneath the Burn is a terrific erotic thriller with plenty of action, a chilling villain and an awesome tattoo. There’s great chemistry between Jay and Charlee and it didn't take many pages to care about what happened to them. This is a dark and sexy thriller with one of the most memorable opening sequences I have read in a long while. It’s gritty and graphic and made me immediately intrigued with the main characters.

The secondary characters are great too. Nathan was just super, and I loved him and his dedication to Charlee. She probably wouldn’t have made it against the truly sadistic villain that is chasing her without him.

I really liked Beneath the Burn. It’s got a great mix of action and introspection, very nice pacing, and characters that are interesting and original. Great job with the erotic content, too. It was creepy when it needed to be, sexy and romantic when it needed to be.   That's not easy to do.

Great cover too! 

5 of 5 flames



Interview with Pam Godwin, author of Beneath the Burn

First, a little something about Pam...

Pam Godwin lives in Missouri with her husband, their two children, and a foulmouthed parrot. When she ran away, she traveled fourteen countries across five continents, attended three universities, and married the vocalist of her favorite rock band. Now, she resides in her hometown, earning her living as a portfolio research analyst, and living her yearning as a writer.

Java, tobacco, and dark romance novels are her favorite indulgences, and might be considered more unhealthy than her aversion to sleeping, eating meat, and dolls with blinking eyes.

Follow Pam on Twitter | Facebook | Goodreads | Pam's Website


My Interview with Pam...

Your previous book, Dead of Eve, is a paranormal. What made you want to switch genres to write Beneath the Burn?

After two years writing DOE, I needed a break from the characters. Apparently, I needed a break from the genre as well. The two books are incomparable to each other.

What sort of research did you do when writing Beneath the Burn? What did you find most interesting during your research process, even if it didn't make it into the book?

I look up everything from what crop fields smell like in Texas in July to the statuary rape laws by state. The bulk of my research, however, focused on national defense technologies, the side effects of various street drugs, and the psychology behind BDSM. I also read The Bodyguard Manual by Leroy Thompson. Did you know that professional bodyguards have checklists for every location and every potential event? Airport, hotel and restaurant check-lists, city files, and VIP Appearance site surveys. Crazy job. Almost made me want to pursue it as a new profession. Almost.

I see you married the vocalist of your favorite rock band. How did that influence your writing of Beneath the Burn?

The years I trailed my husband's band inspired a number of scenes in the book, as well as most of the terminology and slang used. Representing groupies in an unsavory light was difficult because I was one myself for so long. To be honest, I've never met a hateful or jealous groupie. Nevertheless, keeping excitable fan hands off my man prompted enough drama to limn the pages of a book.

What books have most influenced you?

Anita Blake is the one of most influential characters I’ve read. She's such a sympathetic, relatable badass, but when the series gave up plot in favor of pointless sex-sex-and-more-sex, disappointment spurred me to start writing. My favorite books, The Kushiel Legacy series by Jacqueline Carey, inspire me through its passionate prose and unforgettable characterization.

Can you tell us a foul-mouthed parrot story?

My African Grey parrot knows around 2000 words, every English swear word, and can mimic any natural/electronic sound and vocal tone to unnerving perfection. One night, the battery runs low in one of my home fire detectors. It gives a high pitch beep every five seconds. I follow the sound. Pinpoint the alarm. Change the battery. Good to go. Next night, the beep screeches again. I follow the sound. Same alarm? What the hell? I change the battery. The high-pitch beeping continues. I change the battery in the next detector. Beeps blare on and I'm out of batteries. After a midnight run to the store and battery changes in all ten detectors in the house, the alarm continues to scream. By now, you've figured out why. Sadly, it took me several hours to remember the douchebagadry of my mimicking parrot--I say this with the utmost affection now that I no longer want to strangle his chicken neck at three in the morning.

What's up next for you?

Blood of Eve (Book 2 in The Eve Trilogy). I’m squirming to get back to the horror and heroes that make up Evie’s apocalyptic adventures.

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