Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Review & Giveaway:The King by Tiffany Reisz



Cunning. Sex. Pure nerve. Only this potent threesome can raise him to his rightful place as ruler of Manhattan's kink kingdom. 

Bouncing from bed to bed on the Upper East Side—handsomely paid in both bills and blackmail fodder—Kingsley Edge is brilliant, beautiful and utterly debauched. No carnal act or chemical compound can relieve his self-destructive apathy—only Søren, the one person he loves without limit or regret. A man he can never have, but in whose hands Kingsley is reborn to attain even greater heights of sin. He plans to open the ultimate BDSM club­: a dungeon playground for New York's A-list that'll change the scene forever. 

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What I thought about The King

Kingsley has always been one of my favorite original sinners and I was thrilled to read that he'd be featured in this book in the series. I absolutely loved The King, to the point of babbling some French words by the time I finished the book. (if you don't believe me, take a look at my goodreads status.)

The book starts with Kingsley going to see Grace, where he spends the evening telling her the story of how the Eighth Circle came to be. While there are some familiar elements here that we've heard in other books in the series, I love that this story is told from Kingsley's point of view, because hidden beneath his flare for the dramatic is a man capable of great emotion and someone who loves very strongly.  I love that about him.

Soren's been gone for eleven years and Kingsley has been living in the fast lane, indulging in alcohol, drugs, sex while he establishes certain critical contacts within the city. He's on the fast track for disaster, until Soren returns and pushes him to take care of himself.  Of course, Kingsley has his unique way of looking at this situation that shows his awesome sarcasm and his love for Soren.  "All of this was Soren's fault--getting sober, getting an assistant, getting tested, working. Fucking priest. He was so glad he'd come back to him, Kingsley could hardly breathe thinking about it."

There are some bumps along the way in his quest to open the club that include an ultra-conservative as a rival for the property he wants, a new wardrobe befitting the owner of the Eight Circle, and betrayal at the hands of someone Kingsley truly cares about. 

The King had so much of what I love about Kingsley Edge -- his sarcasm, his style, that perfected devil-may-care attitude that hides the depth of his feelings toward those he cares about. I know I'm gushing, but I thought Kingsley's story was fantastic, well-written, and possibly my favorite in this series.
I love how the White Years series is coming together and filling in some of the blanks. 5 magnifique stars!

About the Author

Tiffany Reisz lives with her fiancé (a reformed book reviewer) and two cats (one good, one evil). She graduated with a B.A. in English from Centre College in Danville, Kentucky and is making both her parents and her professors proud by writing BDSM erotica under her real name. She has five piercings, one tattoo, and has been arrested twice.

 When not under arrest, Tiffany enjoys Latin Dance, Latin Men, and Latin Verbs. She dropped out of a conservative southern seminary in order to pursue her dream of becoming a smut peddler. Johnny Depp’s aunt was her fourth grade teacher. Her first full-length novel THE SIREN was inspired by a desire to tie up actor Jason Isaacs (on paper). She hopes someday life will imitate art (in bed).

 If she couldn’t write, she would die.

Twitter: @TiffanyReisz  https://twitter.com/tiffanyreisz

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