Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Release Day & Giveaway:Broken Notes by Ann Marie Frohoff

The Heavy Influence Series
is an edgy sexually charged coming of age story.
A Modern Day 'WALK THE LINE' Romance.

The edgy Heavy Influence Series is about young, intense and reckless love between a rising rock star and his younger muse.

Follow their journey through temptation, deception & forbidden love.
BROKEN NOTES (Heavy Influence, #2)
By: Ann Marie Frohoff
Publisher: AMF Publishing
Pages: 279
Date: December 30, 2014
Music fades with a death. Dreams and impulses may kill a future.
Being rich, famous and in an award winning, multi-platinum band can't save you from life's tragedies.
When Jake and Alyssa begin to build a life together in New York City, a death and an unfortunate set of events rattle Jake's very existence. Alyssa clings to her own dreams. Jake's blurred take on life may end what they've fought so hard to keep. 

Will love remain the same?
Heavy Influence Links:
Book Trailer:
Original Soundtrack:

One signed copy of FIRST KISS (Heavy Influence, #1)
One signed copy of FEVER PITCH (Heavy Influence, #1.5)
Heavy Influence Original Soundtrack Vol. 1
$10 Amazon Gift Card
*Giveaway is open to US and International Residents*  

To Enter: Comment with the reason you want to read Broken Notes as well as your email address to contact you, should you be the winner.
About The Author:
Ann Marie ("Annie") Frohoff grew up in sunny Southern California. As a teen and young adult, she spent her time frequenting and living in nearly every beachside city up and down the coast.

Ann Marie is a debut author whose vision to tell a story started out like many other aspiring writers, with a dream, literally.

After taking her then eight-year-old daughter to a concert, her dream weaving took on a life of its own. Long story short, she quit her high- paying corporate job and went for broke to follow her dream.

The first installment in her Heavy Influence Trilogy, FIRST KISS, released June 11, 2013 — the series is a story about young, reckless love between a rising rock star and his younger muse, spanning 10 years of their tumultuous and passionate relationship. Each book in the Trilogy will come with a soundtrack of original music, of which the lyrics will appear in the pages of the books.

Annie has settled in the South Bay area of Los Angeles with her family.
Social Media Links:
First Kiss Free 2.12-2.14:
Jake, an up and coming teenage rocker on the verge of stardom, reconnects with Alyssa, the younger girl next door.
When she becomes something more they're forced to face the harsh realities on his road to fame and the expectations of their friends and family.
Sacrifices are made as everything changes as they know it. 
Event Hosted by:

Monday, December 29, 2014

ARC Review & Giveway:Hungry Like the Wolf by Paige Tyler

Title: Hungry Like the Wolf
Series: SWAT #1
Author: Paige Tyler
ISBN: 9781492608479
Pubdate: January 6th, 2015

They’re tight
They’re on target
They’re as alpha as men can get

The Dallas SWAT team is hiding one helluva secret…they’re a pack of wolf shifters.

The team of elite sharpshooters is ultra-secretive—and also the darlings of Dallas. This doesn’t sit well with investigative journalist Mackenzie Stone. They must be hiding something…and she’s determined to find out what.

Keeping Mac at a distance proves impossible for SWAT team commander Gage Dixon. She’s smart, sexy, and makes him feel alive for the first time in years. But she’s getting dangerously close to the truth—and perilously close to his heart...

Paige Tyler is the USA Today bestselling author of sexy, romantic fiction. Paige writes books about hunky alpha males and the kickbutt heroines who fall in love with them. Visit www.paigetylertheauthor.com. She and her very own military hero (aka her husband) live on the Florida coast with their adorable dog.

An Excerpt:

“We dropped Corporal Riggs off a few blocks out from the scene. He hoofed it in over the rooftops while we were getting into position outside. He went in and set up the remote cameras and microphones while everyone inside was focused on us and the other police officers.”
Riggs and Taylor stared at their commander, clearly shocked by how open he’d been about their tactics to a member of the media. Mac was stunned, too. She’d been fishing when she’d asked the question. She hadn’t expected them to actually answer her.
Dixon chuckled. “You don’t have to look so alarmed. It’s not like I shared state secrets. Besides, Ms. Stone will be coming by the compound later today to take a look around and see how we operate.”
Mac did a double take. “Seriously?”
His amber eyes met hers. “That’s what you wanted, isn’t it? An in-depth look at a day in the life of a SWAT officer?”
She was more interested in finding out if they were hiding something, but she didn’t tell him that.
“I figured if I didn’t make the offer, you’d only hang around outside the compound for months until I agreed to let you in. Or until you tried to sneak into the middle of the next hostage situation,” he said. “This way we can do our job without worrying about you popping up out of nowhere, and you get to do yours without risking your life.” She opened her mouth to thank him, but he held up a finger. “There’s one condition, though.”
“Name it.”
“You agree not to detail any of our tactical procedures or techniques like the one I just told you about. You print those and you’ll get my team killed.” He lifted a brow. “Do we have an agreement?”
Mac nodded eagerly. “Yes.”
She’d agree to whatever he wanted if it got her in the compound—even if it meant going back on her word later. Although, after today, she wasn’t sure there was a story. She seriously doubted these guys were doing drugs, regardless of what Marvin said. But that didn’t matter. No way was she passing up an opportunity like this.
“I’ll see you at the compound this afternoon then,” Dixon said as he opened the door for her. “Say three o’clock?”
She smiled up at him. “I’ll be there.”
Mac had to resist the urge to do a little happy dance as she hurried back to the news van. She wasn’t sure how it had happened, but somehow she’d gotten herself an engraved invitation to get up close and personal with the country’s most elite tactical unit—the Dallas PD SWAT.

Buy Links:

What I thought about Hungry Like The Wolf 

Mackenzie Stone is convinced the Dallas SWAT team is keeping secrets and she's going to find out what they are after someone gives her report about men with super strength on the force.  Thinking they are taking performance enhancing drugs, Mac goes in search of her story.

She thinks she hits the jackpot when the SWAT leader, Gage Dixon let's her into their inner sanctum.  When everything seems normal Mac decides to back down from the story. Which works out for everyone..because she's falling for Gage in a major way.

Gage is falling too...and some if the pack it's convinced that Mac is The One--the elusive one true mate. That's because the SWAT team is keeping a secret--they are really a pack of highly trained werewolves.

When a criminal decides to go after Gage and Mac, she'll have to decide what is more important -- her feelings for Gage or her career.

This book was a really pleasant surprise. I haven't read this author before, so I didn't know what to expect. The story kept me interested to the end. The men are alpha as can be and it was really sweet to see Gage fall in love in spite of himself. 

I came close to being choked up when things come to a showdown between Mac, Gage and his pack. There are 16 alphas on this SWAT team and I'm looking forward to more of their stories as each member of the team search for
Their ONE true mate.

Lots of action and hot lovin! Great start to this paranormal series. 

ARC provided for review.

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Release Day Blast:Path of Destruction by E. Lee and C. Quinn

We would love for you to join us
in celebrating the release of 

PATH OF DESTRUCTION by E. Lee and C. Quinn!

Title: Path of Destruction (Broken Heartland #2)
Author: E. Lee and C. Quinn
Age Group: Upper YA/NA
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Release Date: December 24, 2014


They ignored the warning signs and it cost them everything... 

At the end of a life-changing summer a devastating tornado hit the small town of Hope’s Grove, Oklahoma.

While the brick suburban mansions of Summit Bluffs saw very little damage, their occupants weren’t so lucky. As the members of both communities struggle to put the pieces of their lives back together, lies will be told, truths will be revealed, and nothing will ever be the same. The road to recovery is long and paved with past hurts and future heartbreaks.

They ignored the warning signs, and one of them didn’t make it out alive. The four that remain know they’d be crazy to think the storms are actually over.. 

Because it’s just when you think you’re safe that you find yourself right in the path of destruction.

Prologue – Cameron
I’d always heard that your entire life flashes before your eyes right before you die. Now, I can honestly say that it’s true. Well, almost true. It’s more like your mind flips through a mental photo album of all the things you’d done and the people you’d met—a birthday party, the first time you drove, someone’s face when you told them they’d never be as pretty as you, your mother’s reprimanding glare when you didn’t win the pageant title you were supposed to, you as a little girl waiting on the front steps for your father to come home—it’s all there. The good, the bad, the ugly. All of it.

You can try to focus on the good—like the face of the person you loved—but it’s no use. Whether you want to or not, you see it all. It must be God’s way of letting you see what he saw so you aren’t surprised when you end up on the other side in Hell. Which is exactly where I’d assumed I’d just booked a first class ticket too.

I was too weak to fight it—to argue that I was in fact a good person—once the storm decided that I was going to be one of its victims, there was nothing I could do but try to hold on to the face of the one person I was sure I’d never see again.

Served me right. I shouldn’t have waited to tell him how I felt. I should have told him the moment I felt it. The moment I realized that despite what I’d done in my past, I was a better person just for loving him.

As the darkness and quiet started to surround me, I knew that it was too late to beg for forgiveness now. Instead, I just closed my eyes and prayed for mercy.

What I thought about Path of Destruction

Path of Destruction picks up where Storm Warning, the first book in this series left off, as Hope's Grove and Summit Bluffs recover after the devastating tornado. Combined with the other interpersonal misunderstandings that occurred that night, nothing will ever be the same, and the gang struggles for quite some time over everything that happened. There are many reveals in the first part of Path of Destruction and I don't really want to spoil anything. Readers should experience how the details of what happened that night are revealed. 

There's quite a bit of sadness in this second installment in the series because no one emerges unscathed from the tornado. Mixed in with the sad stuff are break-ups, fights, jealous "friends" and temptations all in a new school setting and there are still some secrets and misunderstandings between the main characters and their parents.

What I really like about this series is the characters.  I was drawn into their lives in the first book, and by the time I started Path of Destruction I was hooked.  I had to know what happened to them. The authors manage to carry that tension and emotion through the second book of the series, leaving the reader again with a cliffhanger that left me wondering how things can ever get on a better path with this group of young adults struggling to communicate their complex feelings to anyone who can help sort out what's going on. Yeah, I know, that's cryptic, but a lot of the charm here is what is held back and how it is revealed to the reader. 

Path of Destruction isn't perfect though and there were times where I just couldn't believe that the characters don't seem to look beyond their own noses to understand what's going on.  And there were times that a conversation could clear up the confusion between the couples but it was easy to overlook some of these plot points for the enjoyment of the story.

Overall, this is a YA contemporary with tons of emotion. Looking forward to what happens next.

ARC provided for review.  

(5) Print Copies of STORM WARNING

Check out the first book in the series for $.99!

Title: Storm Warning (Broken Heartland #2)
Author: E. Lee and C. Quinn
Age Group: YA
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Published: December 12, 2013
Amazon | BN


Sometimes you can’t see the storm coming until it’s too late...

Severe Storm Warning Tip #1:
Be alert to changing weather conditions. Look for approaching storms.

Severe Storm Warning Tip #2:
If you see approaching storms or any of the danger signs, be prepared to take shelter immediately.

Severe Storm Warning Tip #3:
They may strike quickly, with little or no warning.

Situated just outside of Oklahoma City, Calumet County is divided into two drastically different communities: Hope’s Grove and Summit Bluffs. One is the small backward town where dirt roads lead the way to field parties and railroad tracks. And the other, a sprawling suburb where paved drives lead to the landscaped lawns of the wealthy and over privileged.

For five teenagers smack in the middle of Tornado Alley, summer is heating up fast. The winds of change are blurring the invisible line that divides the rich and the rural.

One has a secret.
One has a crush.
One has been lying.
One will get caught.
And one might not make it out alive.

They’re from two different worlds…but one summer is about to change everything.

Series info:

Whether you believe in destiny, divine intervention, or just plain ol' dumb luck, several things happened in 2013 that caused E. Lee and C. Quinn's paths to cross. It may have been that the stars aligned perfectly, or the fact anytime Luke Bryan was mentioned on a social media site both of them were tagged, or maybe it was just that their small town roots and country girl attitudes were magnetically drawn together—calling out to one another, “Y'all should write a book!” Despite geography keeping them apart—Lee in Illinois and Quinn in Alabama—they did. Thanks to three-hour phone calls, ridiculous amounts of online chats, and umpteen Google Docs—Storm Warning is the first book in their edgy new Young Adult series, Broken Heartland.

Author Bios:
Elizabeth Lee 

Born and raised in the middle of a Midwestern cornfield (not literally, that would be weird), I’ve spent my entire life imagining stories. Stories where the right guy always gets the right girl, first kisses are as magical as they are on the big screen and anything is completely possible if you believe.

Although this journey began years ago, it recently took on a whole new life. After years of devouring hundreds of Romance, YA and New Adult novels, I had an epiphany... I should write a book. And I did it!

If I’m not reading, writing, enjoying drinks with my amazing group of girlfriends or chasing around a sarcastically funny kid, I’m probably watching television shows that were created for teenagers, while my husband teases that I’m too old to watch them.

Connect with Elizabeth:  Facebook | Twitter | Website

Caisey Quinn

Caisey Quinn lives in Birmingham, Alabama with her husband, daughter, and other assorted animals. She is the bestselling author of the Kylie Ryans series as well as several New Adult Romance novels featuring country girls finding love in unexpected places. You can find her online at www.caiseyquinnwrites.com .

Website: http://www.caiseyquinnwrites.com/

Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/7041163.Caisey_Quinn

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AuthorCaiseyQuinn

Twitter: https://twitter.com/CaiseyQuinn

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Release Day Excerpt & Giveaway:Unbeautiful by Jessica Sorensen

release day_unbeautiful
Happy Release Day to Jessica Sorensen
and her new book UNBEAUTIFUL!

This is book 1 in the Unbeautiful Series.

Make sure to enter the giveaway below for a chance to win an ebook copy of this book. Good luck!
You want to know my secrets? What lies beneath the pretty? The scars I can’t let anyone see? The scars tied to my secrets?
On the outside I appear normal. Some might even say perfect.
They say that I’m a pretty girl. They say I should be happy. They say that I have nothing to be angry about. That I’m popular. A cheerleader. That I’m perfect.
Perfect. Perfect. Perfect. 
But all they see is what’s on the outside.
On the inside I’m raw, open, bleeding. Scars that can’t seem to heal the wounds.
Carrying dark secrets about who I really am.
How afraid I am to tell the truth.
And it’s slowly killing me.
Tattoos. Piercing. Scars. The guy who can’t speak.
Gothic freak. Mute. Punk. I’ve heard it all.
They say that I’m probably dangerous. They say people should stay away from me.
They say. They say. They say.
But who are they anyway?
To decide what I am.
They don’t know what’s hidden beneath the scars. Beneath the piercings and tattoos.
The secrets I keep hidden beneath the silence.
Maybe if they knew, they wouldn’t fear me so much.
Then again, maybe they’d fear me more.


“How long have you lived here?” I recline against the railing of the stairway and wrap my arms around myself as the cool air nips at my skin.
He rubs his jawline with one hand while the other spells away, “A couple of months. It’s been an interesting change to go from Sin City to here.”
“Sin City?” Strands of my hair fall into my face as I angle my head to the side in confusion. “What’s that?”
“It’s a nickname for Vegas.”
“Why is it called that?”
A pucker forms at his brows as he brings his finger to his mouth and traces it back and forth across his bottom lip and over his lip ring. I’m absolutely mesmerized by the movement, drawn in by it to the point where I actually contemplate kissing him. I’ve never just planted one on a guy before; Evan was in total control of the relationship.
Ryler moves his hand away from his lip and bites on his lip ring. “Because it’s a city with sins tempting people at every corner—gambling, booze, sex.”
About a year ago, I lost my virginity to Evan, but standing here, watching Ryler sign sex while sucking on his lip ring, makes me feel like a virgin again.
“Oh,” is all I manage to get out of my mouth.
I only breathe normally again when he releases the metal from his teeth and drops his cigarette to the ground.
“So, about the party.” He gestures at the door. “Do you want to come in for a while? They’re playing cards and there are drinks and snacks and stuff. Plus, your papers are in there.” His lips quirk to a half grin and my stomach somersaults.
Do I want to come in?
Boy, do I want.
A lot.
Even through the fear, I want to go through that door.
More than I’ve ever wanted to do anything in my entire life.
In the back of my mind, I hear the voices of my mother, father, and Evan whispering that what I’m about to do is wrong. I’m not being who I’m supposed to be. I’m being all wrong, imperfect. I’m surrounding myself with unbeautiful people, according to their standards.
I smile the biggest smile that’s ever graced my lips, even though I’m terrified out of my mind. “A party sounds fun. I’ve never actually been to one.”
“You seriously are sheltered, Emery.” He reaches for the doorknob but pauses. “I can help you change that.” He winks at me.
The disapproving voices in my head continue to chant as I follow him inside and into the unknown. But the music swallows them up as soon as I step over the threshold. Everything in my mind quiets the moment I step into the room. Everything is still for the first time in my life without taking the medication.

Jessica Sorensen

The New York Times and USA Today bestselling author, Jessica Sorensen, lives in the snowy mountains of Wyoming. When she's not writing, she spends her time reading and hanging out with her family. 

Monday, December 22, 2014

Release Day Blitz:Excerpt & Giveaway Claiming Serenity by Eden Butler

Title: Claiming Serenity (Seeking Serenity, #3)
Author: Eden Butler
Genre: NA | Contemporary Romance
Release Date: December 22, 2014


She left glitter in his AC vents. He put green dye in her conditioner. 

She buttered his bathroom floor, and he kidnapped her precious puppy. 

Layla Mullens hates Donovan Donley. His crude language, his wide shoulders, his crystal blue eyes…she hates that she can’t stop herself…from kissing him or landing in his bed. 

And Donovan Donley wants nothing more than to knock Layla off her princess pedestal. He hates her stuck up attitude and her soft, tempting lips. He especially hates that her father is his coach. 

But he’s fine with their arrangement—act horrible to each other during the day, attack each other naked at night. It works. 
But one night changes everything. When Layla doesn’t show, and Donovan’s cold bed stays empty, the lies he tells himself to keep Layla out of his mind aren’t enough to keep him from missing her. And needing her. Something he promised himself would never happen. 

The white flags in their prank war have been lowered but their high stakes battle has just begun.

♥ Claiming Serenity ~ Excerpt ♥

“Come here,” he said, wanting her, just then, but knowing that she needed a moment to calm, to have those worries so evident in the slow way she moved toward him, eased. He let her come to his side, right against his chest and for the first time, Donovan held her tight against him. “I’m not the kind of guy you need.” She sat up, looking at him. “I'm no Prince Charming. I’m not good for anyone and I doubt I ever will be.”

“So do you want this to end? You have doubts?”

He hated the idea of never touching her again. He hated that being without her touch, her taste, would bother him greatly, and if he were a better man, a stronger man, a decent man at all, he would tell her to go. Donovan knew that if he were the kind of man he once was, before betrayal and disappointment fractured whatever he thought he might want one day, then he’d thank Layla for her time and attention and tell her his doubts were too great, that their moment had passed.

But this Donovan was a selfish bastard on his best days. Still, he'd give her something, likely not what she deserved, but something he’d never given to any woman. Ever.

“If I said I didn’t care about you, that would be a lie. I do. Am I in love with you?” He waited, measuring her expression, relaxing when she didn’t look afraid. “No, sorry, I’m not. But I like the way we move together. I like that I can get lost in your body.” I like the way I can still smell your perfume on my pillow after you leave, he said to himself. “I like that you let me do things to your body that I’ve only ever dreamed about.” I like how free you are with me. How beautiful you look when you’re underneath me, falling to pieces. “I like that you don’t ask for anything but my body, for the way I make yours feel.” I love how you let me take you, let me love you like we won’t have another second of this in life.

About Eden ♥
Eden Butler is an editor and writer of New Adult Romance and SciFi and Fantasy novels and the nine-times great-granddaughter of an honest-to-God English pirate. This could explain her affinity for rule breaking and rum. Her debut novel, a New Adult, Contemporary (no cliffie) Romance, “Chasing Serenity” launched in October 2013 and quickly became an Amazon bestseller. 

When she’s not writing or wondering about her possibly Jack Sparrowesque ancestor, Eden edits, reads and spends way too much time watching rugby, Doctor Who and New Orleans Saints football. 

She is currently living under teenage rule alongside her husband in southeast Louisiana. 

Please send help.

♥ Giveaway ♥

Friday, December 19, 2014

Cover Reveal & Excerpt:Red Lines by T.A.Foster


Today is the cover reveal for RED LINES, an adult romance by T.A. Foster. 

This title will be released on February 6th, 2015. Check out the excerpt and teasers below! 

As an added bonus, we are also revealing the cover for another of T.A.'s standalone romances, FINDING HAVEN. 

Buy links for that book are below.





Love on remote Perry Island was one thing, but with the flash of a camera everything has changed. 

Movie star Evan Carlson has just landed the role of a lifetime, playing the infamous Dexter Red. Fans can't get enough of the sexiest, most-talked-about guy to ever hit paperback pages. 

 Haven is in Austin working on her songwriting career, and Evan's faith and commitment are put to the test. No matter which way he turns, Hollywood keeps getting in the way. 

Does realizing their career dreams mean losing their relationship? Can they survive the headlines and media frenzy surrounding Evan's new role? 

When it comes to love, some lines are meant to be blurred.   



He kissed her on the cheek. “So, speaking of Red Lines, how would you feel if I took the role?”
“As in, you want to be the next Dexter Red?” Sure, they had talked about it in passing, but Evan didn’t seem interested. She was still surprised he read the book on the flight home.
“I don’t know. I met with the new agent today, great guy by the way, and he says I’m at an all-or-nothing crossroads. I either need to retire or do this movie. There’s no gray area. I’m thinking about doing the movie. I can’t say I’m ready to completely give up acting.”
“I can’t imagine you retiring right now. That seems extreme. You’re only twenty-eight. Do people your age retire?”
“I don’t know of anyone. But the movie? How would you feel about me being in the movie?” He asked it quietly, and Haven knew he was worried.
She sat on the couch. “If you want to do it, I don’t see how it has much to do with me.”
“Darlin’, it has everything to do with you.” He paused. “Emmy’s signed up to play Karina. I’d be in it with her, so I can understand if that would make you uncomfortable. I talked to her today, though, and she’s completely onboard. She knows about you. She knows this would be all business. I made that completely clear.”
It was hard to focus. Evan had just asked her to play Red Lines sex games and now was asking permission to star in the hottest movie to ever hit the big screen with his ex. What in the hell was she supposed to say? This was coming at her from two completely different angles.
“I trust you, Evan, and I know it’s a movie. It’s not like you’re actually sleeping with her.” The last part came out more like a whisper. She realized she knew nothing about moviemaking.
“Definitely not.” He wrapped an arm around her. “But, just say the word and I won’t do it. It has to work for both of us.”
Her lips were still swollen from his kisses, and she could smell his soapy-scented cologne on her shoulder. He was all around her, part of her, in her head, her heart, her body. If this was what he wanted, she wasn’t going to stand in his way.
“Do it. I think you should do it.”
“Really? You sure?”
“Yes. Absolutely sure. You’ll be an amazing Dexter Red.”
“And you’re up for helping me prepare for the role?” He winked. “Because I was wondering if we could start rehearsals right now.” He placed his glass on the table and took hers next.
The palms of his hands ran along her thighs until he had wriggled her skirt up to her hips again.
Haven smiled. “Yes, we can start right now.”
“Wait.” He paused. “You wanted to ask me about something from your meeting?” He crawled forward.
“Rehearsals,” she whispered. “Let’s start with rehearsals.”
She leaned against the arm of the couch as Evan’s hand slid between her thighs. If she had to play this part to help him prepare for the biggest role of his life, she wasn’t going to say no.





Amazon Link: http://amzn.to/1nOfmD5

B&N Link: http://bit.ly/1g5KwFV

Smashworks: http://bit.ly/1sO0Q0d

iTunes: http://bit.ly/1jtFlKJ




 T.A. Foster is Southern girl whose heart and spirit are connected to the beach. She grew up catching rays and chasing waves along the North Carolina Outer Banks and now resides in the state with her adventurous pilot husband, two children, and two canine kiddos. She has an undergraduate degree in Journalism and Mass Communication from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and a graduate degree in Educational Psychology from Texas A&M University.  

Author Links: 

Blog: http://www.tafosterauthor.com/ 

Twitter: https://twitter.com/tafosterwriter 

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TAFosterauthor 

Author Goodreads: http://www.goodreads.com/author/show/7164289.T_A_Foster 

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Release Day Review: 5 stars for Holidating:Three Sizzling Holiday Romances by Sarina Bowen

  24-time USA Today bestseller Sarina Bowen's first holiday collection! Enjoy three complete holiday romances from Sarina Bowen. Yo...