Monday, August 31, 2015

Release Day Review, Excerpt & Giveaway: The Dogs by Allan Stratton

The Dogs
By Allan Stratton
September 1, 2015
; ISBN 9781492609384

Book Info:
Title: The Dogs
Author: Allan Stratton
Release Date: September 1, 2015
Publisher: Sourcebooks Fire

Praise for The Dogs:

“Stratton masterfully constructs a creepy gothic setting…A monstrous, stalking father, unhinging nightmares, a ghostly boy, wild dogs, and a moldy basement add creepy deliciousness to a murder mystery and tale of a boy who, in trying to solve a mystery, may just discover what a loving family might be. An engrossing blend of murder mystery and family story.” –Kirkus STARRED Review
"There’s fear aplenty in Allan Stratton’s The Dogs and a tantalizingly uncertain element of the supernatural… refreshingly like an old-fashioned mystery, but the passion and terror underlying (our hero's) own family give it emotional complexity and suspense." - Toronto Star 

“A real page-turner... [The Dogs] stayed with me for days, author Allan Stratton having created an unsettled aura the likes of which Alfred Hitchcock and Stephen King routinely built into their work, too... Stratton’s depiction of setting and characters is masterful, and his ability to create tension and keep readers on edge is equally strong.” – Montreal Gazette

“A chilling tale of a mother and son on the run, from the author of the award-winning Chanda’s Secrets…Written in accessible prose, The Dogs manages to thrill while exploring the mindset of the victim in ways that are both insightful and affecting, artfully portraying permanent state of dread and a creeping self-doubt. This is an accomplished, gripping and thoughtful story, whose dramatic ending delivers on every level.” –The Guardian

“Brilliant, page-turning, and eerie. Had me guessing to the very end.” –Joseph Delaney, author of The Last Apprentice series.

“An Agatha Christie mystery novel on cocaine” –SLJ Teen Newsletter


Constantly on the run from a dangerous father, Cameron’s used to pushing away the trauma of his past. But when his mother moves them to an old farmhouse in the middle of nowhere, he discovers that there are some things you can’t escape.

His new schoolmates taunt him about the bloodthirsty dogs that supposedly haunt the farm, and Cameron soon stumbles upon a child’s drawings in the cellar that depict a violent history. The line between reality and nightmare begins to blur as the house’s horrifying secrets mix with fragments of Cameron’s own memories—some best left forgotten.

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Excerpt from The Dogs:

I go up to my bedroom. It’s at the top of the living-­room stairs, next to a small bathroom and near the big room over the kitchen. That’s the room Mom thought I’d pick, and I would have, except for the trapdoor in the ceiling. It’s sealed up with nails and paint. When I saw it, I asked Mom what she thought was up there.

“An attic.”

“Yeah, but what’s in it?” I pictured a dried-­up body, half eaten by mice. I mean, who seals up an empty attic? Anyway, that’s why I didn’t choose the big room. If I don’t see the hatch, it’s easier not to think about what’s on the other side.

The bedroom I picked came with an oak desk, a wooden chair, a night table with a lamp, and a metal-­frame bed. The mattress is new, unlike the wallpaper, which is stained and peeling along the seams near the window. Under the peels are layers of older wallpaper, one with little orange canaries on it.

The window over my desk is the one good thing about my room. Looking out, I can see the barn with the fields all around and the woods in the distance. At night, the stars and the glow of the porch-­lamp light up bits of the barn and the first row of cornstalks.

I start to do my homework. Pretty soon, though, I’m looking out the window, watching the stars come out and trying to forget my life. I wonder who all are staring up at the moon right now. Are they wondering the same thing?

Out of the corner of my eye, I catch something moving by the barn. When I look, it disappears. Wait. There it is again at the cornfield. Some movement, some thing.

I count to twenty. Nothing. I relax. Then—­did that stalk move? I turn off my light so whatever’s out there can’t see in.

It’s probably just a breeze.

Or Mr. Sinclair. Or Cody and his gang.

Don’t be nuts. If it’s anything, it’s an animal. A coyote or a dog.

The dogs. I close my curtains. If I don’t look out, whatever’s there will go away. But I can’t not look. I sneak a peek. Nothing. Wait. By the barn. Is that a boy?

I blink. The boy is gone.

My eyes scan the barn. There’s a missing board up in the loft area. The more I stare, the more I think I see the boy staring back at me from the shadows behind the hole. He’s maybe ten, very pale, and he’s wearing one of those old Davy Crockett hats with the raccoon tail hanging from the back. Are those freckles on his cheeks?

Don’t be crazy. The barn’s too far away to see stuff like that.

The face disappears. I stare till I see double. The face swims back into view.

This is too weird. I close my eyes and try to clear my head by thinking about the bus and the Cheerios between Benjie’s teeth. When I open my eyes, everything’s normal. There’s no face. Nothing. Just the night.

And that’s how it stays.

I close my curtains, get ready for bed, and crawl under the covers. I hate the way I scare myself. It’s always the same and it’s always stupid. And the scared-­er I get, the more I talk to myself, which is even stupider.

Besides, even if there was a boy in the barn, what’s scary about that? Maybe he just likes exploring places like I do. Still, it’s weird he’s on our property, especially so late. I wonder where he lives.

Who says he lives anywhere? Who says he’s real? What parents let a kid that young wander around at night?

Mom knocks on my door. “Cameron?”


“May I come in?”


I know she wants to give me a good-­night hug, but I told her to stop it when I was twelve, so she just stands in the doorway. “I know you didn’t mean anything. You’ve had a hard day. I’m sorry I overreacted.”

I hate it when she’s all understanding. It makes me feel like an even bigger jerk. “That’s okay. Mom, I really am sorry.”

“I know.” She pauses. “’Night, then. I love you.”

I want to say the l-­word back, but I feel dumb, so I just say,
“You too.”

Mom closes the door. I go to turn off my lamp and get flashes of Mr. Sinclair and the dogs and the kid I maybe saw in the barn. What’s out there in the dark, circling the house when we’re asleep? What could be out there?

I leave the light on.

What I thought about The Dogs
Every now and then I get the urge to read a good ghost story, and this one looked interesting.  Since I also read mostly female romance authors, I was interested in reading something really different from what I've been reading. I was not disappointed. 

The book opens with Cameron and his mom moving yet again to avoid discovery by Cameron's abusive father.  They move miles away to an old farm house in a very rural area.  This book gets creepy right from the start, with a basement full of boxes, a strange neighbor, and the boys on the school bus calling Cameron dog food.

Cameron is intrigued by the history of the house, especially when he find some artwork in a folder in the old coal room in the basement. The pictures tell a story and Cameron starts to ask questions. Things get even more serious when a spectre of a boy his age comes to talk to him, dropping little clues about what happened at the house like breadcrumbs on a trail.  

When Cameron's investigation gets him in trouble and the some of the truth is revealed to his mother, she's naturally concerned that what is happening is a manifestation of the stress of being on the run from Cameron's father.  But is it?  Or is Cameron's mom the one exaggerating their danger?  I loved the parallel stories here and the ongoing doubt about just what was happening in the present and what had happened in the past. Was Cameron going crazy? Or did something serious happen at that farmhouse? Is Cameron's dad a good guy ... or not?

The Dogs is a bit mystery and a bit ghost story. I like them both. Even though it didn't give me the creeps as much as wanting to know what really happened to the McTavish boy, I really enjoyed this story.  I like a good ghost story and The Dogs held my interest until the end.  I especially like how Cameron went about solving the mystery.  A word of warning that there are mature themes in this, such as the  subject matter of infidelity and abuse and this book is definitely for the older YA audience. 

So if you are interested in an intriguing ghost story with a nicely crafted mystery, this might be the book for you.

ARC provided for review.


About the Author:

Allan Stratton is an internationally published playwright and author. His awards include a Michael L. Printz Honor Award, multiple ALA picks and the Independent Publisher Book Award.

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Friday, August 28, 2015

Cover Reveal: Rage (Fate, #5) by Elizabeth Reyes

Title: Rage (Fate, #5)
Author: Elizabeth Reyes
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Expected Release Date: December of 2015

Having made it to the major leagues, A.J. “Rage” Romero is determined to shake the stigma his temper has earned him over the years. He’s finally managed a shaky hold of that elusive self-control.
Until he meets them . . .
Without warning, his coach and mentor’s brilliantly gifted granddaughter Clair and her equally amazing mother Addison Cabrera blow into A.J.’s life. The harder he falls for Addison, the closer and more attached he becomes to Clair.
Having fallen so fast and hard, he agrees to respect the understandably protective single mother’s wish to forever keep the identity of Clair’s absent father unknown to everyone—including A.J.
But when the ugly truth about Clair’s dad begins to surface, the fire in A.J.’s fiercely possessive heart is lit. As more of the troubling reality comes to light, his zero tolerance for secrets and dishonesty put his temper—and his love for Addison—to the ultimate test.
Self-control has never felt so impossible.
Amazon | Amazon UK | B&N | Kobo | iTunes | Smashwords

About Elizabeth Reyes

USA Today Bestselling Author, Elizabeth Reyes continues to answer to her calling on a daily basis. Since releasing her debut novel Forever Mine (Moreno Brothers #1) in 2010 she has now published 9 full length novels total and fast at work on the next. The excitement her Moreno Brothers, 5th Street, and Fate series have garnered has far exceeded her wildest dreams. It is with as much excitement that she’ll continue to put out books related to these series as well as introduce brand new ones very soon.
In 2014 she will take her next step in the exciting world of writing and publish her first traditionally published book with Simon & Schuster/Atria. But she will continue putting out self-published books as well.

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Review & Excerpt:Anything But Broken by Joelle Knox

After five years, tragedy brings Hannah Casey back to Hurricane Creek to bury what’s left of her family. She’s flunking out of college, haunted by scandal, and the only person who cares is Sean Whitlow, an irresistible bad boy with a soft spot for her. The problem? He’s her dead sister’s ex.

Sean doesn’t bleed red, he bleeds motor oil. During the week, he struggles to turn his auto repair shop into a profitable business. But when Saturday night rolls around, he’s the reigning stock-car king of the local race track. He doesn’t know how to lose–or how to walk away and leave Hannah alone with her grief.

Between her grades and her wealthy family’s dark secrets, Hannah’s barely holding her life together. And the last thing Sean needs is to get tangled up with another Casey girl. As the attraction between them spins out of control, they’ll either find a love with no limits–or go up in flames.

Anything But Broken is live now
at the following retailers!

​“Everything has to come together. It’s skill, but it’s also luck. If you’re good enough, you can beat better cars. And if you suck, the best car in the world can’t win you checkered flags. Sometimes you have both, but something happens to fuck it all up—a guy spinning out on the back stretch right in front of you, or a caution that blows your giant lead on second place. When you have all three, though, it’s magical.” — Sean, Anything but Broken

What I thought about Anything but Broken
Hannah Casey returns to her hometown of Hurricane Creek after a tragedy and has to deal with lots of old history and old emotions. Along comes the town mechanic and stock car racer Sean Whitlow. There's a connection between them, but it's not an easy one.

The story deals with some heavy issues, such as death and grief, mental heath and the legacy of substance abuse, so be warned. But these authors know how to world build, so it's not over the top.  

Sean has the all the right stuff -- plenty of sexy alpha man with a good bit of understanding to keep a reader happy.

There's great tension to keep the pages turning, especially at the start, but the pace did seem a little uneven, although not bothersome. I liked the emotional content of the story (there's lots).  
So a great start to this series from Joelle Knox (aka Kit Rocha).

ARC provided for review.

About Joelle Knox

When not writing sexy small-town new adult romance, Joelle Knox dons her leather jacket and brass knuckles and turns into Kit Rocha, author of the intensely erotic Beyond series. Set in a post-apocalyptic future, the Beyond books have been described as Mad Max meets Hunger Games meets Fifty Shades of Grey. 

If you can’t envision that, well…try the first one for free! 

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Release Blitz with Giveaway:Defining Love (complete set) by Elizabeth Reyes

RB - Defining Love

Come celebrate the release of

This book was originally published in three volumes back in May but is now released as a full book. The full story will be on sale for $2.99 until 08/31/2015 and going up to $3.99 on 09/01/2015. Also Elizabeth has left Volume I and Volume II FREE forever.
You can read the first two volumes FREE.

Then grab up the complete book (Vol I, II & III) for $2.99. You can find the full story and the first two volumes at all major retail sites.

Love (Complete Set)
Title: Defining Love (Full Story)
Author: Elizabeth Reyes
NA | Contemporary Romance
Release Date: August 25, 2015
Fear of abandonment has been a crippling issue for Henrietta her entire life. It's why when her bestie comes out of the closet in college, admitting to being in love with her, she agrees to take their friendship to another level.

Aaron's led a charmed life. He has a perfect family, a dream job, and his business is booming. He also plans on marrying his equally perfect girlfriend, who he's been with for over ten years. Then he meets his kid sister's college buddy Henri.

At first, it's easy to deny and even try to forget the incredible connection they felt after just one conversation. But when Henri accepts a job working for Aaron and are together almost daily, what they're feeling for each other becomes impossible to deny. Should Aaron and Henri stay with the ones they love or take a chance on something so extraordinary it's impossible to even explain—understand.

Making such a life-altering decision is truly scary. But even more scary than that? Regret. Defining Love. Which is the forever kind? **NO cheating involved!**

Purchase Defining Love (Full Story) 

DF Teaser V1

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About Elizabeth Reyes

 Elizabeth ReyesUSA Today Bestselling Author, Elizabeth Reyes continues to answer to her calling on a daily basis. Since releasing her debut novel Forever Mine (Moreno Brothers #1) in 2010 she has now published 9 full length novels total and fast at work on the next. The excitement her Moreno Brothers, 5th Street, and Fate series have garnered has far exceeded her wildest dreams. It is with as much excitement that she’ll continue to put out books related to these series as well as introduce brand new ones very soon. In 2014 she will take her next step in the exciting world of writing and publish her first traditionally published book with Simon & Schuster/Atria. But she will continue putting out self-published books as well. 


Release Day Blitz with Review: Because of Sydney by TA Foster


BLURB: Determined to establish a new life far from the ghosts of her past, twenty-two year old Sydney Paige is willing to try anything to launch her reporting career and quiet the painful memories of her family back home.

Money-driven Mason Lachlan knows exactly what he wants in life and how to get it. Nothing stands in the way of the successful millionaire’s next deal, not even the deeply-buried anguish he feels from being abandoned by his father and tucked away as a dark family secret.

When Sydney must report the biggest land deal to hit South Padre in years, Mason becomes the focus of her story. Problems surface when their undeniable attraction for each other compromises everything they both have worked for.

Can love exist when bottom lines and deadlines collide?

This is a standalone Contemporary Romance, there is NO cliffhanger!

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What I thought about Because of Sydney
Mason Lachlan is a typical multi-millionaire  dollar land developer, focused on his next acquisition and finding the perfect land to develop, even if that means displacing people out of their homes.

When Sydney Paige, a fresh-faced new reporter for the local business journal, gets assigned the story of the land developer taking down a trailer park on South Padre Island, she meets Mason. Several times.

At first, Mason doesn't want anything to do with a reporter -- his first rule being don't talk to the press. But when he runs into Sydney multiple times, Mason drops his own rules agrees to an interview, which turns into a bedroom romp because they just can't deny their physical attraction for each other.

There's a lot of heat between these two characters, even with Mason acting a bit like he has a split personality between his stiff, serious business demeanor and his playful side when he's with Sydney.  And Sydney has her own baggage in her past that causes her a lot of pain. As their relationship develops, the question is whether Sydney can continue to report on Mason's business dealings while sharing his bed.

I love power-of-love stories where the guy falls hard and is willing to change his old ways to take a chance on a relationship.  It's nice to see Mason fall for Sydney and inch his way toward a real relationship with her. It isn't hard to see what the conflicts are between them though, and there are some ups and downs before they can truly get to their HEA.

Because of Sydney is a nice compliment to the Eden series, and a must read if you have read that series, but it also works nicely as a standalone romance. It's a feel-good story that left me smiling. 

ARC provided for review. 

To celebrate the release of
Because of Sydney,
TA Foster
has her first book
on sale for ONLY $0.99
Get it NOW!


YA Spotlight & Giveaway:Your Voice is All I Hear by Leah Scheier

Title: Your Voice is All I Hear 
Author: Leah Scheier
September 1st, 2015
Tradepaper/$9.99 ● Ages 14+

“I was the one he trusted. I was the one he loved, the only one who believed him, even when his own mother had locked him up and thrown away the key. And now, I was going to pass down the white tiled hallway, knock on his doctor’s office door, slam his secret notebook on her desk and make her read it, make her understand what he was hiding, make her see what only I had seen.”

April won't let Jonah go without a fight. He’s her boyfriend—her best friend. She’ll do anything to keep him safe. But as Jonah slips into a dark depression, trying to escape the traumatic past that haunts him, April is torn. To protect Jonah, she risks losing everything: family, friends, an opportunity to attend a prestigious music school. How much must she sacrifice? And will her voice be loud enough to drown out the dissenters—and the ones in his head?

Buy Links

Amazon : Apple : BAM : B&N : Chapters

An Excerpt

        I KNOW MY WAY AROUND THE MENTAL HOSPITAL. I doubt most of the girls in my neighborhood could claim that, even though many of us lived just a few minutes from its leafy, sterile grounds, and some of us picnicked on the lawn outside its gate during summer break.

By the end of tenth grade, I knew Shady Grove Hospital better than I knew my school. I knew that the security guard’s name was Carla and that she’d worked at her depressing post since the place was built. I knew the quiet path behind the topiary garden where I could wait until visiting hours began and she let me in. I’d memorized the shape and color of his shadow behind the dark-red curtains, and I knew where I had to stand so he could see me from his eleventh-story window. From that distant spot, I could even guess how well the medicine was working for him that day; I could tell what kind of visit it would be by counting the paces of his shadow.

I had the place mapped out, his daily routine memorized, the doctors’ names and call schedule, every pointless detail carefully recorded in his special little book. He’d given me those notes as if they were classified secrets, the papers wrapped in strips of hospital linen sealed together with bubble gum, long wads of partially chewed Wrigley’s tied into a crisscrossed mesh. That tat- tered spiral notebook was crammed with data he’d gathered over months: patients’ names and histories, nurses’ phone numbers, the cleaning crew’s shift hours. I would never know how these bits of information came together for him or how he even found them out. But somewhere in these random nothings, he’d put together a story for me, a clue of how to get to him, a coded message that, for some reason, he believed only I could read. I was the one he trusted, the only one who had not betrayed him. I was the one he loved, the only one who believed him, even when his own mother had locked him up and thrown away the key.

And now, nearly three months after they’d taken him away, I was finally ready. I was going to march up to the security window, look into the tired guard’s blurry eyes, state my name and the name of the patient I was visiting, and hear the buzz and click of the locked gate sliding open. I was going to walk down the white- tiled hallway, knock on his doctor’s office door, slam his secret notebook on her desk, and make her read it, make her understand what he was hiding, make her see what only I had seen.

I was finally going to do it. I was going to betray him.

 About the Author

Leah Scheier works as a pediatrician and pens stories of romance and adventure. Her first novel, Secret Letters, was published in June 2012 (Hyperion/Disney) and received a starred review from School Library Journal, as well as glowing reviews from Booklist, VOYA, and Publishers Weekly. She lives in Maryland. Learn more at

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Cover Reveal & Giveaway:Life After Falling by Alyssa Rose Ivy

Life After Falling banner

We are head over heels for the Cover of 

Alyssa Rose Ivy's LIFE AFTER FALLING! 


is a Contemporary Romance set 

to be released on October 15, 2015!

Life After Falling - cover
Cover designed by Najla Qamber Designs!

Add LIFE AFTER FALLING on Goodreads!

About LIFE AFTER FALLING: One tangled cassette tape. Two tangled lives. Cassidy snaps. She quits her job and fiancé all in the same day and ends up on her parents’ doorstep. In the midst of everything she is determined to fix a broken cassette tape that she thinks holds the key to rediscovering happiness. On her quest to fix the tape she meets Leo, a guy as down on his luck as she is lost. What starts with curiosity leads to something resembling a relationship and maybe a chance at love.   

Alyssa Rose Ivy- Author Photo

About Alyssa Rose Ivy: Alyssa Rose Ivy is a New Adult and Young Adult author who loves to weave stories with romance and a southern setting. Although raised in the New York area, she fell in love with the South after moving to New Orleans for college. After years as a perpetual student, she turned back to her creative side and decided to write. She lives in North Carolina with her husband and two young children, and she can usually be found with a cup of coffee in her hand.        

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InkSlinger Blogger Final

Unconditional Anthology & Review of Falling From the Sky by Sarina Bowen

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Life isn't easy. Love is harder. Love cuts, love burns and sometimes love breaks.
But living a half-life, living with regrets, that’s no life at all. People say we’re broken, not like other people. Maybe that’s true—ability, disability—what’s in a word? So whatever the world throws at us, we won’t stop, we won’t crumble. When we love, we love hard. Love without limits. Unconditional is an Anthology from authors Stacey Wallace Benefiel, Jane Harvey-Berrick, Sarina Bowen, Mary Elizabeth, D.Hart, Amber L. Johnson, CJ Lyons, Lauren K. McKellar, Shay Savage, and Magan Vernon.

He stole her lipstick…and her heart.

Twenty-year-old Dani Walker can’t believe her luck when she’s paired up with the gorgeous Liam Garrett as her Acting I scene partner – or when he ends up in her bed. Being a Plain Jane with a mouth on her hasn’t exactly served Dani well in the guy department. In fact, she’s had nothing but one night stands.
Ten years after their first affair, Sebastian and Caroline meet again. Now a successful journalist, Caroline heads out to report from the front lines of the war in Afghanistan. Love is the last thing on her mind when she crosses paths with Marine Chief Sebastian Hunter.

Will this chance encounter reignite the erotic passion of their past, or will the hidden cost of war tear them apart again?
Until his accident, bad boy Hank “Hazardous” Lazarus had everything: a gorgeous girlfriend, a career as a freestyle snowboarder and a spot on the US Olympic team. Could he possibly meet the love of his life in the last place he ever wanted to go--the hospital?

Read on  for my review of Falling From the Sky....
Some days are brighter than others, but Penelope Finnel is invisible behind the colored lenses of her heart-shaped sunglasses. Dillon Decker hopes he is the cure to her madness. But when friend turns to lover, and lover turns to caretaker, how much can either of them tolerate before they’re swallowed whole?
Fate took away Baylor's past, giving her a second chance at life, but when faced with a choice to move forward, leave it buried, or follow her heart, she struggled with her basic need to survive and be loved. When she met Brandt, he gave her a reason to rebuild a life full of forgotten treasures.
When it comes to love there’s no such thing as conventional.
Everyone thinks Colton Neely is special.Lilly Evans just thinks he’s fascinating.
Their friendship grows into love, even as Colton does not express it in words. But one decision threatens to break down the world that Lilly has tried so hard to integrate into and she must figure out if the relationship can survive if they are apart.
A West Virginia mountain, the middle of a blizzard, killers on his trail…no place for a city boy like Lucky Cavanaugh, an ATF explosives specialist.

Out-manned, out-gunned and shot, he takes Forest Service Wildlife Biologist Vinnie Ry
an hostage until he convinces her that he’s one of the good guys.

Vinnie heals not only his injuries but also his broken heart. But when they uncover a terrorist plot, Lucky is forced to choose between duty and passion, risking the life of the woman he loves in order to save the lives of thousands.
When eighteen-year-old Kate’s father turns up drunk to graduation, she knows something is wrong—really wrong. What she doesn’t expect is a hereditary disease that will turn her life around.
The Problem With Crazy is a story about love and life—about overcoming obstacles, choosing to trust, and learning how to make the choices that will change your life forever.
Isolated on a raft after their ship capsizes, an alcoholic death-match fighter and a young woman have to face the elements as well as their entwined pasts. Bastian can survive in the harshest environments, but can he survive Raine?
Honor student, manager at the campus coffee shop, owner of an impressive sweater collection – Melanie Wilder has it all together. Then John “John Boy” Walden strolls into her life wearing nothing more than an impish grin and all-too-revealing loin cloth.

Soon, make-out sessions replace homework, lust triumphs over work. And to further crumble her perfect world, an unexpected phone call threatens to take away everything she’s worked for.

My Review of Falling From the Sky by Sarina Bowen

 When we meet Hank "Hazardous" Lazarus, he's a cocky snowboarder, a risk junkie, someone that probably wouldn't give Dr. Callie Anders a second look.  But his life is about to get turned upside down after a serious accident ends his career. 

Dr. Callie Anders is a good girl, works hard, and genuinely cares for her patients and her friends. But her heart has been beat up when she catches her live-in boyfriend in compromising position, forcing her to put up some serious walls around her heart to protect herself.

When their two worlds collide, things are touch and go. Callie's definitely attracted to Hank, and Hank is interested in Callie, but they both have some emotional baggage to get over before they can make a go of it. 

I think it's awesome when love stories develop gradually, until the chemistry between the two parties just won't be denied.  In Falling from the Sky, both Hank and Callie have to get over their fears of rejection if they have any chance of making it work, and it takes a little convincing to get there.  That was a fabulous part of this story.  It's the obstacles that make the love story so very satisfying.

I loved this story, and it made me want to read the rest of the series.  I'd pick up a copy of this anthology just for this golden nugget.  This is a definite standalone but I'm thinking you'll want to know more about the secondary characters in Falling From the Sky, and I definitely recommend the rest of the series as well.

So go grab a copy of this anthology!  You won't be sorry!

ARC provided for review. 

Release Day Review: 5 stars for Holidating:Three Sizzling Holiday Romances by Sarina Bowen

  24-time USA Today bestseller Sarina Bowen's first holiday collection! Enjoy three complete holiday romances from Sarina Bowen. Yo...