Friday, October 11, 2024

Review: I'll Be Waiting by Kelley Armstrong

Nicola Laughton never expected to see adulthood, being diagnosed with Cystic Fibrosis as a child. Then medical advances let her live into her thirties and she met Anton, who taught her to dream of a future… together. Months after they married, Anton died in a horrible car accident, but lived long enough to utter five words to her, “I’ll be waiting for you.”

That final private moment became public when someone from the crash scene took it to the press―the terminally ill woman holding her dying husband as he promised to wait for her on the other side. Worse, that person claimed it wasn’t Anton who said the words but his ghost, hovering over his body.

Since their story went public, Nicola has been hounded by spiritualists promising closure. In the hopes of stopping her downward spiral, friends and family find a reputable medium―a professor of parapsychology. For the séance, they rent the Lake Erie beach house that Anton’s family once owned.

The medium barely has time to begin his work before things start happening. Locked doors mysteriously open. Clouds of insects engulf the house. Nicola hears footsteps and voices and the creak of an old dumbwaiter…in an empty shaft. Throughout it all she’s haunted by nightmares of her past. Because, unbeknownst to the others, this isn’t her first time contacting the dead. And Nicola isn’t her real name.

That’s when she finds the first body….

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What I thought about I'll Be Waiting

I love this time of year. While some people like horror movies, I really like a good horror story -- one that will make me put the book down for a moment, only to grab it back up and devour the words on the page, because I have to know what's going to happen.  This requires a good bit of tension and suspense in the writing and believable enough so the reader can just sink into the story, even though it might be scary or intense.

I'll Be Waiting grabbed me right from the start.  Nicola and Anton are likable characters and their circumstances are gut-wrenching.  But this story asks -- what about the afterlife? And it answers the question with a tight horror story with ghosts and evil spirits and a whole lot of holding my breath.

I really liked this story and it will be on my favorites of 2024. The tale is believable, especially if you have a belief in the afterlife. And while a horror story, the love story between Anton and Nicola is expertly woven between past and present.  There were plenty of surprises I didn't see coming. I just loved it! Definitely recommended for horror fans. 

 About the Author

Kelley Armstrong believes experience is the best teacher, though she’s been told this shouldn’t apply to writing her murder scenes. To craft her books, she has studied aikido, archery and fencing. She sucks at all of them. She has also crawled through very shallow cave systems and climbed half a mountain before chickening out. She is however an expert coffee drinker and a true connoisseur of chocolate-chip cookies.

Kelley Armstrong's social handles: 

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Review: I'll Be Waiting by Kelley Armstrong

Nicola Laughton never expected to see adulthood, being diagnosed with Cystic Fibrosis as a child. Then medical advances let her live into ...