Sunday, August 4, 2024

Review: Threats in the Deep (New York Harbor Patrol #3) by Addison Fox

They shared one unforgettable night

And now they’re partners in more ways than one

NYPD diver Gavin Hayes can't stop thinking about the woman he rang in the New Year with. Assistant district attorney Sera Forte needs to find the man she spent the night with and break the news of her unexpected pregnancy. When they learn they've been paired up for a new criminal task force, they realize they need to solve more than the mystery they've been given. The burning attraction that brought them together still smolders. But the case Gavin and Sera are working is a dangerous one. Can he protect the woman he loves and their baby?

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What I thought about Threats in the Deep

When I read the blurb for this title, what could be better than a romantic suspense with a dash of surprise baby?  There was plenty here to provide the romance and the suspense and that's why I liked it.

Sera finds out she's preggers after a single night Gavin and doesn't even know how to get in touch with him to tell him the good news.  Good thing they get put on a task force together! They then must navigate their news and getting to know each other before they can even talk about what they are going to do about the baby.

The romance is sweet and adult -- there's no rush to jump back into bed (not that they wouldn't mind!) and they have to get to know each other against a backdrop of an illegal gun operation that is much closer to everyone on the team than they suspect.  While things get wrapped up fairly quickly at the end, I did like how Gavin and Sera work the case together.  There's a really nice relationship thing going on here between the main characters, which I loved.  It's why I like these mini romantic suspense series from Harlequin. They are very satisfying when it comes to both elements.

Overall, a suspenseful and romantic story that starts out a bit slow, but picks up nicely as the pages turn. It can be read standalone, but one thing I also like about these series -- I now want to go back and read the rest!

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