Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Release Day Review: All I Ask by Corinne Michaels

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From the New York Times bestselling author of One Last Time comes a breathtaking story about first love, second chances, and starting over.

All I Ask, a new standalone contemporary romance by New York Times bestselling author Corinne Michaels is now LIVE!
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Teagan Berkley is trying her best. A single mom raising a precocious teen, she may have given up on her dreams, but she's accepted her life in her small beachside hometown. Now the one person who abandoned her when she needed him the most has returned, bringing back memories of what might have been.

Derek Hartz arrives in town with a teenage daughter - and he's full of guilt over his failed marriage and the way he ended his friendship with Teagan. He's determined to set things right with her, but first he needs to gain her trust. Something he's not convinced he deserves.

As Teagan and Derek open up to each other-and confess their deepest secrets-it's impossible for them to deny what's always been between them. But just when their happily ever after is within reach, their complicated history surfaces again and threatens to keep them apart. Forever.

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Download your copy today!
Amazon Worldwide: mybook.to/AllIAskCM
Google Play: http://bit.ly/31KvuzA
Add to Goodreads: http://bit.ly/31MMp4u

What I thought about All I Ask

Teagan and Derek have been best friends since high school, and she's got a problem -- she's in love with him and he's going to marry someone else.

The start of this book is really terrific and pulled me right into this second chance / friends-to-enemies-to-lovers story.  I felt compelled to find out what was going to happen to Teagan and her daughter.  A former mean-girl, all that matters is her daughter, and she wants nothing to do with her sperm donor for good reason.

When Derek comes back into Teagan's life after thirteen years, it takes some time for Teagan to get over what he did to her.  And then there is the matter of Derek's daughter who goes to school with Teagan's daughter and who just might be one of the mean-girls.

I loved the beginning of this story and how they recapture (with some trouble) their former feelings for each other. But once they get there, that's when the pace of the book slows down some until an incident with Derek and Teagan's daughter causes everything to blow up.  And then there's a bit of twist at the end that had me hoping they could somehow, someway make things right between them again. 

The story kept me engaged for the most part, although there were some slower spots (for me).  If you are a fan of "true love / first love" stories, this standalone might be for you.

An ARC was provided. This is my honest review. 

Meet Corinne:
Corinne Michaels is the New York Times, USA Today, and Wall Street Journal Bestseller author. She’s an emotional, witty, sarcastic, and fun-loving mom of two beautiful children. Corinne is happily married to the man of her dreams and is a former Navy wife.
After spending months away from her husband while he was deployed, reading and writing was her escape from the loneliness. She enjoys putting her characters through intense heartbreak and finding a way to heal them through their struggles. Her stories are chock full of emotion, humor, and unrelenting love.
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1 comment:

Northwoman said...

I love the cover. I have enjoyed some of this author's work and hope to read more. Wonderful review!

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