Thursday, February 28, 2019

5 stars for The Inside Track (License to Love #3) by Tamsen Parker

Love might mean coming as you are, but staying is a different matter.

Nick Fischer is a screw-up; everyone knows it and they’re not afraid to tell him so. The only thing he’s got going for him is that he plays a reliable rhythm guitar for License to Game, and his big fat bulldog, Princess Fiona, is so ugly she’s cute.

Dempsey Lawrence is a former child star turned financial advisor, and while she’s curious about the hot mess of a man who’s her co-panelist for a presentation on financial literacy, she has no intention of pursuing anything with him. Too loud, too crass, too wild, Nick is altogether too much. Plus, he’s famous and she is so over stardom and everything that comes with it.

Except that when Dempsey gives Nick an inch, he takes a mile and she finds that she doesn’t mind so much. And while Nick may have poor impulse control, he also doesn’t have a judgmental bone in his body. But when Nick brings the pitfalls of stardom to Dempsey’s doorstep, all the attraction in the world might not be enough to promise a happily ever after.

What I thought about Inside Track

When I first started reading Inside Track I was a bit worried about Nick's internal thoughts.  He's got ADHD and Tamsen Parker does an awesome job of making you feel like you are in his head.  It was a little hard to take his thought patterns at first, but he's so guileless and sweet that I couldn't help falling for him.  He ends up having to do some community service at a school and "meets" Dempsey over a video conferencing session she delivers after his presentation.

Nicky is immediately intrigued, but what he doesn't know is that Dempsey has severe anxiety and agoraphobia (why she was talking about financial planning via video conferencing technology).

What transpires after that is a really sweet story of two people who find each other and love. I just absolutely adored this book and I applaud Tamsen Parker for writing such a sensitive story about these issues and the impact these mental illnesses can have on a person.  Nicky knows his limitations, and so does Dempsey, although they have some new challenges with their health issues as they grow closer to each other.

This is a special book. I felt uplifted at the end of this and it reinforced my thoughts on the power of love.  I don't want to say more than that so I don't spoil it, but I really loved this story, and the characters, including Fiona, Nick's dog.  Everything was just right for me in this wonderfully offbeat and uniquely fresh love story.  It truly made my heart sing.

An ARC was provided for review.

 About Tamsen Parker

Tamsen Parker is a stay-at-home mom by day, USA Today bestselling erotic romance writer by naptime. She lives with her family outside of Boston, where she tweets too much, sleeps too little and is always in the middle of a book. Aside from good food, sweet rieslings and gin cocktails, she has a fondness for monograms and subway maps. She should really start drinking coffee.

Tuesday, February 26, 2019

New Cover! Review & Excerpt: Hold on Tight (Returning Home #1) by Serena Bell

Hold On Tight (Returning Home, Book One)

A wounded soldier. A secret baby. A second chance.

Jake Taylor has made a few terrible decisions, but none worse than the one in Afghanistan that cost him his best friend and his leg.

Or so he thinks, until he comes home from war to discover a seven-year-old son he never knew existed.

Jake can’t regret the blissful nights he spent with Mira in his arms, or the boy with his eyes, but he can leave them alone so they don’t become yet another one of his mistakes.

He’ll rehab his body, figure out how to find purpose again—and keep things simple with the woman he once craved desperately.

Except the sizzling attraction that drew him to Mira is still fierce, and staying away from her is a lot harder than he ever expected…

Mira Shipley has promised herself that if she ever sees Jake Taylor again, she’ll tell him he has a son.

She isn’t expecting to run into him at the physical therapist’s office, where he’s learning to live with an above-the-knee amputation.

She can’t blame him for being a grumpy jerk under the circumstances, but it would be a lot easier to ignore him if she didn’t desperately need child care for her son.

And if Jake didn’t make her feel brand new and dazzlingly alive.

She knows she needs to protect her son’s feelings—but no matter how hard she tries, she can’t forget the long, sweet nights she and Jake spent learning each other’s bodies and each other’s secrets…
Hold On Tight Excerpt

On the other side of the room, the cocky guy with the prosthetic leg shifted in his seat, drawing her gaze. Brown hair, on the longer side of short, uncombed. A couple of days’ unshaven scruff. Not her type; she liked professional men, clean-shaven. Her mind was about to dismiss him—a guy I ran into in the physical therapist’s office and wasn’t attracted to, but not because he was an amputee, just because he wasn’t my fantasy. But something made her look again.

Holy shit. She knew that face. The strong jaw, the well-formed upper lip, the deep groove that ran vertically between his brows—

She’d memorized his features in the few weeks they’d been together, the quick three-quarters way he smiled, like he couldn’t quite fully commit to happiness, the all-in truth of his smile when he gave himself over. The creases that formed when he frowned, the way his jaw set when something bothered him. That night at the lake—the last night—the look on his face when she’d taken off her clothes. Gratitude and longing and Who, me? For real?

The night came back to her in sharp contrasts, pairs of impressions. The coolness of his wet skin and the heat of his body. The softness of his mouth moving over hers, over her breasts, and the hard tug of his suckling, the yank of desire she’d felt. The rich summer smells, green and overripe, and the clean soap scent of him. How open she’d felt, how boundary-less, melting, flowing, willing—and how her body had betrayed and frustrated her.

How good he’d made her feel, better than she’d ever felt in her life, and the way he’d hurt her. The way they’d dressed, packed up, and driven home in silence. How hard she’d cried, and for how long.


His eyes caught hers, caught and held and held and held. Sam’s gray-blue eyes, Sam’s full lower lip, Sam’s absurdly long eyelashes. Jake’s face.

Would Sam someday have a jaw like that, square and strong? Would his nose, which was still a little boy’s pudgy upturned nose, be as bladelike as his father’s?

How many times had she promised herself that if this moment ever came, she wouldn’t hold the truth back from Jake?

 Buy Links for Hold On Tight

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What Readers Are Saying

“Sweet, sexy and real . . . In Hold on Tight, Serena Bell has written a beautiful story about a wounded soldier and the woman strong enough to love him.”—Jessica Scott, USA Today bestselling author of Because of You

“The authenticity of their story is resounding. This isn’t a story of instant love, but of an uphill battle and determination, of making decisions, and of living in the here and now.”—Heroes and Heartbreakers

“This contemporary second-chance romance is Bell’s best written book yet. It deals with the horror of war beautifully and with great care, weaving it into a great love story, and many, many swoons.”—The Book Hammock

“Just a beautiful, and yet not overly emotionally weighted, story of two people fighting their way out of a life they were dealt, toward a life they choose wholeheartedly. This book left me feeling warmed, encouraged, bolstered and full. Phenomenal writing by Serena Bell.”—Ripe for Reader

“I was completely swept away with the characters, story and the writing.”—Twin Spin

What I thought about Hold On Tight

I'm a bit of a sucker for a military romance, so I had a feeling when I started this I would like it, and I've got to say that Serena Bell's Hold On Tight was everything I wanted in this genre.

Mira and Jake have a brief fling that is part rebellion on Mira's part and military leave playtime for Jake. Neither one is ready for the feelings they develop and in a very sad and surprising scene, they decide that it's best if they part ways. Of course, Mira has no idea that the few seconds of fooling around sans-condom will have a lasting impact on her life. She tries to find Jake without any luck, and ends up being a single-mom for the last seven years.

Jake is a lifer in the military, until a devastating IED incident in Afghanistan not only takes his best friend's life, but also Jake's leg. He's rehabbing back home, just around the time when Mira decides to cut the apron strings with her parents in Florida to move back to Seattle. As fate would have it, Mira and Jake run into each other and so begins their second chance.

Over the remainder of the story, both Mira and Jake struggle through many different feelings as they try to determine what their relationship is going to be. Will they be able to sort out the obvious attraction still between them? Can Jake get over his insecurities and fears of having a family of his own? And can they even have a relationship without Sam getting hurt in some way?

For me, the most interesting part of this story was how they would resolve their relationship, after being somewhat forced together because of their child. I liked that they both had doubts and nothing was resolved quickly or easily.

This was a very enjoyable read for me. Recommended when you want a sweet second chance love story.

An ARC was provided for review. 

About the Author
Photo credit Susan Young

USA Today bestselling author Serena Bell writes contemporary romance with heat, heart, and humor. A former journalist, Serena has always believed that everyone has an amazing story to tell if you listen carefully, and you can often find her scribbling in her tiny garret office, mainlining chocolate and bringing to life the tales in her head.
Serena’s books have earned many honors, including an RT Reviewers’ Choice Award, Apple Books Best Book of the Month, and Amazon Best Book of the Year for Romance. 

When not writing, Serena loves to spend time with her college-sweetheart husband and two hilarious kiddos—all of whom are incredibly tolerant not just of Serena’s imaginary friends but also of how often she changes her hobbies and how passionately she embraces the new ones. These days, it’s stand-up paddle boarding, board-gaming, meditation, and long walks with good friends. 

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Release Day Excerpt: The Last Letter by Rebecca Yarros

The right words can save your life.

For fans of Nicholas Sparks and Jodi Picoult...
A soldier falls in love with his battle buddy’s sister through their letters and returns home from Afghanistan with a secret that could destroy their fragile relationship.

by Rebecca Yarros! Grab your copy today!



If you’re reading this, well, you know the “last-letter” drill. You made it. I didn’t. Get off the guilt train, because I know if there were any chance you could have saved me, you would have.

I need one thing from you: Get out of the army and get to Telluride.

My little sister Ella’s raising the twins alone. She’s too independent and won’t accept help easily, but she has lost our grandmother, our parents, and now me. It’s too much for anyone to endure. It’s not fair.

And here’s the kicker: there’s something else you don’t know that’s tearing her family apart. She’s going to need help.

So if I’m gone, that means I can’t be there for Ella. I can’t help them through this. But you can. So I’m begging you, as my best friend, go take care of my sister, my family.

Please don’t make her go through it alone.




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"I cannot imagine a world without this story." – Hypable


"A stunning, emotional romance." - Jill Shalvis, NYT Bestselling Author


“Ella.” It was a plea to speak, to not speak. Hell, I didn’t know anymore.
“You don’t see me like that. I totally get it.” She reached for the TV remote.
“How exactly do I see you? Please, enlighten me.” I leaned forward, stealing the remote. She’d opened this box and had better well dish it.
She huffed in annoyance. “You see me as a mom. As Colt and Maisie’s mom. And of course you do, because that’s what I am. A mom with two kids.”
“Well, yeah,” I said. Her motherhood—that selfless devotion she had to her kids—was one of her most attractive attributes.
She rolled her eyes with a little sigh, and the metaphorical light bulb went off in my head.
“You don’t think I want you.”
She shot me a look that confirmed my guess and blushed the same crimson of her couch. “You know, you’re right. It’s late.” She faked a yawn. “Suuuuuuper late.”
“I want you.” Damn, it felt so good to say the words.
“Yeah, okay.” She gave me a goofy look and a thumbs-up. “Please don’t make me feel any more idiotic than I do right now.”
Yeah, enough of this bullshit.
I pounced in one smooth motion, taking her back to the couch, sliding over her as I gathered her wrists in one hand above her head and settled between her open thighs.
“Holy shit, you move fast.” There was no fear or rejection in her eyes, just surprise.
“Not in every arena,” I promised.
Her lips parted.
“Ella. I want you.”
“Beckett…you don’t have to.”
Yeah, that soft little sigh she did was going to be my undoing.
I let go of her wrists, letting my fingers trail down her arm until I had one hand weaving my fingers into the hair at the base of her scalp and the other at the curve in her waist.
“Feel this?” Then I slid forward, letting my dick stroke along the seam in her pajama pants hard enough for her to gasp at the contact. I couldn’t remember ever wanting to shred a piece of fabric so much in my life. “I’ve never wanted a woman as much as I want you.”
I moved again, and her eyes slid shut as she let loose the sweetest moan.
My dick throbbed, knowing everything I’d fantasized about for the better part of the last eight months was one decision away.
“Beckett.” Her hands found my biceps, her nails digging in.
“Don’t ever think that I don’t want you, because if things were different, I would have already been inside you. I would know exactly how you feel, and what you sound like, look like, when you come. I’ve thought about it at least a hundred different ways, and believe me, I’ve got a great imagination.”
She rocked her hips against me, and I locked my jaw to keep from giving her exactly what her body was asking for. “Ella, you have to stop.”
“Why?” she asked, her lips dangerously close to mine. “What do you mean if things were different?” Her eyes flew wide. “Is this because I have kids?”
“What? No. Of course not. It’s because you’re Ryan’s little sister.” Before I could do any more damage, I got the hell off her and sat back on my side of the couch.
“Because…I’m Ryan’s little sister,” she repeated, scooting so she sat upright, facing me. “And you think he’d, what? Haunt you?”
Three things: The letter. The cancer. The lie.
I repeated those in my head until I was certain I could look at her and not drag her back under me.
“When I was growing up, if I wanted something, I took it. Immediately. I had sex at fourteen with a girl in my foster home of the moment. I opened Christmas presents early if I was lucky enough to get one, and it was usually from my social worker or some charity.”
“I don’t understand.” She wrapped her arms around her knees again.
“I took it immediately because I knew if I didn’t, chances were I wouldn’t get it. It was a now-or-never kind of thing—there weren’t second chances.”
“I can’t touch you, can’t talk about it, because I’m afraid I’ll act on it.”
“And why does that matter if I want you to?”
“Because I won’t get a second chance. And I’m crap with people, with relationships. I’ve never had one that lasted more than a month. Never loved a woman I’ve slept with. And chances are I’d do something to screw this up, because it’s not just my dick that wants you, Ella.”
That O popped right back onto her face, and I closed my eyes to keep from lunging across the distance and kissing her. Knowing she’d let me—that she wanted it—sent my need from a bullet to a nuclear missile.
“And when I’d screw it up, because it would happen, trust me, it would hurt Colt and Maisie, too. You’d be on your own again, because there’s no chance you’d let me hang around and help you out like Ryan asked.”
“And there it is.”
“There it is. You’re Ryan’s little sister.”
“There were only five years between us. Not so little, you know.” She reached for the remote.
“I’m well aware.”
“So if Ryan were still alive…” She shot one last look at me.
I let everything slip for a millisecond, letting her see it all in my eyes, how badly I wanted her, and not just for her body. “Everything would be different.”
“Everything but the way I feel about you, which he probably would have killed me for. Where does that leave us?”
“You mean besides me being a dried-up spinster and you being honor-bound to a ghost?”
“Something like that.”
She rolled her head along the back of the couch, muttering something that sounded like a curse word under her breath. Then she sat up straight and powered on the TV with a click of her thumb. “That leaves us choosing a movie on demand. Because I’m not letting you walk out that door right now.”
“You’re not?”
“Nope. You walk out now, you might get all weird about this and not come back. Honor is a fabulous thing, but sometimes pride can be a lot stronger, especially when you convince yourself it’s for the good of the other person.”
Damn, the woman knew me.
“So movie it is,” I agreed. “Just…stay on your side of the couch.”
“I wasn’t the one who crossed the center line,” she teased with a smile that got me hard all over again.
Movie chosen, we sat and watched, both of us stealing sideways glances. There was that saying…the horse out of the barn. Yeah, the horse was out of the barn, and it wasn’t going back in. Not no way. Not no how.
That horse was running amok and screwing with my carefully constructed control.
But I didn’t complain when she moved over. Or when she pressed against my side. Nope. I lifted my arm and savored the feel of her curves, her trust. Still didn’t complain when she lay down in my arms. Hell no, I held on and memorized every second.


"This story gripped me from start to finish. The Last Letter is poignant, heartfelt and utterly consuming. I loved it!" - Mia Sheridan, NYT Bestselling Author


"Hands down, the best book I've read all year." - Fic Wishes

What I thought about The Last Letter

This has been a very difficult review for me. See, I've been following Rebecca Yarros since her first book and I'm a fan of her stories. So it hurts a little to say that I wasn't bowled over by The Last Letter.

When Beckett promises his best friend Ryan that he would take care of his sister Ella if he didn't make it home from their military service, it wasn't a hard choice. Through the letters Beckett aka Chaos has shared with Ella and vice versa, he's pretty much in love with her by the time he gets to her. And she really does need him. I adored how each chapter started with one of their letters.

After being abandoned by the father of her twins, Ella is raising her twins alone. She also runs a resort. She's got her hands full, and her cup runeth over so to speak with bad news. Ella gets so much thrown at her and my heart was very heavy for all she goes through in this story. It's a good thing Beckett is there, even though they don't really accept each other at first.

The romance and love story between Beckett and Ella was sweet and one of the best parts of this book. They have a bit of a rocky road getting together and a few trust issues to work out, but I did love how Beckett took care of Ella even when she pushed him away. The issues I had with this book centered more around the content outside of the romance between these characters.

The sad parts of this story shredded me. I'm talking buckets of tears and boxes of tissues here. Normally that would be okay for me, but there was so much sad in this book that it didn't balance nicely with the good and I was left feeling sad at the end, even with a very inspirational ending. There just wasn't enough page time to recover from the things that happen toward the end of the book. So for that reason, I can't give this five stars, even though the writing and way the story is told is superb. Rebecca Yarros clearly put her heart and soul into this book, which is exactly why I struggled with this review.

So in a nutshell, if you are in the mood for a good cry, this might be the book you are looking for. There's a nice love story in there too.

An ARC was provided for review. 

About Rebecca Yarros:
Rebecca Yarros is a hopeless romantic and a lover of all things coffee, chocolate, and Paleo. She is the author of the Flight & Glory series, including Full Measures, the award-winning Eyes Turned Skyward, Beyond What is Given, and Hallowed Ground. She loves military heroes, and has been blissfully married to hers for sixteen years.

When she's not writing, she's tying hockey skates for her four sons, sneaking in some guitar time, or watching brat-pack movies with her two daughters. She lives in Colorado with the hottest Apache pilot ever, their rambunctious gaggle of kids, an English bulldog who is more stubborn than sweet, and a bunny named General Fluffy Pants who torments the aforementioned bulldog. Having adopted their youngest daughter from the foster system, and Rebecca is passionate about helping others do the same.

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Sunday, February 24, 2019

Review & Excerpt: Devil's Daughter by Lisa Kleypas

Devil’s Daughter by Lisa Kleypas
Series The Ravenels meet The Wallflowers
Genre Adult Historical Romance
Publisher Avon Books
Publication Date February 19, 2019

Although beautiful young widow Phoebe, Lady Clare, has never met West Ravenel, she knows one thing for certain: he’s a mean, rotten bully. Back in boarding school, he made her late husband’s life a misery, and she’ll never forgive him for it. But when Phoebe attends a family wedding, she encounters a dashing and impossibly charming stranger who sends a fire-and-ice jolt of attraction through her. And then he introduces himself…as none other than West Ravenel.

West is a man with a tarnished past. No apologies, no excuses. However, from the moment he meets Phoebe, West is consumed by irresistible desire…not to mention the bitter awareness that a woman like her is far out of his reach. What West doesn’t bargain on is that Phoebe is no straitlaced aristocratic lady. She’s the daughter of a strong-willed wallflower who long ago eloped with Sebastian, Lord St. Vincent—the most devilishly wicked rake in England.

Before long, Phoebe sets out to seduce the man who has awakened her fiery nature and shown her unimaginable pleasure. Will their overwhelming passion be enough to overcome the obstacles of the past?

Only the devil’s daughter knows…

Purchase Your Copy Today!
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“If you have any misguided thoughts about taking me into your bed, you would find it a vastly mediocre experience. I’d be on you like a crazed rabbit, and half a minute later the whole thing would be over. I used to be a proficient lover, but now I’m a burnt-out libertine whose only remaining pleasure is breakfast food. Speaking of which—”
Phoebe reached for him, brought herself up hard against him, and interrupted him with her mouth. West flinched as if scalded and held very still in the manner of a man trying to withstand torture. Undeterred, she wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him as passionately as she could, touching her tongue to his stiff lips. The feel and taste of him was exhilarating. Suddenly he responded with a primitive grunt and his mouth clamped on hers, wringing sensation from her with demanding pressure. Forcing her lips apart, he searched her with his tongue the way she remembered, and it felt so good, she thought she might faint. A whimper rose from her throat, and he licked and bit gently at the sound and sealed their mouths together in a deep, insatiable kiss that involved his lips, breath, hands, body, soul.
Whatever it might be like to go to bed with this man . . . it would be anything but mediocre.

 What I thought about Devil's Daughter

When Phoebe meets Weston Ravenal at a family wedding, she initially wants nothing to do with him, even though he's gorgeous and charming and ignites something in her long thought dead.  This is the man that tormented her husband at boarding school when they were young.  But her opinion of him changes as she gets to know him and sees him interacting with her two young children.  How can this be the man who did all those terrible things to her husband?

While visiting, West shows Phoebe quite a bit about running a farming household and tenants which she soaks up like a sponge.  I really loved Phoebe.  She was really interesting in learning everything West had to teach her, and when that turns into a bit of making out, she realizes she has some real feelings for West.

West isn't quite on board.  While he wants Phoebe, his past history makes him hesitant to take things any farther, since he believes he will only hurt Phoebe and her children's reputation.  

Phoebe returns home and starts asking some questions about her estate's finances, only to find that the books are unreadable and she calls for West to come and "help" her.  And once he's there, they let their feelings take control, at least until West really starts feeling something for Phoebe. 

I grew up reading historical romances like these and it was great to go back to this genre.  Devil's Daughter was a wonderful read.  The language is this book had me highlighting plenty of passages.  A good friend turned me on to Lisa Kleypas years ago and the language in this book definitely demonstrates why I wouldn't hesitate to read anything from his author. The story kept me interesting from the first page to the last.  

Overall, a very nice reading experience that I thoroughly enjoyed.

An ARC was provided for review.

About Lisa Kleypas

New York Times bestselling author LISA KLEYPAS graduated from Wellesley College with a political science degree. She is a RITA® Award-winning author of both historical romance and contemporary women’s fiction. Her novels are published in twenty-eight different languages and are bestsellers all over the world. She lives in Washington State with her husband Gregory and their two children.
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Monday, February 18, 2019

5 BIG Beautiful Stars for The Risk (Briar U #2) by Elle Kennedy

Everyone says I’m a bad girl. They’re only partly right—I don’t let fear rule me, and I certainly don’t care what people think. But I draw the line at sleeping with the enemy. As the daughter of Briar’s head hockey coach, I’d be vilified if I hooked up with a player from a rival team.

And that’s who Jake Connelly is. Harvard’s star forward is arrogant, annoying, and too attractive for his own good. But fate is cruel—I require his help to secure a much-coveted internship, and the sexy jerk isn’t making it easy for me.

I need Connelly to be my fake boyfriend.

For every fake date…he wants a real one.

Which means this bad girl is in big trouble. Nothing good can come from sneaking around with Jake Connelly. My father would kill me, my friends will revolt, and my post-college career is on the line. But while it’s getting harder and harder to resist Jake’s oozing sex appeal and cocky grin, I refuse to fall for him.

That’s the one risk I’m not willing to take.

What I thought about The Risk

I loved everything about this book and think it's one of the best when it comes to a new adult romance.  So much of what happens in The Risk took me back to all the best parts of my college days (and that was a long time ago) -- the writing is just that good.  It hits every emotional note perfectly.

Let's start with Brenna.  She's a tough girl. She's had to be after what she's been through.  She knows herself.  I really liked that about her.  She's also drawn to Jake Connelly in a major way. 

Jake is awesome.  Sexy, sure of himself, and also a leader of his team and group of friends, he's drawn to Brenna too.  OMG, the flirting between these two ignites a little fire that turns into some of the hottest love scenes I've read in quite some time. Seriously hot. Seriously good. Perfection.

Brenna also has some issues she has to clear up with her dad and dating the captain of his opponent might end up being a bit of an issue with him and her friends.  The hockey scenes are superbly written and that makes a difference to me when reading sports romance.  I like it when the sport isn't just a one line part of the book.  There's some interesting team dynamics on both sides of the ice in this too. 

I adored everything about this book -- the characters, the story, and especially the writing that really pulled me in, and kept me until the final page of the book.  Not even going to admit how many re-reads I've done of this book -- it will be my go-to comfort read for 2019.  The Risk is definitely one of my top books of 2019.

An ARC was provided for review.

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Thursday, February 14, 2019

Cover Reveal:The Wedding Deal by Cindi Madsen

About the Book:

The rules are about to change…

Former quarterback Lance Quaid just inherited the most losing team in the NFL. He’s got only a few weeks until draft day to turn things around, and after firing more than half his staff, he can’t do it alone. Thankfully, his HR manager is more than capable, if only she’d stop focusing on “due diligence” and stop looking so sexy while she’s yelling at him.

Charlotte James has made a life out of following the rules. But nothing could have prepared her for Lance Quaid––he’s a human resources nightmare. The man is brash, has no filter, and, as her new boss, is constantly relying on her to cover his ass. Which is admittedly quite nice.

When Lance begs her to join him on a trip down the coast for his brother’s wedding so they can finalize details––on a strictly business basis––she agrees...after they fill out the necessary forms, of course. Away from the office, though, sparks start flying as the team starts coming together. But both of them know anything more than the weekend would be a colossally bad idea––after all, the extra paperwork would be a nightmare. 

About Cindi Madsen:

Cindi Madsen is a USA Today Bestselling author of contemporary romance and young adult novels. She sits at her computer every chance she gets, plotting revising, and falling in love with her characters. Sometimes it makes her a crazy person. Without it, she’d be even crazier. She has way too many shoes, but can always find a reason to buy a new pretty pair, especially if they’re sparkly, colorful, or super tall. She loves music, dancing, and wishes summer lasted all year long. She lives in Colorado (where summer is most definitely NOT all year long) with her husband and three children. 

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Release Week Review & Excerpt: Only One Survives By Hannah Mary McKinnon

  Only One Survives Hannah Mary McKinnon On Sale Date: July 16, 2024 9780778305477 Trade Paperback $18.99 USD 400 pages   ABOUT THE BOOK...