Friday, March 6, 2020

Release Day Review & Excerpt: 5 Stars for Runaway Road (Runaway #1) by Devney Perry

Release Date: March 6th, 2020

Londyn McCormack didn’t have a typical childhood. She ran away from home at sixteen, escaping parents more interested in drugs than their daughter. She doesn’t have loving siblings or an adorable pet. Her only family is the five other runaway kids who shared her junkyard home.

Life pulled them all in separate directions, taking her to Boston. For a short time, she thought she’d found something permanent. But after a devastating divorce, she’s running away again, this time to find a lost friend.

She’s driving across the country in her convertible. As a teenager, the rusty car was her shelter. As an adult, it’s her ride to freedom.

Except one flat tire derails her trip. Her life collides with Brooks Cohen. They walked away from the first crash. The second might destroy them both. 


“When was the last time you had pie for dinner?”

“Can’t say I ever have.”

Her fork dove into the chocolate cream. She hummed and her eyes drifted closed when the bite passed her lips. She savored it, rolling it around in her mouth. The woman had a talented tongue—lucky pie. She moaned again, torturing me with the subtle sound.

She swallowed, then shot me a smile that was pure sex. “You’re missing out.”

I snapped my fingers, raising my hand in the air to flag down the waitress. When she came over, I pointed to Londyn’s plate. “I’ll have that.”


What I thought about Runaway Road

Londyn's divorce is final and she's ready to hit the road. She plans to travel across the country to look up and old friend, but ends up in a ditch in West Virginia, waiting for the tow-truck driver.

And what a driver! Brooks Cohen shows up to help Londyn get her classic car in the body shop for repairs and she ends up staying in Summers for longer than she expected. It's enough time for Brooks and Londyn to really fall for each other.

That's the charm of this book. What starts off as a friendship turns to something more. There's a wonderful progression of their relationship and the small town feel just really bathes this story in a sweet, wonderful light. The conflict is relatively low, and the love story between Brooks and Londyn is both steamy and adorable. I also loved that the story kept moving and kept me interested until the final pages.

If you're looking for something easy, sweet and a a nice level of steamy, you just might like Runaway Road.

An ARC was provided. This is my honest review.


About the Author

Devney is a USA Today bestselling author. Born and raised in Montana, she loves writing books set in her treasured home state. After working in the technology industry for nearly a decade, she abandoned conference calls and project schedules to enjoy a slower pace at home with her husband and two sons. Writing one book, let alone many, was not something she ever expected to do. But now that she’s discovered her true passion for writing romance, she has no plans to ever stop. Devney loves hearing from readers!

Connect with her on social media!


Northwoman said...

I've been meaning to read this author and even own a couple of her books. Fantastic review! I'm glad to know this is a great read.

Anne - Books of My Heart

Trader Mare said...

Thanks! This is a relatively new author for me, but I really like her writing,

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