Friday, October 31, 2014

Review & Giveway: Pitch Imperfect by Elise Alden

Once-famous singer Anjuli Carver has returned to tiny Heaverlock Village alone and nearly broke. She’s poured every last penny into a rambling Victorian manor, hoping to start over. Trouble is, her money pit is falling to pieces and the only restoration architect for miles is Rob Douglas…her ex-fiancé.

For eight years, Rob has regretted not telling Anjuli why he never answered her letters. Being left at the altar broke his heart, but being used for sex one night in London after the fact nearly drove him to the edge of sanity, and he’ll be damned if he allows Anjuli to wreak havoc on his life again. He’ll restore her manor, all right, and give her taste of her own medicine while he’s at it.

But how long can revenge last when memories of their shared past keep rushing to the surface?

Soon, Rob wants answers. Why did Anjuli leave the international spotlight to become a recluse in the Scottish Borderlands? And why does she refuse to sing? Anjuli wants nothing more than to be left alone with her grief, even as she struggles to keep her sexy fantasies about Rob in check. With gossipy villagers, interfering friends and more secrets between them than notes on a scale, Anjuli and Rob will need to find forgiveness in order to work together, then decide if they’re willing to risk it all on an encore performance.

Title: Pitch Imperfect
Author: Elise Alden
Age: Adult
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Release date: October 20, 2014
Publisher: Carina Press

 What I thought about Pitch Imperfect

Anjuli returns home practically penniless, toting her baggage full of secrets, grief, and regrets to her rundown future B&B. It's a good thing her sister can give her some hours at the local pub. But what really has everyone in a tither is how her ex-fiance Rob, the guy she left at the altar, is handling her return.

Rob Douglas is an accomplished architect, with lots of opportunities to leave small time life, but once Anjuli comes home, he wants to resolve some unfinished business between them. For the most part I liked Rob, especially in the second half of the book, although he did have a tendency to jump through a range of emotions in any given situation. One minute he's seductive, then contrite, then silly.  Sometimes that worked for me and sometimes it didn't.

Pitch Imperfect is set in a small-town in Scotland, and it covers the typical small-town themes of nosy townsfolk, the bachelor everyone wants to marry off, scandals and having everyone in town know your business.Typical stuff. 

It takes a long time for Rob and Anjuli to work through their problems. A long time. I could have given this a higher rating had that been tightened up somewhat. At times Pitch Imperfect was just too wordy. I did like the setting, and I liked the story for the most part, I just wished it had moved along at a better pace.

Overall, Pitch Imperfect was a solid three star read for me. There were parts I liked, and parts I thought could have been better. I'd love to know more about Ash and Viking or even Damien and Mac, as they were interesting secondary characters. 

ARC provided for review. 

$10 Amazon Gift Card

About the Author:

Elise reads, writes and revels in romance, and is never happier than when caught up in a heart-thumping, sweat-your-socks-off tale—hers or somebody else’s. She loves creating stories about flawed characters, people for whom love isn’t simply a question of boy-meets-girl, but a gut wrenching journey of transformation.

Author links:
Twitter: @elise_alden

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Review, Excerpt and Giveaway:Two Blue Lines by SC Montgomery

Two Blue Lines Synopsis:

His fear . . . Her secrets . . . Their choice.

What if the only girl you’ve ever loved lied to you?
Lied to everyone?
Those two blue lines changed everything for Reed Young and Melissa Summers. In more ways than one.
And now, he must decide for himself . . .
Man up or walk away?

SC Montgomery has created an emotional tale of first love, difficult choices, and impossible secrets. A deliciously angsty debut you need to read for yourself.

***Reader Warning*** Two Blue Lines is the emotional, honest story of two teenagers whose lives are about to change forever. While not glorified, or portrayed in detail, there are themes of sexual assault and teen pregnancy, as well as allusions to teenage drinking and some foul language. It is all meant to create an honest, relevant novel, but please be aware and read only if you’re comfortable.

***Note, while this novel is a standalone that deals with mature subject matter, it may be helpful to read Lines in the Sand first to understand what makes Reed Young tick and hear about the summer that changed his life forever. Well, before this one.
Buy Links: 
Amazon | Kobo | B&N | iTunes
I just knew that Mel was my compass. Had been for the past three years. She came into my life at my most emotional and had been my touchstone ever since. I’m not sure I’d know how to be me without her.

I ran home and showered again to get the popcorn smell off and put on clean clothes, including the shirt I knew Mel liked best. On the way over, I stopped at the store and cruised the floral department. 

What says ‘I love you’ and ‘I’m sorry’ and ‘Thank you for being the mother of my unborn child?’

Red roses looked too Valentiney.

Sunflowers seemed too Get Wellish.
I finally settled on a mixed bunch with multi-colored carnations and roses with some frou frou things I couldn’t name.
Swallowing a knot of confusing nerves, I bounded up the steps and knocked on Mel’s front door. The nerves became a swirl of hording elephants when the door swung open and I stared up into her father’s scowling face. Oh, shit. Had she told him . . . ?

What I thought about Two Blue Lines

When I saw the synopsis for Two Blue Lines I was curious to see if the story of teenage pregnancy would be updated for 2014. While the plot was familiar,  there were things I liked about this story. 
Reed and Melissa are sixteen years old and in love. And she's just told Reed she's pregnant. The story is told from both of their perspectives, with most of the chapters in Reed's POV. Melissa's POV is delivered through the pages of her diary.  I thought this was a unique way of letting the reader see what both of these main characters were thinking, but really, this is mostly Reed's story.
There are some very difficult emotions portrayed very well as they tell their parents, discuss abortion and adoption, manage the meanies at school and just... deal. Although Reed is shaken, he knows he loves Melissa and he takes steps to prepare without a whole lot of guidance from his parents. It takes most of the book for them to warm up and start giving Reed the emotional support he needs. 
Melissa is having a rough time too, compounded by the fact she is keeping a huge secret from everyone. I could understand why she felt she couldn't tell, and yet it frustrated me that she didn't see that she had to, just for the sake of her unborn baby. 
When Melissa goes into labor early, she is forced to divulge her secret under devastating circumstances, keeping me turning the pages to find out what was going to happen to this young couple. 
Overall, I liked this story, although I did feel that parts of it were a bit contrived and much of it was predictable, including the big secret. There was a lot of emotion in Two Blue Lines, and I just loved Reed's maturity and how he handled himself most of the time during a really stressful time.  It was really Reed that made this story worthwhile for me. 

ARC received for review.

About the Author

S C Montgomery Bio:

SC Montgomery is a self-proclaimed nerd and readaholic.  She has dabbled in telling stories since she was very young by letting her imagination play out with her Barbie dolls and her bestie many a weekend.  She also writes Contemporary adult romance under the pen name Shauna Allen, and it was in one of those novels that the YA bug bit when she wrote in a teenager loosely based on her own son.  Her first story, Lines in the Sand, was penned as a gift for her mother, but was published with her blessing, and it’s just taken off from there.

SC is married with three teenagers of her own, who give her plenty of inspiration and advice, and are a constant source of laughter and new terminology.  Besides writing, she loves reading, movies, singing and dancing reality shows and going to the beach.
You can sign up for her newsletter here:

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Review & Giveaway:Captivated by Megan Hart and Tiffany Reisz

I'm so excited to be part of this blog tour for
Captivated by Megan Hart and Tiffany Reisz
Read on for a review and giveaway!

Book Synopsis:

Double the passion and seduction as New York Times bestselling author Megan Hart and international bestselling author Tiffany Reisz weave two provocative tales about power, bad-boy lovers and secret desires!

LETTING GO by Megan Hart 
Colleen goes to the same bar every night and orders the same drink: a whiskey, neat. She doesn't drink it, though. Jesse the bartender notices the beautiful, sad woman who keeps to herself. Until one night when she lets go and lets him in. And after that, Jesse has only one mission--to show her one night is only the beginning.

SEIZE THE NIGHT by Tiffany Reisz 
Four years ago, a night of forbidden passion between Remi and Julien, the heirs of two powerful and competitive horse-racing families, led to a feud that is threatening to ruin both farms. Now Remi must find Julien again, but when she does, her need for Julien is just as strong and just as forbidden.

Goodreads Link:


Barnes & Noble:

What I thought about Captivated

 The best part about an anthology is finding a new author to keep an eye on. I really liked the story from Megan Hart, titled Letting Go. Colleen's ex-husband is a jerk. He's worn her down to the point of stealing her confidence, accusing her of being too controlling to enjoy life. 

When she hooks up with bartender Jesse for a snowy weekend, she finds that "control" can be a very big turn-on, especially with a willing partner.  But when things go from hook-up to something more serious, Colleen must face her insecurities head on. 

This story felt really fresh to me, and I loved the characters, including Colleen's boss Mark when he helps her put things in perspective.  And Jesse ... he's terrific! 

Seize the Night by Tiffany Reisz is retelling of Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet, using the main theme of family feud against the backdrop of Kentucky horse racing. 

When Remi suspects foul play between the two families, she must seek out Julien, her long-lost love in Paris. The attraction is still strong between them, even though their association started the feud. That doesn't stop Remi and soon they are reunited.

There's a sexy, smart-mouthed assistant and a luscious oncologist as side-kicks, along with breaking and entering, ambulances and fake marriages too! 

I loved that both of these stories had women paired with younger men and there were lovely HEA's all around.  Call me sappy, but it was a nice sweet read after a long day. I recommend reading both stories. 

ARC provided for review.

Author Bio& Contact Links:

Tiffany Reisz lives with her boyfriend (a reformed book reviewer) and two cats (one good, one evil). She graduated with a B.A. in English from Centre College in Danville, Kentucky and is making both her parents and her professors proud by writing BDSM erotica under her real name. She has five piercings, one tattoo, and has been arrested twice.

 When not under arrest, Tiffany enjoys Latin Dance, Latin Men, and Latin Verbs. She dropped out of a conservative southern seminary in order to pursue her dream of becoming a smut peddler. Johnny Depp’s aunt was her fourth grade teacher. Her first full-length novel THE SIREN was inspired by a desire to tie up actor Jason Isaacs (on paper). She hopes someday life will imitate art (in bed).

 If she couldn’t write, she would die.

Twitter: @TiffanyReisz

Review: The Headmaster by Tiffany Reisz

The Headmaster by Tiffany Reisz
At the remote Marshall School, Gwen Ashby stumbles upon the job-and the man-of her dreams. Stern, enigmatic Edwin Yorke simmers with a heat Gwen longs to unleash. But Edwin knows all too well that forbidden love can end in tragedy….

What I thought about The Headmaster 

Some of the very first books I read in my younger day were the new gothic romance novels by authors like Victoria Holt and Mary Stewart. Gothic romance is all about atmosphere and twisty turn of events, so when I heard that Tifffany Reisz was writing a short story in gothic style, I was really excited to read The Headmaster.

On her way to Chicago to find a job, Gwen stops at a old-time diner.  While there, she hears of a nearby school that might be looking for teachers. Without anything to lose, she decides to stop and apply for a job. Distracted as she's driving to the remote boarding school, Gwen has a car accident at it's gates.

When she wakes, she meets Edwin the headmaster. He's not exactly nice or welcoming, but Gwen sees underneath that gruff exterior and sets out to seduce him.  I liked this update on the gothic theme with the heroine as the initiator of the relationship. 

The students are thrilled to have her there and want her to stay, but as the hours go by, there's that distinct feeling of something not being quite right. As that feeling grows and Gwen investigates, she also manages to hook up with Edwin. They do great banter together and it's perfect foreplay to their love scenes.

Tiffany Reisz does a good job of keeping the secrets until the very end of the story, dropping little distractions along the way and building a creepy yet romantic atmosphere.  Although you might figure out what's going on before the ending, there's still a great punch at the end when everything becomes clear and I loved it!

I'll buy this volume of short stories just for The Headmaster. Nicely done gothic romance in a more modern style.  Loved the atmosphere and the story here. I'll probably read the rest when I can find some time on my reading schedule.

ARC provided for review. 

The Headmaster is part of a the Harlequin E Shivers Box Set Volume 4 which also contains these stories.

Darkness Unchained by Jane Godman
Torn body and soul between mesmerizing nobleman Uther Jago and his brooding brother Nicco, headstrong Annie van der Merwe flees homeward. Only in sultry South Africa can she conquer an inner darkness borne in blood and bone that threatens to destroy them all.

Forget Me Not by Barbara J. Hancock
Maddy Clark refuses to leave the macabre town of Scarlet Falls after her sister is mysteriously killed. While searching for the truth, she becomes enthralled by handsome sheriff William Constantine-a man held hostage by a jealous ghost.

Queen of Stone by Jen Christie
Uprooted by the Depression, Zara Pendleton heads south. She's seduced by the steamy wilderness and by Navarre, magnetic leader of a reclusive cult. Theirs is a destiny shot through with feverish desire-and mortal danger.


Tiffany Reisz is the author of the internationally bestselling and award-winning Original Sinners series for Mira Books (Harlequin/Mills & Boon). Tiffany's books inhabit a sexy shadowy world where romance, erotica and literature meet and do immoral and possibly illegal things to each other. She describes her genre as "literary friction," a term she stole from her main character, who gets in trouble almost as often as the author herself.

She lives in Portland, Oregon. If she couldn't write, she would die.

Twitter: @TiffanyReisz

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Release Day Blitz & Giveaway:Written in the Sand by T.A. Foster and Mary-Kathryn Craft


Today is the release day for
by T.A. Foster and Mary-Kathryn Craft!

Be sure to check out the contest and teasers below.

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Blair is determined to stay on course. Her reporting career is waiting for her if she can just make it through summer on the island.

Justyn knows not to get attached to tourist girls breezing through town for only a season.

Maggie wants to cherish her last few months of summer freedom. So what if she has to keep a tiny secret to make sure everyone around her stays happy?

Reid doesn’t have time for romance. His new business must succeed, no matter the cost.

This summer everything is about to change. All those carefully laid plans might shift faster than the tides. When these four start spending time together, the island nights get hotter than the sun-drenched days. Trying to stay untangled and unattached is easier said than done when the one thing you want is standing right in front of you.


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T.A. Foster is Southern girl whose heart and spirit are connected to the beach. She grew up catching rays and chasing waves along the North Carolina Outer Banks and now resides in the state with her adventurous pilot husband, two children, and two canine kiddos. She has an undergraduate degree in Journalism and Mass Communication from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and a graduate degree in Educational Psychology from Texas A&M University.  

Author Links:
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Mary-Kathryn Craft spent her childhood summers vacationing on Harkers Island, North Carolina. There she fell in love with the Cape Lookout beaches and learned about the power of a good story from the island old-timers. With degrees in Journalism and Mass Communication from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and the University of South Carolina, she now works in public relations in Columbia, South Carolina with her husband, daughter, and shiba inu.

Twitter Link:  

Written in the Sand is more than fifteen years in the making. Tucked away in boxes and buried deep on hard drives, pieces of Maggie and Blair’s story sat untouched for years before the authors rediscovered the work in progress. They knew it was time to revisit the island and give Maggie, Blair, Justyn, and Reid a summer to remember.

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Release Day Launch,Giveaway, Excerpt:All Broke Down by Cora Carmack

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Yowza! We are extremely excited to bring you the Release Day Launch for
Cora Carmack's ALL BROKE DOWN!!
ALL BROKE DOWN is a New Adult Contemporary Romance novel being published by HarperCollins, and it is the 2nd book in The Rusk University Series.
 All Broke Down

Amazon ** Barnes and Noble ** iTunes


In this second book in New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Cora Carmack’s New Adult, Texas-set Rusk University series, which began with ALL BROKE DOWN, a young woman discovers that you can’t only fight for what you believe in . . . sometimes you have to fight for what you love

Dylan fights for lost causes. Probably because she used to be one.

Environmental issues, civil rights, corrupt corporations, and politicians—you name it, she’s probably been involved in a protest. When her latest cause lands her in jail overnight, she meets Silas Moore. He’s in for a different kind of fighting. And though he’s arrogant and infuriating, she can’t help being fascinated with him. Yet another lost cause.

Football and trouble are the only things that have ever come naturally to Silas. And it’s trouble that lands him in a cell next to do-gooder Dylan. He’s met girls like her before—fixers, he calls them, desperate to heal the damage and make him into their ideal boyfriend. But he doesn’t think he’s broken, and he definitely doesn’t need a girlfriend trying to change him. Until, that is, his anger issues and rash decisions threaten the only thing he really cares about, his spot on the Rusk University football team. Dylan might just be the perfect girl to help.

Because Silas Moore needs some fixing after all.

ABD Teaser 1


I think I get it then. That decision I saw in her eyes back in the kitchen. That’s what this, what I’m about for her, too. I’m just another part of whatever rebellion she started earlier today. About doing what she wants, not what’s expected of her.

“We’re not talking about me, though,” she says. “So you went to meet your friend, and then what happened?”

She keeps her eyes down as she picks up the gauze and begins winding it snugly around the knuckles of one hand, and then the other.

“He said the wrong thing.”

“Which was?”

“Dylan.” Now it’s her that’s pushing too hard. I didn’t want to talk about things with my friends, and I won’t talk about them with her, either, no matter how gorgeous she is.

“I’ll guess. You were mad about what he did, and he wasn’t sorry.”

“This isn’t middle school, Pickle. He didn’t hurt my feelings. He said some shit he had no business saying, and it pissed me off. The end.”

“But you don’t think some of that anger stems from what you feel is a betrayal of your friendship?”

She finishes taping down the last of the gauze, but doesn’t let go of my hand.

“I think you’re analyzing me again. Making things more complicated than they are.”

“And I think you’re just a guy who doesn’t like to admit he has feelings.” She drags out the word, teasing me with some goofy smile on her face. I turn my hand over so I can clutch her wrist. I curlmy other bandaged hand around her waist and pull her closer.

“I feel plenty of things.”

The teasing stops. She swallows.

“I wasn’t talking about that kind of feeling.”

With her standing and me sitting, I’m eye level with her chest. I see the sharp rise and fall as she sucks in a breath. I want her in my lap again, straddling me this time.

“Doesn’t mean we can’t talk about that kind of feeling. Or experiment with it.”

“Is that Stella girl an ex?”

I cough, surprised. My throat twists uncomfortably, and it takes me a couple of solid breaths to get a hold on myself.

“Ah, no. Stella and I have never dated.”

“Have you—”

“Do you ever run out of questions?”

“Not ever.” She turns playful again, and I’m done doing this the careful way. If she wants a rebellion, I’ll be the one to give it to her. I want her against me, and I’m tired of waiting.

I pull her forward, insinuating my knees between hers, and her body naturally follows, settling across my thighs. Her lips part, but she catches herself before she gasps this time. I keep her steady with my hands at her waist and say, “I’ll make you a deal. A question for a kiss.”

Tentatively, she lays her palms against my shoulders. They rest there, her grip light and casual. She ponders my offer for a moment, and it drives me mad that she can do that while our hips are inches away from alignment.

“Okay then. Are you—”

I cut her off. “Not so fast, Dylan Brenner. I’ve already answered one question. We’ve got to settle up first.”

I wrap her braid around my hand like I’ve been waiting to do all night, and I use it to pull her head back just enough that I can crush my mouth against hers.

Read my 5 Star review of All Broke Down

And don’t forget to grab your copy of ALL LINED UP Today!

All Lined Up

Amazon ** Barnes & Noble ** iTunes

About Cora Carmack: Cora Carmack is a twenty-something writer who likes to write about twenty-something characters. She's done a multitude of things in her life-- boring jobs (like working retail), Fun jobs (like working in a theatre), stressful jobs (like teaching), and dream jobs (like writing). She enjoys placing her characters in the most awkward situations possible, and then trying to help them get a boyfriend out of it. Awkward people need love, too. Her first book, LOSING IT, was a New York Times and USA Today bestseller.

Website ** Twitter ** Facebook ** Author Goodreads ** ALL BROKE DOWN Goodreads


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Monday, October 27, 2014

Rowdy by Jay Crownover Character Tour with Cora & Giveaway

I'm so excited to be part of
Jay Crownover's Rowdy Character Tour!  
Keep reading for Cora's interview!
ROWDY Synopsis:
The New York Times and USA Today bestselling Marked Men series continues with this sizzling, sexy story of love, heartbreak, fate, and second chances.

After the only girl he ever loved told him that he would never be enough, Rowdy St. James knocked the Texas dust off his boots and set out to live up to his nickname. A good ol’ boy looking for good times and good friends, Rowdy refuses to take anything too seriously, especially when it comes to the opposite sex. Burned by love once, he isn’t going to let himself trust a woman again. But that’s before his new co-worker arrives, a ghost from the past who’s suddenly making him question every lesson he ever learned.

Salem Cruz grew up in house with too many rules and too little fun—a world of unhappiness she couldn’t wait to forget. But one nice thing from childhood has stayed with her; the memory of the sweet, blue-eyed boy next door who’d been head over heels in love with her little sister.

Now, fate and an old friend have brought her and Rowdy together, and Salem is determined to show him that once upon a time he picked the wrong sister. A mission that is working perfectly—until the one person that ties them together appears, threatening to tear them apart for good.

Buy Links:

 Rome interviewing Cora 

Rome picks her up and lifts her over the desk so that she is sitting on the edge while he falls back in his office chair. He puts his hands on her tattooed thigh and tilts his head back so that he can look up at her now that she is above him: Does the difference in our size ever bother you? I mean I know you seem a lot bigger than you are because of all that attitude but really you’re just pocket sized.

She scowls at him playfully: No. You only manhandle me when I ask really nicely so I generally don’t even think about it. At first you were overwhelming. You just seemed to be everywhere, but that was more because you were taking over all the space in my head and my heart, not because you’re a giant and hog the bed.

He snorts and traces the design inked onto her leg with his finger: You like that you get to sleep on top of me. It pissed you off the entire time you were pregnant with Remy that you kept rolling off cause your belly got in the way.

Cora: Do you think your brother would be happy we picked his name for her?

Rome with an odd look on his face: I know he would. It was the only choice to make. (She’s asked him to explain that before but he always tells her that he can’t. Since he almost died for her she lets him keep that one, tiny thing to himself)

Rome rolling his chair closer so that she has to move her legs apart to make room for him as he puts his hands around her waist: So do you ever wonder what would have happened if all your impulsive decisions had backfired? Like what if I had decided you were a crazy bitch when you dumped that beer on my head or if things with Orlando had totally blown up? You take risks with other people’s emotions and lives that could really be devastating if they don’t work out in your favor, Half-Pint.

Cora reaches out and puts her hands on his shoulders and leans forward so that she can rest her cheek on the top of his head: I had to do it…well maybe not pour the beer on your head. That was just because you pissed me off so bad I couldn’t see straight and if you had decided I was a crazy bitch you wouldn’t have been wrong. I didn’t know you at all, but there was something about you…even that early that had me acting all kinds of crazy. Maybe it was pheromones. As for Lando I knew going in it was a major risk for both Shaw and I to make. I had my fingers crossed the entire time, but he’s such a good guy and he loved your brother so much I just had a gut feeling it would all work out. He needed to be part of the family.

Rome: He is.

Cora: I know and that’s why I can’t love you any more than I already do. You are a hard man, Rome, but underneath it all you are all heart.

He grunts at her and pulls her off the desk so that she is set firmly in his lap. Yep, there are things about Rome that are very hard!: You gonna let me keep putting kid’s in you?

Cora with a laugh as he starts pulling at her clothes: If they all turn out as adorable and as wonderful as Remy, you know it. She is the greatest gift you could ever give me.

Rome: She is the best thing next to you that has ever happened to me…did you lock the door when you came in here?

Cora: Of course I did, Big Guy. I knew I was going to have to put out in order to get you to agree to do this.

Rome: Damn straight….now it’s my turn to have fun.

 And now for Cora's playlist of classic rock... 

For the rest of the interviews, check out the 

October 22
Smut Book Club-Rule

October 23
Wolfel’s World of Books-Shaw

October 24
Kimberlyfaye Reads-Jet

October 25
A Bookish Escape-Ayden

October 26
Sinfully Sexy Book Reviews-Rome

October 27
Red Hot + Blue Reads-Cora

October 28
Black Heart Reviews-Nash

October 29
Cocktails and Books-Saint

October 30
Holly’s Red Hot Reviews-Rowdy

October 31
The Book Avenue-Salem

And don’t miss the previous books in
The Marked Men Series!



 About Jay Crownover:

Jay Crownover is the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of the Marked Men series. She also introduced the dark and sexy world of The Point in a new series this last summer starting with BETTER WHEN HE's BAD. Like her characters, she is a big fan of tattoos. She loves music and wishes she could be a rock star, but since she has no aptitude for singing or instrument playing, she'll settle for writing stories with interesting characters that make the reader feel something. She lives in Colorado with her three dogs. 


Release Day Review: 5 stars for Holidating:Three Sizzling Holiday Romances by Sarina Bowen

  24-time USA Today bestseller Sarina Bowen's first holiday collection! Enjoy three complete holiday romances from Sarina Bowen. Yo...