Monday, December 7, 2015

5 Stars for Watch Me Fall by Cherrie Lynn

Starla Kimbrell might be on the worst date of her life, but she didn’t expect to find herself walking home alone on a dark dirt road after her latest mistake leaves her in a cloud of dust. Luckily, salvation comes in the form of Jared Stanton—single dad of two, sexy cowboy, blue eyes like whoa. If she isn’t careful, she might just let him become the latest in her string of amorous disasters.

Jared doesn’t consider himself on the market. His first love left his heart in pieces that even a marriage to someone else couldn’t salvage, and now that he’s divorced and focusing on his twin daughters, he isn’t looking to put another woman in the shadow of the one who crushed him. Still, the stranded tattoo artist intrigues him, while her unstable ex-boyfriend makes him worry for her safety.

Is the guy just a mouthy jerk, or is Starla in real danger?

Starla quickly learns that not everyone in her life is thrilled with her new interest in Jared. Their cautious courtship is rocked when tragedy strikes and the world as she and her coworkers know it is shattered. Faced with a situation she can’t handle, she turns to the only man who has ever made her feel truly safe, even as she learns that Jared’s protective instincts might be destructive enough in their own way to rip them apart for good.

Warning: Graphic language, explicit sex.

Purchase links:
Amazon UK

What I thought about Watch Me Fall

So when I read the blurb for this book, my initial reaction was WHAT?  Starla? Jared?  Talk about a most unlikely couple, at least on the surface.

Starla is at that point in her life when nothing seems to be working and everything seems to be wrong.  She's in love with someone that will never return her feelings, her apartment has been taken over by an inconsiderate boarder and her relationships at Dermamania are strained, too.  She's taking a good close at herself and her life and not liking it very much.  I really felt for her, because I think everyone goes through that at some point, and Cherrie Lynn does a great job of capturing the temporary depression created when times are like this. 

When Jared comes to her rescue after a bad situation with a party boy, she finds herself attracted to him.  The feelings are mutual, and they actually start a friendship, to the dismay of Ghost.  He's still a bit insecure when it comes to Macy's ex, and there's some tension there that just adds to Starla's stress.  

Their friendship turns more romantic with the time they spend together, and when Jared's girls take to Starla from the start, their relationship grows.  I loved how they confided in each other, and how Jared was there for Starla when she needed someone to talk to.

Things really take an unbelievable turn when Brian gets involved. Talk about a heart-wrenching, OMG moment!  Fans of this series are going to be shocked and maybe a bit upset about the turn of events around halfway through the book.

But the real star of this book in my opinion is Starla.  She's vulnerable, she's looking at her life and not exactly liking what she sees.  I think most of us have been right in her shoes at some point in life, and I love that Cherrie Lynn gives us an honest representation of that situation.  What I loved even more was how she decides to change her life and follows through, even though it's painful.  

And can I say again, that Brian Ross was just wonderful in how he deals with what is going on with Starla. Loved how he valued their friendship, and gave her a way out without destroying their relationship. All the men in this series are pretty special, but Brian will forever be my book boyfriend from this series.

The epilogue to this was so lovely, I want to just keep reading it. Fans of Ghost and Macy don't want to miss it!  As a matter of fact, I had to re-read the entire series when I finished Watch Me Fall, and I'm very impressed with how Cherrie Lynn planned out this series, and can't wait for more.

I highly recommend this series.  The writing is top-notch, the drama is well-crafted and the men and ladies are hot, sexy and easy to relate to. I jsut love it. 

5 big glowing stars for Watch Me Fall and this series.

If Cherrie Lynn’s parents are to be believed, she’s been writing since before she can remember. Through her formative years, her scribblings evolved from epic graphic novels about dragons and unicorns to middle school angst-inspired teen soap operas to scorching hot love stories once she discovered her mom’s romance novels. 

She adores electronic gadgets, heavy metal, gaming, horror movies…everything you wouldn’t really expect a country girl to love. She and her hubby are frequently found hitting the road to Dallas (or Houston or San Antonio or Little Rock or wherever!) to catch their favorite rock acts live, but she’s much too fragile to go near a mosh pit.

 Cherrie writes sexy contemporary and paranormal romances. She’s all about strong, caring, sometimes wicked heroes and sensitive heroines with a streak of sass. She loves hearing from readers, so drop her a line via her contact page.

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